[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Hi guys, first I like to say TY for this awsome build!!!!! (and sorry for my bad english too).

I back to the game afther a long time, I like to ask, what gems you use in you tree?, can the gems quit of the tree if later I pick up a better one?.

TY to all.
Krish25 написал:
Hi guys, I have a strange problem with the build. My problem is DPS, Its very low. I just saw a post above where a guy with level 69 had 11k dps and im at 72 with 3k dps ( full stack frenzy charge makes it 4.5). I have followed the passive tree correctly, it has to be something else. Please look at my gear and tell me what am i missing!

The two biggest ones that jumped out are that his bow probably does 50% more DPS (slightly better base damage and much higher attack speed) than yours and he's got a damage gem in his 5th socket instead of leech.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
dEus__ написал:
firemonk98 написал:
This is my current gear:

I'm currently level 69 with about 11.2k split arrow damage w/ Hatred and Herald of Ash and 15.6k fire arrow damage for single targets. I have a few questions regarding my gear and a few issues I've been having if anyone is generous enough to provide answers.

1. Since 75% of my mana is being reserved due to HoA and Hatred, I'm having huge mana sustain issues. Considering none of my gear has mana leech, that's probably a large source of the problem but my question is about what specific item should I replace in order to acquire mana leech and will it fix the problem?

2. This question correlates with the first in that I want to upgrade my rings/amulet since they are all pretty weak, but considering this is my first time using a ranger build, I'm not familiar with what specific attributes I should look for? Also, what other, if any, parts of my equipment should I upgrade and again, what should I look for?

3. I've been wanting to run Tornado Shot instead of Split Arrow for a while now but since Tornado Shot uses GMP, my dps in comparison to SA is horrid. I'm saving up for a 6L to craft myself but since I'm currently stuck with a 5L, what is the best skill setup with TS?

4. And finally, aside from my damage sources and auras(?), I don't have any "useful" skill gem setups in my hood or gloves. What should I be linking in these two slots?

Thanks in advance if someone takes the time to answer.

First of all your damage for lvl 69 is pretty good. Don't worry about dps it's all about clear speed. Tornado Shot has the advantage that you don't need a single target. However if you want more dps try to craft crit chance on your bow with Tora's workbench. There's room for another suffix.
How does your skill tree look like? Have you specced into "Spirit Void"? It should give you enough leech with 11k dps. If you still have issues with leech then swap out "Physical To Lightning" for "Increased Critical Strikes". They buffed the gem lately and I think it's a pretty good alternative especially if you have a low crit chance.
Regarding your gear, try to get a new amulet with crit chance and crit multi and rings with lots of life and resists. This will allow you to wear a Rat's Nest Helmet and Maligaro's Virtuosity gloves later because these two items have no resists at all. They are pretty expensive atm in Warbands. My advice would be just wait until they are cheaper and get some alternatives in the meantime. Gloves with attacks speed / flat phys / accuracy are also pretty effective and my personal tip would be a "Starkonja's Head" Helmet. It gives you crit chance, attack speed, life and is dirt cheap atm.

Thanks a ton for the reply.
I was planning on upgrading to Tornado Shot once I found a reasonably priced 6L, it just felt so much weaker than split arrow in a 5L for whatever reason. I'm also planning on getting Maligaro's/Rat's Nest but like you said, they're currently far too expensive so I'll have to use mediocre rares for now. And I was going to add crit chance onto my bow, but currently my Tora only provides the Tier 1 upgrade so I'm just trying to farm her exp right now. Thanks again for the reply :).
Sup Guys,
first of all sorry for my englisch.

Im just a bit worried.

First i played with this here

now i switched to this one.

(i read about it earlier)
It´s a HUGE difference but i lost 10% crit and now i only habe 30% and with this here i have 35% i complete followed your guide.

What can i do?
Im Clear in Merc, 4,2k dps in town and 3,2k life. Im level 66.
Is this amu ok for me?
What im doing wrong?

oh and with hatred+4FrenzyCharges+bloodlust i got 7k dps
and with this amu

i get 8k dps max.

EDIT: i play with Split/Chain/PhysDMG/FasterAttacks
the normal stuff i clear fast and easy as hell, just worried about higher maps and were my problems are.

or am i fine for 66?

Small update, running now Hatred+Herald of Ash and no mana Problems, got 7k unbuffed. Full buffed 9k.
This is my complete Gear im using, any tips?
Последняя редакция: Saufkopp#7516. Время: 18 июля 2015 г., 15:04:15
Guys, which bow is better:

1) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1103164 (the one under the last spoiler for 10 ex)

2) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1024678 (the one under OWN spoiler for 10 ex)

The first one has 320 pdsp, but 8,75% crit chance. Also WED 14%.
The second one got insanely 373 pdps, but only 7,08% crit chance. Instead it has mana leech and fire res.

So which one should i pick, considering the same price ?
Hi Neversink,

Thanks for an awesome build and an amazing write up. I played this is 1.6 with great success, and so was thrilled when you started updating for 2.0. One thing I would like to suggest, out of my experience in 2.0. Here's what happened:

I started playing ice shot in 2.0 for the first time, with LMP. I noticed that the dps for TS with GMP was much lower than Ice Shot with LMP, so I stuck with ice shot all the way to the end of A3 merciless. But I noticed that Alreon missions where much harder than I remembered (they were almost a joke when I played TS in 1.6) So in A4 merciless I switched to TS + GMP despite it showing only 50% of the dps on the icon. Boom, what a difference! Mobs dropping quicker, creeps being hit back on crit noticeably more (crit change of 23.9% and it was almost not noticeable with IS), the joy of hitting targets off screen and behind me, no longer needing to use mana flasks at all (I was constantly popping 2 with IS despite 1.08% mana leech). So I imagine this is because the multiple projectiles of TS + GMP means more targets being hit, and each target being bit by multiple projectiles for each shot that I take. Perhaps you could explain this in the write up, and why TS is superior to other abilities even though it has "lower" dps?
Hey NeverSink,

could you please be so kind and explain this part of your guide a little bit more in detail?

Once your regular gems hit level 20 and you can use the GMP recipe to reset them to level 1/20%, you want to swap in these gems until the gems hit a high level again.

I actually do not understand, why I should get them back to Level 1.
wouldn't it be the same, if I just buy Level 1, get them to 20% and level em?
Why is there the need to revert my Level 20 Gems?

Thanks in Advance!

has anyone already experience with some jewels or
are there some unique favourites for (this) bow build(s) ?
Today i grapped my first Jewel Socket above Herbalism
and look for the right choice.
First just want to say love the guide/build, very descriptive.

However I agree with the person above, could really benefit from a section regarding jewels.
I just dropped my Drillneck! Nice.

I'm so low on equips that even without Pierce and other pre reqs my dps has increased. Now I`m trying to buy a 5L chest armor.


1) What supporter gems to use? TS-GMP-FA-PPAD-Pierce?

2) How should I get to Piercing Shots node? Up (using 4 nodes), down (3 nodes) or should I take the hole circle of nodes?


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