1.1.3 Patch Notes

Is there any particular reason Molten shell doesn't seem to work with Concentrated effect (even the explosion after the boulder hits)

And for example. If the tooltip says 1k dps. Is that per boulder hit ? Because you deal damage once when the boulder goes up and again when it goes down (explodes)
Последняя редакция: hajutzebg#5271. Время: 1 мая 2014 г., 3:40:02
Pobra написал:

Seems a bit odd how Garena added a passive reset microtransaction, which is obviously pay to win. Gladly GGG is strongly against pay to win, so such mtx will (hopefully) never take place on GGG's own PoE servers.

Is this true? If so ...
Mirror of Kalandra?
Последняя редакция: ama#3165. Время: 1 мая 2014 г., 3:28:26
CharanJaydemyr написал:
loCurnus написал:
very cool, big list looking forward to dis...

ah btw again i would like to introduce my very best button for:


Some people stand out by being naturally awesome (*blush* yes, yes I know) and some have to do it by being 'first' in an otherwise non-existent race.


That flask change is very interesting. So you can still burn flask charges if the flask has any on-use effect, but 'vanilla' flasks (with passive boosts like extra charges or surgeon's) won't tap unless necessary. That'll probably be helpful for twitchy self-healers like myself.

I like this trend towards giving monsters alternate skill appearances to players. A lot. It wasn't such a big problem until the rogue exiles turned up, and suddenly Flameblast in a party might be 'hey, cool!' or 'ohSHITMAGNUSRIP!'...Only sad thing is if the enemy version of the skill looks better than ours, then we'll be like 'awww mtx please'.

This is the case with the necromancer curses, I feel.

yes, but its senseless spam :) for that i have to post my emergency button all the time ... muauauauaauauauahhahahaha
▒▒▒▒░░░░░ ++HIDEOUT IMPROVEMENT THREAD: ..../view-thread/2179528...++░░░░▒▒▒▒
Voidbringers are still bugged...
"Added three new unique chests that can appear in the Ambush league."

shouldn't it be "Unique Boxes" instead of "Unique Chests" ? its kinda ambiguous >.<

Molten Strike is a quest reward for "Enemy at the Gate" on Normal Difficulty for the Templar, Marauder, Duelist and Scion.

I can't choose it as Scion... it's not there
I'm no beast of burden...
Chris написал:
Version 1.1.3:
[li]Added an option to constrain the mouse pointer to the window.[/li]

It would be great if you could add a second step to it: Add a key-combo that breaks the constraint.

Typical usage: Have big or multiple monitors, so being constraint to the window is fine. However if you want to check forums, do something else, you have to go through the Esc -> Options -> UI to deactivate it again (or exit the game).

To make it simpler between switching modes, it would be good to add a key-combo that would stop the constraint (at the moment).

E.g. you're playing POE and have the constraint activated. Now you want to check your email, press Shift-Esc (as example) and you are not constrained anymore to the PoE window... you go check your email and then when you click again in PoE, the constraint is reactivated automagically.
hyper_ch написал:
Chris написал:
Version 1.1.3:
[li]Added an option to constrain the mouse pointer to the window.[/li]

It would be great if you could add a second step to it: Add a key-combo that breaks the constraint.

I'd never had expected the one without the other?! Like its used (and neccessary) for virtual machines: you're bound to the VM window, but using an assigned key lets you 'leave' it.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
Poison cloud zombies got nerfed! D:

Those were my favorite addition to the game in a long time.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Does molten strike work with face breakers?

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