Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

billybob630 написал:
Also as a late comment, want to check whether my build have any optimization potential, any help is appreciated!

Currently I give up nodes like:

* "Practical Application" (-25% Chance to avoid interruption from stuns while casting). I don't see the value of anti-interruption yet, is it important?
* "Agility" (+30 Dexterity). Now I cannot put off my amulet or gloves otherwise that will invalidate many equipments.

Is it a good time for me to try out Thread of Hope?

Practical Application is mostly added for the sake of strength/dexterity requirements.

That being said, interrupt prevention is actually fairly nice QoL when you facetank multiple instances of damage, so you might get off an important Flame Dash or Arc before you get stunlocked to a possible death.
Последняя редакция: Nyangoro#0071. Время: 19 окт. 2020 г., 16:13:22
BuckFutter9 написал:
Hello all, if anyone has a minute to take a look at my build I would appreciate any suggestions from those more experienced than I on what I should improve next, or, if I have made some substantial error that could be easily fixed. Overall things are going well but the DPS seems to be lacking a little.

Thinking about the Cloak of Defiance but also not really wanting to have to reconfigure all resistances. My current plan is to save up for a while and then to replace gloves, boots, body, belt, and one ring all at once so I can hopefully have an easier time balancing the resistances.

What is a reasonable number for chaos resistance? I think I might have my goal set too high and might be better served by allowing that to drop down some. Perhaps there are crafted mods I could move around to stay resistance capped but also allow the use of the Cloak of Defiance immediately.

Thank you in advance for the assistance.

Your wand is really nice with +2 gem levels, but in exchange it's missing ~150 mana easily found on cheaper ones. Not sure if this makes a difference for you; you'll have to see that in PoB(or just buy a cheap one and compare ingame). Mana is good both offensively and defensively for this build.

Other gears are solid. Upgrading to cloak helps with survivability, but you only mentions dps so I guess survivability doesn't concern you.

You might want to start to think about how to fit in conductivity / culling strike / unnerve. There are many possible ways to proceed: you can use curse on hit ring, culling/unnerve gloves, cluster jewels, curse on hit wand, conductivity/blade blast gem in wand, etc. Lower enemies' resistance is always a good thing to do once you hit some dps breakpoint. Culling strike and unnerve are even better, since they are effectively "more damage" multiplier no matter how much dps you have. If you find your DPS lacks when facing some harder bosses, that's where culling strike really shines. It specifically shortens the last phases of most boss fights where they tend to get new abilities and become annoying.

If you really want to push that even further, I'm trying to obtain +1 frenzy charge gloves and good Heat-attuned Tower Shield(for lowering resistance even more) myself, maybe with explode chest for 100% delirius map, but none of this should be required for any of the standard endgame content.
Последняя редакция: Gimdornim#1712. Время: 19 окт. 2020 г., 16:16:06
Nyangoro написал:
billybob630 написал:
Also as a late comment, want to check whether my build have any optimization potential, any help is appreciated!

Currently I give up nodes like:

* "Practical Application" (-25% Chance to avoid interruption from stuns while casting). I don't see the value of anti-interruption yet, is it important?
* "Agility" (+30 Dexterity). Now I cannot put off my amulet or gloves otherwise that will invalidate many equipments.

Is it a good time for me to try out Thread of Hope?

Practical Application is mostly added for the sake of strength/dexterity requirements.

That being said, interrupt prevention is actually fairly nice QoL when you facetank multiple instances of damage, so you might get off an important Flame Dash or Arc before you get stunlocked to a possible death.

Make sense, I sometimes die to groups of projectiles, that can be one reason.

With Atziri's Foible to reduce attribute requirements, some of those strength/dexterity bonus are not needed though. It seems to be an interesting fact not stressed out in the guide.
RikuNoctis написал:

I think now it should be available.

I do get the limitations of gear early on in the leveling process, so I will just pretend I didn't see the totem line of gems on your body armour, but you should definitely be able to afford Atziri's Foible at this point, no? It's BiS necklace for us.
billybob630 написал:

With Atziri's Foible to reduce attribute requirements, some of those strength/dexterity bonus are not needed though. It seems to be an interesting fact not stressed out in the guide.

Let's just say, I still need the dexterity for Chain Support, even after the reduced requirements.
Nyangoro написал:
RikuNoctis написал:

I think now it should be available.

I do get the limitations of gear early on in the leveling process, so I will just pretend I didn't see the totem line of gems on your body armour, but you should definitely be able to afford Atziri's Foible at this point, no? It's BiS necklace for us.

Yeah, I think I can buy one.

Is this one good enough? I assume anything that gives flat mana and mana regen is good, right?
Скрытый текст
29% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
enchanted Allocates Mind Drinker
+100 to maximum Mana
16% increased maximum Mana
84% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements

Also, yeah, I started using that Totem one because of the life regen and the aura that protects me from curses. I can change it for something else.
Последняя редакция: RikuNoctis#6860. Время: 19 окт. 2020 г., 16:22:01
RikuNoctis написал:

Yeah, I think I can buy one.

Is this one good enough? I assume anything that gives flat mana and mana regen is good, right?
Скрытый текст
29% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
enchanted Allocates Mind Drinker
+100 to maximum Mana
16% increased maximum Mana
84% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements

Yes, that's pretty good until you farm more Chaos Orbs. Eventually you can find one with a maxed out 23% increased maximum Mana. You can hold alt to see the possible stat ranges in game.
Nyangoro написал:

Let's just say, I still need the dexterity for Chain Support, even after the reduced requirements.

Makes sense, that 111 dex requirement is too huge. I'm using different support gem so didn't realize that.
Nyangoro написал:
Yes, that's pretty good until you farm more Chaos Orbs. Eventually you can find one with a maxed out 23% increased maximum Mana. You can hold alt to see the possible stat ranges in game.

Ok, will try and find one with max mana %.

Anything else that I should eventually change?

For example, some of the jewels mentioned in the guide are extremely expensive, like the Crimson Jewel. Any alternatives to that one?

The shields with those rolls are also expensive.
Последняя редакция: RikuNoctis#6860. Время: 19 окт. 2020 г., 16:34:57
RikuNoctis написал:

Ok, will try and find one with max mana %.

Anything else that I should eventually change?

For example, some of the jewels mentioned in the guide are extremely expensive, like the Crimson Jewel. Any alternatives to that one?

The shields with those rolls are also expensive.

At your level, you can and probably focus on just life and mana specifically, rather than chasing the fancy "high-end" modifiers like % mana on block, which tend to be too expensive for your actual farming income atm.

I will give you some sample trade links you can use a reference(mostly because I am a cat and cats are lazy):

Body - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/prRKPv5u0
Shield - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/RwRJebRI7
bonus Wand link - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/woyXPpjIb

As you can see, as long as you don't chase for too much, there are many good "in-the-middle" pieces that are huge upgrades for you.

Последняя редакция: Nyangoro#0071. Время: 19 окт. 2020 г., 16:46:58

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