[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

firemonk98 написал:

4. And finally, aside from my damage sources and auras(?), I don't have any "useful" skill gem setups in my hood or gloves. What should I be linking in these two slots?

Something like CwDT-Immortal Call-Enfeeble/Temporal Chains-Increased duration and Ice golem-Life leech-Minion life-Minion Elemantal Resistances or some offensive for stacks power/frenzy charges Frenzy-Gmp-CoH-Assasin mark.
i put hatred with my infractem and i dont have so much problem with mana.(i dont use the thief torment)
Could I get some pointers in improving my build, I am doing around 9.5k TS Damage, and I am really confused on my other gem setups and what to use.

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Thought id share my current build in the warbands league, its got a bit to go befor eits complete thought.

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Neversink- You get my vote for best guide on the web. Excellent job!
so i ran this build a couple times to death on tempest. my first build to actually attempt. at first it didnt make sense, but the more i looked at it (and other builds, tbh) the more it started to click into place. so now, i'm almost hitting level 30, still tempest, just outside of sarn starting in the sewers. and she has become quite a powerhorse. i also thank those previous deaths for building up the currency needed to roll the sockets around to how they are now. thank you, NeverSink, for this awesome build.

what i'm currently running:
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i took the approach to IS and semiapplied it to burning arrow and puncture. split arrow and puncture are my spam attacks, while IS is my run into/away from mobs approach. gear keeps getting better, and with time, ill get the other gems set up.

all in all, i'm really damn happy ive gotten this far on a HC league. thanks mate!
Legacy SC IGN: TotenkinderAlstar
SC IGN: AlephAlphaNil

When I was young / Yeah I used to believe it / That the stars in the night sky
Were suns that refused to sink / And then I sank
Последняя редакция: cst003#1638. Время: 18 июля 2015 г., 3:13:40
firemonk98 написал:
This is my current gear:

I'm currently level 69 with about 11.2k split arrow damage w/ Hatred and Herald of Ash and 15.6k fire arrow damage for single targets. I have a few questions regarding my gear and a few issues I've been having if anyone is generous enough to provide answers.

1. Since 75% of my mana is being reserved due to HoA and Hatred, I'm having huge mana sustain issues. Considering none of my gear has mana leech, that's probably a large source of the problem but my question is about what specific item should I replace in order to acquire mana leech and will it fix the problem?

2. This question correlates with the first in that I want to upgrade my rings/amulet since they are all pretty weak, but considering this is my first time using a ranger build, I'm not familiar with what specific attributes I should look for? Also, what other, if any, parts of my equipment should I upgrade and again, what should I look for?

3. I've been wanting to run Tornado Shot instead of Split Arrow for a while now but since Tornado Shot uses GMP, my dps in comparison to SA is horrid. I'm saving up for a 6L to craft myself but since I'm currently stuck with a 5L, what is the best skill setup with TS?

4. And finally, aside from my damage sources and auras(?), I don't have any "useful" skill gem setups in my hood or gloves. What should I be linking in these two slots?

Thanks in advance if someone takes the time to answer.

First of all your damage for lvl 69 is pretty good. Don't worry about dps it's all about clear speed. Tornado Shot has the advantage that you don't need a single target. However if you want more dps try to craft crit chance on your bow with Tora's workbench. There's room for another suffix.
How does your skill tree look like? Have you specced into "Spirit Void"? It should give you enough leech with 11k dps. If you still have issues with leech then swap out "Physical To Lightning" for "Increased Critical Strikes". They buffed the gem lately and I think it's a pretty good alternative especially if you have a low crit chance.
Regarding your gear, try to get a new amulet with crit chance and crit multi and rings with lots of life and resists. This will allow you to wear a Rat's Nest Helmet and Maligaro's Virtuosity gloves later because these two items have no resists at all. They are pretty expensive atm in Warbands. My advice would be just wait until they are cheaper and get some alternatives in the meantime. Gloves with attacks speed / flat phys / accuracy are also pretty effective and my personal tip would be a "Starkonja's Head" Helmet. It gives you crit chance, attack speed, life and is dirt cheap atm.
Guys, which bow is better:

1) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1103164 (the one under the last spoiler for 10 ex)

2) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1024678 (the one under OWN spoiler for 10 ex)

The first one has 320 pdsp, but 8,75% crit chance. Also WED 14%.
The second one got insanely 373 pdps, but only 7,08% crit chance. Instead it has mana leech and fire res.

So which one should i pick, considering the same price ?
c0reman написал:
Guys, which bow is better:

1) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1103164 (the one under the last spoiler for 10 ex)

2) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1024678 (the one under OWN spoiler for 10 ex)

The first one has 320 pdsp, but 8,75% crit chance. Also WED 14%.
The second one got insanely 373 pdps, but only 7,08% crit chance. Instead it has mana leech and fire res.

So which one should i pick, considering the same price ?

I would take the high crit bow, most important stat imo.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Hi guys, I have a strange problem with the build. My problem is DPS, Its very low. I just saw a post above where a guy with level 69 had 11k dps and im at 72 with 3k dps ( full stack frenzy charge makes it 4.5). I have followed the passive tree correctly, it has to be something else. Please look at my gear and tell me what am i missing!

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