Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

any thoughts on using something like enfeeble instead of assassins mark on bosses and tough metamorphs for the added safety?

I understand they have curse resistance (not sure if the normal 33% or full 66% like shaper/uber etc) but in that case remember they are resistant to the benefits of assassins mark as well, and idk, seems like more safety instead of a tiny (?) bit more damage on bosses and single targets is a better idea overall, or?

its an easy swap since both are blue gems if using mark of submission ring, but if using a nice rare ring with ass. mark curse then its a different story I guess... trying to figure out best way to mitigate those insane metamorphs somehow :d

or vaal molten shell combo with granite flask maybe? :D
Последняя редакция: secret_service86#3947. Время: 22 дек. 2019 г., 0:54:06
Hey guys, just got to mapping and enjoying this build so far. I got a lucky exalt drop and was wondering what I should upgrade first. You can check my character for specifics but I am just using all rares w/ capped resists and a 5l rare chest and 5l agnerod's.

Thank you!

Any ideas on what I should upgrade next? Was thinking of my staff but I don't know where to begin with crafting, or is this staff viable for endgame stuff?
Has anyone actually killed sirius with this build? I've had insane troubles killing lv 83 drox, but sirius just feels impossible. Even getting to the fight with soul tether feels impossible.
So, I'm fairly new to this game and am not completely certain of how vaal gems work. Would it be better to use vaal arc than arc for this build?
Hey Enki! Thanks for the guide! i got into a plateau, I cant go further i get one shotted by everything, would you please check my gear and recommend changes? Everything look so expensive to upgrade....
Agnerod West or duskdawn better?

What do i upgrade? Have 200 chaos to work with
RashidBjj написал:
Hey Enki! Thanks for the guide! i got into a plateau, I cant go further i get one shotted by everything, would you please check my gear and recommend changes? Everything look so expensive to upgrade....

You need more life and ES. Drop the nodes to Divine Judgement and get life and/or Jewel nodes where you then socket life jewels. The one jewel you have also does not have life. Also pretty much all your rare gear has relatively low life.
Hitting a wall. Best upgrade? Have ~2ex

Последняя редакция: shibbidy#2328. Время: 22 дек. 2019 г., 7:08:28

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