[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

anvilgod написал:
I am at 9.6k dps on TS and 35% crit chance. Resists are 98/91/81 and 4390 HP. How are people getting over 40k dps on TS and 50+ crit chance? I don't have rats nest or maligaro's yet but taking a look at those items, it seems unlikely that those items would boost my dps so much, how is that possible? What's the catch?

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Your bow at just 6% crit
Your chest is just 5L , your gems not lvl 20 & 20% quality
No maligaro's
Your quiver is just not bad

With time and improving these parts, you will get there.

You will need to be patient.

I've been playing this build for a week now and I gotta say.. it is soo broken. Frenzy charges took this to a totally new level damage wise. Split arrow chain is the nuts, frenzy for single target is broken!

Some thoughs on defenses (for the upper middle class)

U have two ways as i see it.
1.Daresso's defiance and rare tri res ms boots (gloves are acuities or maligaros, head is rat's nest so u need to cap resists somehow :P)

2.A rare evasion tri res life chest and +1 frenzy (or just regular) atziri's step
I am starting to like the 2nd way a bit more, cause u end up with 8 frenzy charges and a ton more evasion than with daresso's.

About glyph mark users, there is absolutely no way u can run without arrow dancing. U are going to kill urself to reflect way too often. Basically if u have a 450+ pdps bow u need arrow dancing sadly...

I'm still leveling, I will have all the points I need at level 94

My gear (quiver-rings-belt-boots will be upgraded as they are a bit shitty)

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Aren't you all loosimg a lot of leech ability taking WED & PTL with higher end gears and a good harbinger bow. I did run a few tests when the patch first hit with high end gears and this gem setup even though the dps was higher by a noticeable amount xD the leech seemed to bounce around a lot more with that gem setup then the more physical damage setup on general reflect. Running reflect maps IMO still requires a gem rotation to ideas like TS>GMP>FA>PTL>LL>optional 6th link in order to run the 13% new or 18% old reflect maps. Are you guys crippling your leech moving into the 1/2 elemental damage environment?
Последняя редакция: NewbieDOTcom#6239. Время: 17 июля 2015 г., 14:35:40
Bjorn_Angannon написал:
Opinionated написал:
Bjorn_Angannon написал:

Daresso's Defiance plus CWDT/IC/ID/whatever basically equals old school CWDT setup.

No it was changed. You will lose your endurance charges to onslaught. Unless you have some neat trick.

You are correct in the sense I should have expounded more. And, I was wrong in saying "basically equals" because that does imply the same duration as before.

When you get hit below the CWDT threshold, you gain onslaught. When you get hit at or above the CWDT threshold and you have endurance charges, your IC is extended by 124% per charge. IC was changed to severely reduce the time it is up. With 3 charges I get about a 2 sec IC. it is not a lot of time, but it is enough time to make a snappy decision.....do I pot? do I stop using TS and switch to puncture trap?? do I GTFO!!??? lol And with TS, SA+chain, or any other favorite attack, you kill quickly enough that you should have endurance charges up at least 95% of the time (except against bosses with no or few ads).

I have been using Daresso's Defiance without enduring cry for the past two months; and am using it on Warbands as well. I think this is still a solid setup IMHO.

Did CWDT always function this way in regards to Darreso? (Bolded part)

Pre 2.0 I used this setup and pretty much had immortal call non stop in reflect maps. I loaded up reflect map in 2.0 and was dieing! In my limited testing, it appeared immortal call was going off, but the endurance charges were being used for onslaught. I am using a level 1 CWDT on evasion character. I would assume all my hits would be above the CWDT threshold.

I am just wondering if IC and Daresso might have both changed. Double whammy of sorts. BTW I agree with you, Daresso is still a solid chest piece. Hard to argue with almost permanent endurance charge up time without casting enduring cry.
<3 Free Tibet <3
Physical to lightning creeples my leech but wed does not.
The leech has to do with the weapon's pdps.

Reflect never kills me 1 shot cause i always use my split arrow to kill reflect mobs.
If a big boss has reflect and it is on its own (a bit hard to kill with split arrow) i use frenzy and pop taste of hate, which along with arrow dancing saves my ass :) . But then again i almost never use this setup so.. :P

My build is totally reflect proof, as long as u watch out a little, pay attention (most bow builds need u to do that basically)
Good guide i start recently my ranger, lvl 56 i have 3k1 dps with 3 frenzy, 2k7 no frenzy
my stuff
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But i see "added fire dammage" gain +35% pdammage in fire dammage, is verry strong in build pierce no? (remplace "Physical to Lightning" and "Weapon elemental damage" with "added fire dammage" and "pierce")
Последняя редакция: byakuya44#1090. Время: 17 июля 2015 г., 15:23:55
Why is does it say that frenzy charge skill points are key to this build when it says you can use puncture instead of frenzy?
borjan1peovski написал:
Why is does it say that frenzy charge skill points are key to this build when it says you can use puncture instead of frenzy?

Because you can get frenzy charges via blood rage or The Blood Dance boots; and the buff the hell out of whatever you're using as your other attack.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
This is my current gear:

I'm currently level 69 with about 11.2k split arrow damage w/ Hatred and Herald of Ash and 15.6k fire arrow damage for single targets. I have a few questions regarding my gear and a few issues I've been having if anyone is generous enough to provide answers.

1. Since 75% of my mana is being reserved due to HoA and Hatred, I'm having huge mana sustain issues. Considering none of my gear has mana leech, that's probably a large source of the problem but my question is about what specific item should I replace in order to acquire mana leech and will it fix the problem?

2. This question correlates with the first in that I want to upgrade my rings/amulet since they are all pretty weak, but considering this is my first time using a ranger build, I'm not familiar with what specific attributes I should look for? Also, what other, if any, parts of my equipment should I upgrade and again, what should I look for?

3. I've been wanting to run Tornado Shot instead of Split Arrow for a while now but since Tornado Shot uses GMP, my dps in comparison to SA is horrid. I'm saving up for a 6L to craft myself but since I'm currently stuck with a 5L, what is the best skill setup with TS?

4. And finally, aside from my damage sources and auras(?), I don't have any "useful" skill gem setups in my hood or gloves. What should I be linking in these two slots?

Thanks in advance if someone takes the time to answer.
Hi, been running this build for the new league but I have a question.
What level should the gems in the CWDT setup be if I'm running CWDT-IC-ID-Enfeeble?

Thanks in advance.
Последняя редакция: MaLarsson#2399. Время: 17 июля 2015 г., 20:11:37

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