Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

well i failed fight with Drox Warlord with 4 watchstones - he is simply too resistent to elemental damage.. i had dualweild wands setup - not enough DPS..
so i changed to 6L staff +3 ligthtning spells - and i put in it Orb of storms with Curse on hit + Conductivity (-> reduces enemys lightning res), together with lightning penetration and added lightning + power charge on critical..
Drox went down quite smoothly..

chech my setup - nothing fancy over there.. i´m able to clear T16 maps pretty nicely..
Zeeul написал:
valkryx написал:
Hi all.

Pretty new to POE end game. This guide is very detailed and i love it! Currently still working on my watchstones (16 atm). I am thinking of upgrading my weapon to a +3 lightning eclipse staff. Should i buy a crafted one with suffix slot open (to add in trigger socketed spell), or would it be cheaper to craft one myself? Only have 6ex atm.

My advise would be. Try and get the 6socket bench craft and the 5link bench craft. Then buy a +3 lightning staff with no sockets or links add the 6 sockets and 5 links yourself.

If you are feeling lucky you can gamble and spam jewellers orbs for the 6 socket and fusings for the 5link but personally I prefer to use the bench for the 5link. I forget how much it is for a 6 socket but a 5link is 125 fusings.

If you have 1000 alt shards you can try rolling +3 yourself but bear in mind 1000 alt shards are worth 1ex so its probably cheaper to buy a +3 staff for 1-5c or a bit more if you want to be picky about the other stats..

Make sure it has an open affix for the craft you want to add. GL

Thanks for the advice. I will give it a shot. Quick question on affixes for 2-handed weapons, is it also limited to 3 prefix and 3 suffix?
Just wondering, i looked at enki's character and he's only using 1 small cluster for fettle. So using large clusters + mediums + smalls isnt good for this build?
Can someone tell me what, I'm doing wrong? I die like hell, I can't get more then 75% exp and I stopped at 90lvl :( Thanks a lot for reply
Hey thx so much,
just started a month ago for first time with that game and i started to play with this arc with.

But now iam lvl 88 and very hard for lvl up, i die often even i play just tier 5+6 maps upper i to often.

i think my damage is very very low.


i know the Ascendancy ''Pendulum of Destruction'' is missing. But i cant kill the boss.

I try find out the problem since 2 days i read and check much but i cant find.
Please help.
Zeeul написал:
Cleverlicius написал:
Hello all,

Quick question. Why we remove elemental overload from a point onwards? +40% constantly up is rather a good thing, right?

Build is nice overall I can run tier 9-10 with my current gear. I dont think I will ever reach tier 16/Sirus but its ok.

BTW for the life of me I can't find or buy a good 6L chest :P

Are you on SSF or something because I can see 6-link vaal regalias on the market for 15c.

Why remove "elemental overload" have you seen the smallprint? "NO CRIT MULTIPLIER" since you probably crit once in every two arcs, and your crit multiplier is probably about 400-450% increased damage, Not having crit multi can be a huge loss of damage.

Hello Zeeul,

Thanks for all the advice in this thread. Two points i failed to mention. I play on PS4 where stuff is pretty expensive. 6 links are over 5 exalted orbs and the most important, i am a noob and kinda lost in such a huge game.

Anyway I will unspecc Elemental overload and check my damage. I have no big issues at tier 9 so hopefully i will see a big boost
wondering abt 0.43*life for es. so should I aim for es higher than that num or lower than that?
Partizanoz написал:
wondering abt 0.43*life for es. so should I aim for es higher than that num or lower than that?

I was wondering about that too. I ended up with about 5000 life and 3800 energy shield. Would it be better to find equipment that raises the life at the expense of ES or does it all work out the same?
If anyone could take a look at my build and give me any suggestions. I'm in the process of trying to craft a +3 shaper staff, but haven't had any luck yet. I'm on Xbox as well.
I feel like my boss dps is really low can anyone check my character to see if anything is wrong

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