
Congratulations on your character that hit lvl 80+ (missed the part where someone asked, very sorry.) but a Great feat nonetheless! :-)

You could unspec 70% of your tree and your Aegis Aurora shield would still work.
Wrong, aegis aurora works even without a single passive skill spent

PS, 12 ex for a Zombie Arm, lmfao. Die and sell it on Standard, please.
poe.xyz.is if you want to buy yourself a mon'tregul's grasp on spandarT gl!

i can't see the question, try to ask something if you need attention / information :-)
p.s.: found it!
I'm not ashamed of playing Standard. Why should I be ?
you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, you absolutely nail this internet-talk, although i'd prefer you stay on topic and make more sense, here have a banana! :-) :-)
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
Последняя редакция: tehosiris#3518. Время: 7 янв. 2014 г., 14:47:02
You seem to be tracking down everyone's characters to prove their opinion doesn't matter, and then when someone post their fairly impressive set of race characters you suddenly don't care. Monkey Monkey
Hey everyone,

Please refrain from antagonizing other players and be sure to keep on-topic with constructive, civil posts.
Need Support? support@grindinggear.com.
Yeran_GGG написал:
Hey everyone,

Please refrain from antagonizing other players and be sure to keep on-topic with constructive, civil posts.

Flaming / antagonizing / overly criticizing is literally half of the fun of the game. You should relax before you get clipclapped.

Check out my Valkyrie Slayer of Thor's Hammer Exinfinite Tribal Warrior Max Block Cyclone Blender of Doom Full Justice League Manmode Pie Eater build.

* http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABCGeTOr0nGDz56ILHKPrquoRIPI4Bb1fJN4Om6yymN2Y0CkGHtz7-CvJFOuGmV03j_o81kqxZiPHnY7XybqpKyD8nKk3rLJLNRZZ9W-KAIJxRTBmGkvOsRxUgLOndDVuvTioppQ==

*Disclaimer requires Aegis Aurora
TheDruid написал:
Yeran_GGG написал:
Hey everyone,

Please refrain from antagonizing other players and be sure to keep on-topic with constructive, civil posts.

Flaming / antagonizing / overly criticizing is literally half of the fun of the game. You should relax before you get clipclapped.

Check out my Valkyrie Slayer of Thor's Hammer Exinfinite Tribal Warrior Max Block Cyclone Blender of Doom Full Justice League Manmode Pie Eater build.

* http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABCGeTOr0nGDz56ILHKPrquoRIPI4Bb1fJN4Om6yymN2Y0CkGHtz7-CvJFOuGmV03j_o81kqxZiPHnY7XybqpKyD8nKk3rLJLNRZZ9W-KAIJxRTBmGkvOsRxUgLOndDVuvTioppQ==

*Disclaimer requires Aegis Aurora

This sure is a sexy build.
thank you for telling everyone to calm down

helo thedruid i can't see your question, that build will work in standard for sure!

[Post Edited by Admin]
Stream: www.twitch.tv/sampudrinker
Последняя редакция: Yeran_GGG#0000. Время: 9 янв. 2014 г., 20:48:24
tehosiris написал:
thank you for telling the monkeys to calm down and eat their babanas <3

helo thedruid i can't see your question, that build will work in standard for sure!

I'm pretty sure Yeran's comment was direct towards you as well. Also, you misspelled "Bananas".

Now, what question could we ask ? You have already stated that your build is the best of its kind, optimized, and rather-well geared. Considering this thread's original post, there is no possibility for constructive feedback to be given - and this is not some sort of mockery. I might consider going in detail as to why it is so, if you need me to enlighten you. Otherwise, I'll let you find out.

Best regards.

PS : I see you are building another expensive build, hopefully it will be 100% original and self-crafted. Little tip regarding your upcoming forum thread : you might want to step out of your brand new "monkey cage" before locking it down.
To learn is to live...
Mind sharing your life version?
Hey everyone,

Please refrain from antagonizing each other, and be sure to keep on topic. Further posts of this nature can be cause for probation. I refer to the following thread:

Need Support? support@grindinggear.com.
Is your CI Passive tree posted? I could have missed it....

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