1.1.3 Patch Notes

LostXray написал:
so i think its unfair that Garena server gets....

New Microtransaction - Passive Skill Reset

wtf? O.o

It's also unfair if they start selling them here, it is pay2win.
Tech guy
kompaniet написал:
Added a new Strength skill - Molten Strike: Attacks a target with physical and fire damage, causing balls of molten magma to launch forth from your weapon as you swing. These will explode, causing AoE attack damage to enemies where they land.

Will molten strike be usable with facebreakers?

probably not, it says magma launches from your weapon. I hope they let facebreakers use it though!
Added an option to constrain the mouse pointer to the window.

Thank you!
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
Chris написал:
Version 1.1.3:
General Balance:
  • Added a cap for Dodge and Spell Dodge of 75%.

Can somneone enlighten me? is GGG really talking about dodge? Since afaik the only DODGE mechanism comes from the Acrobatics Keystone and the pair of Unique Boots that gives maybe a max of 20% Dodge. So at the moment its not possible to get more then 60% Dodge (afaik)

Последняя редакция: hcl#4312. Время: 30 апр. 2014 г., 16:24:37
Mark_GGG написал:
ama написал:
Changed Life, Mana and Hybrid flasks to no longer be usable when they would have no function. That is, when there is no life and/or mana to recover and there is no on-use effect.

Divination Distillate nerf, MFers need to be hit before Distillate can actually work?
That's always been the case. The only change is that now if there's no life to recover, it will do nothing and not use charges, rather than doing nothing but using up charges.

ama написал:
Can't remove curse for example from Rima before she can hit you (same for other mobs that use curses)? Sounds like a potentially big problem to me in various situations.
Removing curses on use is an on-use effect, which specifically allow the flask to be used anyway to get the effect, as mentioned in the patch note.

Could this be applied to animation (?minion healing ones) flasks as well? It would be nice if CI users could use flasks to heal minions.
Wings microtransaction - this is so fucking out of context.

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"The character creation process has been streamlined so that you have to select a character class before you can type in a character name. Some new players were struggling to understand the flow of this UI before."

Will my
still heal my minions when I am on full life or no? If not this change is really really bad for summoners.

Either way, I think you should make it a option in the option menu that way people can choose how it works for themselves. Thanks.

Also another option is that you make a totally new flask for minions. Whatever is easier for you guys to do to allow our minons to be healed from flasks.
Последняя редакция: Orbitalx#4006. Время: 30 апр. 2014 г., 16:45:51
Any update on the Desync (cyclone) changes mentioned in the manifesto? I was really looking forward to that.
I'd rather have ball lightning than ground slam with added balls of lava and more vaal skills nobody will use.
Последняя редакция: Nycro#4007. Время: 30 апр. 2014 г., 17:08:05

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