Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Ramireus написал:
darkdan написал:
Could anyone give me any tips on what to upgrade next currently on red maps tier 11/12 Currenly working on a new wand with t2 spell lightning and t3 crit and cast speed clear speed is fine it's more single target and a little more survivability. P.S I'm trying to be SSF just on trade to help a buddy on his first time, I don't trade or sell items otherwise

Looking on the gear, first thing to pop in my eye are flasks. Second is jewel in belt. Both should be prety cheap upgrades. next the ring could use some love. At that point I would focus on getting the cold damage into equation/so level trinity if you haven´t already. Next focus would be 6L in my eyes, but may be questionable issue as you do not have access yet to best body armor base and 6L can be prety expensive to do manually.

Again-in SSF "autoexposure" helmet can be difficult to obtain, so run rituals as priority?
Also I am missing the arcane surge with movement skill-another missed 10 %more damage and mana sustain.

Just some things that pops in my eyes
Finally got a new chest with the much needed ring finally, just done eber lab so both survive and damage is increased nicely now hitting around 450k dps so far
Последняя редакция: darkdan#5425. Время: 17 февр. 2022 г., 19:45:56
What are good gear mods beyond the base gear in this guide? Im particularly thinking around defensives. I have about 3.5ex and havent bought anything so I think now’s a good time to use about half of my currency to gear up.
Последняя редакция: GoldenTopBroker#4632. Время: 18 февр. 2022 г., 3:55:00
GoldenTopBroker написал:
What are good gear mods beyond the base gear in this guide? Im particularly thinking around defensives. I have about 3.5ex and havent bought anything so I think now’s a good time to use about half of my currency to gear up.

It's all in the guide on page 1
any idea what's my next upgrade should be?
and anybody has mana problem? i kinda have sometimes.
one last thing, does Ball Lightning work with this setup?
Made it to page 2022 in 2022.
Thanks for keeping this build up to date, I've tried it in the past and it's a solid build and I'm feeling like giving it another go now.
Последняя редакция: Abbosss#4405. Время: 19 февр. 2022 г., 5:00:07
Abbosss написал:
still some of the squishiest "starter" builds ive ever played. Fuck this. Stop putting your builds as starter when they get one shot by blue mobs

After two weeks of feedback that's the first time I hear something like this. Sounds more like a player issue.

So I got lucky from Harvest crafting, should I leave it or try annul the fire damage and exalt?
shafiqepain написал:

So I got lucky from Harvest crafting, should I leave it or try annul the fire damage and exalt?

I'd just keep it like this, pretty nice weapon!
is there any chance you could take a look at my character sheet at some point? I think i've got most of the bases with the modifiers you suggest but still feel like I'm missing something. Am I going into too high tier maps (t14-16) right now with my current gear and should wait until I can get a few better pieces / level up? Maybe my res' are too low? Or like you said is it just a player issue, I guess I'm most likely just being too aggressive / not moving enough? Sorry again for the first post. :/
Последняя редакция: Abbosss#4405. Время: 19 февр. 2022 г., 5:05:37

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