1.1.3 Patch Notes

So here we are like 2 months later and still no promised lightning ball, even though you said you'd deploy it at 1.1.
And yet still no news about working on desync & fixing the broken drop system.

Guess I'll have to wait for the next one as usual.
hyper_ch написал:
Chris написал:
Version 1.1.3:
[li]Added an option to constrain the mouse pointer to the window.[/li]

It would be great if you could add a second step to it: Add a key-combo that breaks the constraint.

On Windows 7, pressing the Windows key takes the focus away from the game window, unconstraining the pointer's movement. Not a perfect solution, but seems to work like a charm. Don't know how it works in multi-monitor situations, but I'd expect it's the same.

On Windows 8 that may not really work, because it shoves the huge fullscreen Metro...I mean "Modern UI" in your face upon pressing the windows key. Hopefully they'll add an option for the classical start menu in the future, and also the ability to choose which menu appears upon pressing the windows key.

Having said that, I second the idea for adding an option to assign a button for unconstraining the pointer movement temporarily, it could be either a toggle or "while pressed", or both.
Последняя редакция: Pobra#6532. Время: 1 мая 2014 г., 8:10:12
Thank you for Molten Strike, i am having tons of fun with it. Only thing i noticed is that Faster/Slower Projectiles does not increase/decrease the way the projectiles travel, like one (or me) would expect.

Works brilliant with all kind of support gems, yay ;)
3 things that bother me:

i liked hailrakes ice spears cause u really had to kite him in order to beat him...
i got him down with a fail skilled and low equipped ci dagger shadow (2k es 1k health 30% dodge) on merciless and i believe he is no problem at all with chars that have at least a decent looking skilltree and gear...

i dont really know why ud change the shield charges and poison cloud :\
that were the few thing in my first playthrough where i was like that are only rhoas/zombies ill just stand here and aoe them and then saw my hp bar drop i liked that alot its only normal difficulty though so if new players get used to them not dealing dmg in normal then they will have pretty frustrating deaths in cruel i believe...

dodge cap... i might be wrong im still relatively new to the game so correct me but isnt that death for evasion builds? i always saw the advantage in dodge to become near invulnerable for a short time with a jade flask which gave me the 2-3 seconds i needed to wreck everything with insane dps :\ so iron reflexes just seems superior to me now... and i just dont like the idea to build every single character on full life and armor and take longer than i want to for trash grps till lvl 80...

it bothers me cause i played my ci dagger crit shadow to lvl 62 and i can easily beat merciless with 1.8k es and 1 hp cause i have 12k double strike and 8k ls dps
after him i lvled a templar and ranger they are both full life+armor and it just seems boring compared to my clearspeed with the shadow :\
Yunora93 написал:

dodge cap... i might be wrong im still relatively new to the game so correct me but isnt that death for evasion builds?

You (too) are mixing dodge chance with evasion rating. It's currently probably not even possible to get 75% dodge, so the added cap for dodge is fine.

In future there might be some way to raise the dodge percentage up to 75%, but that would already be pretty damn powerful when combined with a high evasion rating.


hyper_ch написал:
Chris написал:
Version 1.1.3:
[li]Added an option to constrain the mouse pointer to the window.[/li]

It would be great if you could add a second step to it: Add a key-combo that breaks the constraint.

Typical usage: Have big or multiple monitors, so being constraint to the window is fine. However if you want to check forums, do something else, you have to go through the Esc -> Options -> UI to deactivate it again (or exit the game).

To make it simpler between switching modes, it would be good to add a key-combo that would stop the constraint (at the moment).

E.g. you're playing POE and have the constraint activated. Now you want to check your email, press Shift-Esc (as example) and you are not constrained anymore to the PoE window... you go check your email and then when you click again in PoE, the constraint is reactivated automagically.

You can use Alt + Tab to cycle through your open windows
Quick feedback on the patch .
Convocation : Please dont do this ever again to a skill or feature of a skill .
We KNOW how this gem should work , we all seen it work with smoke mine . Its effect is crap now , meaning doesnt rly pull the minions close enough to you and sometimes even misses 1-2 of them and leaves them to rot wherever ...
At first i thought im just seeing some desync and the mobs are actually brought to me so i counted few times .
About the delay that prevents us from using it, considering the 2 sec healing effect( even if the amount was 1k its 2 effing seconds goddamnit )... Yeah ...
So in short , read my second sentense again .

pretty pissed(again)summoner
IGN: Egveen
What was the hotfix for?

When fighting Brutus during a Race right after the Patch, my in-game sound effects were glitching out. Like Brutus walking chain dangling sound effect was 1,000% louder and reverberating, the fire crackling in Lioneye's was like a waterfall of static...

I had to restart PoE, then noticed the hotfix Patch, so I assumed maybe it was dealing with that? :S
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Hamallainen написал:
hyper_ch написал:
Chris написал:
Version 1.1.3:
[li]Added an option to constrain the mouse pointer to the window.[/li]

It would be great if you could add a second step to it: Add a key-combo that breaks the constraint.

Typical usage: Have big or multiple monitors, so being constraint to the window is fine. However if you want to check forums, do something else, you have to go through the Esc -> Options -> UI to deactivate it again (or exit the game).

To make it simpler between switching modes, it would be good to add a key-combo that would stop the constraint (at the moment).

E.g. you're playing POE and have the constraint activated. Now you want to check your email, press Shift-Esc (as example) and you are not constrained anymore to the PoE window... you go check your email and then when you click again in PoE, the constraint is reactivated automagically.

You can use Alt + Tab to cycle through your open windows

I play in windowed fullscreen mode. Does this help anyone?
Good job again !

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