[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

c0reman написал:
Guys, which bow is better:

1) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1103164 (the one under the last spoiler for 10 ex)

2) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1024678 (the one under OWN spoiler for 10 ex)

The first one has 320 pdsp, but 8,75% crit chance. Also WED 14%.
The second one got insanely 373 pdps, but only 7,08% crit chance. Instead it has mana leech and fire res.

So which one should i pick, considering the same price ?

Hands down, without a doubt, the high crit one.
Couple of things I'm wondering:

Why depth perception instead of the 2 points above assasination? Did something change in 2.0 with accuracy?

What jewels/stats on jewels? I've left these slots till last on my build as I've not seen anything yet that would seem useful, apart from maybe the poachers aim quest reward with proj damage & pierce.
The Jews in the passive skill tree can be changued? or if I put a jew in the passive tree it cant be removed?
AlfreX написал:
The Jews in the passive skill tree can be changued? or if I put a jew in the passive tree it cant be removed?

You can change them whenever you want.

What can I improve without using exalted orbs?
Hey, I've been using the build for a couple of months now and other than how amazingly strong it is - especially after 2.0 with the frenzy theme - I just wanna add my 5 cents here.

I've been using lightning arrow for spreading assassin's mark with curse on hit along with gmp and i find that to be better than a second tornado shot. While the damage is surely less, the spreading looks better to me since with the high pierce chance the arrows will hit lots of targets and each hit will trigger the lightning thing to 3 more. Also there are good chances for shocking mobs which applies more damage when you later tornado shot em.

Another advantage to LA is the targeting mechanic. Since spreading the curse is the first thing you do on a pack, it's usually the worse targeted because you just stopped moving and you have to re-target the mouse on the pack. LA is the most forgiving when you do manage to fire in the general direction of the pack, in front of it, behind it or on it because the arrows will not stop at the place you clicked but keep on travelling.

Finally as a bonus it works perfectly on equilibrium maps where you spread the curse, do some damage and lower fire & cold resists for hatred & hoa to do their thing later.

PS sorry if this been posted before but i cannot search 300 forums pages ^-^ and I think it should be mentioned as a curse option in the first post.

PS2 brag about my gear

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superfast whirling blades & gem leveling

U wanna brag about gear?

Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
That's standard yo basically monopoly money.

Anyway what your thoughts on my current gear?

Kealsera написал:
Hey NeverSink,

could you please be so kind and explain this part of your guide a little bit more in detail?

Once your regular gems hit level 20 and you can use the GMP recipe to reset them to level 1/20%, you want to swap in these gems until the gems hit a high level again.

I actually do not understand, why I should get them back to Level 1.
wouldn't it be the same, if I just buy Level 1, get them to 20% and level em?
Why is there the need to revert my Level 20 Gems?

Thanks in Advance!

When you get a gem to lvl 20, you can vendor it and get a level 1 q20 gem in return and then level it up again. If you're able to play enough to do so (you'll be in your mid 80's before it happens); it's the best way to get a q20 gem. 20GCP to upgrade a gem is ruinously expensive compared to almost anything else you could spend your currency on.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
andy50 написал:
That's standard yo basically monopoly money.

Anyway what your thoughts on my current gear?

You have no crit, on anything. Should try finding jewelry, a quiver and eventually a high pdps rare bow with crit. Some flat phys on a quiver and jewelry is really nice as well.

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