Julyano226 написал:
Hey Everyone,
This is my first season of PoE and my first PoE char in general and I am having a lot of fun so far! I Did a bunch of T16s and I think my gear is not that bad either. But right know I dont seem to make any progress anymore and I have been dying quite a lot lately. Could someone be so nice and look at my char (its the only one in my profile...) and tell me what I am doing wrong? Or is it normal to die quite often when doing T14s to T16s?
Any help is appreciated! :)
All the best
your profile is locked, cant view ur character
СообщениеMonster0310#53369 марта 2022 г., 21:35:48
Really enjoying the build, thanks a lot for making such a detailed and easy to follow guide. I was wondering if someone would mind looking at my current setup and giving me a few idea's for upgrades. I know my flasks are kinda all over the place.
helm enchant.....
better gloves maybe....
better amulet and other ring
also consider switching to full lightning build....
СообщениеMonster0310#53369 марта 2022 г., 21:38:46
Monster0310 написал:
Julyano226 написал:
Hey Everyone,
This is my first season of PoE and my first PoE char in general and I am having a lot of fun so far! I Did a bunch of T16s and I think my gear is not that bad either. But right know I dont seem to make any progress anymore and I have been dying quite a lot lately. Could someone be so nice and look at my char (its the only one in my profile...) and tell me what I am doing wrong? Or is it normal to die quite often when doing T14s to T16s?
Any help is appreciated! :)
All the best
your profile is locked, cant view ur character
I changed it, thanks for letting me know :)
СообщениеJulyano226#03069 марта 2022 г., 22:59:50
Julyano226 написал:
Monster0310 написал:
Julyano226 написал:
Hey Everyone,
This is my first season of PoE and my first PoE char in general and I am having a lot of fun so far! I Did a bunch of T16s and I think my gear is not that bad either. But right know I dont seem to make any progress anymore and I have been dying quite a lot lately. Could someone be so nice and look at my char (its the only one in my profile...) and tell me what I am doing wrong? Or is it normal to die quite often when doing T14s to T16s?
Any help is appreciated! :)
All the best
your profile is locked, cant view ur character
I changed it, thanks for letting me know :)
ur running a 5 link......first of all...get a six link
also get resist, crit chance or crit multi on your gear
im guessing ur not resist capped
change gloves....change boots....
СообщениеMonster0310#533610 марта 2022 г., 18:25:06
Sorry if this has been asked before, but could someone please ellaborate, why we're missing out on the +3 to crit support gems mastery? (Seeing as this would buff both crit stats of orb and arc+inspiration)
Последняя редакция: Winterman89#1062. Время: 12 марта 2022 г., 7:42:17
СообщениеWinterman89#106212 марта 2022 г., 7:38:01
This is my first season playing PoE. Enjoying it.
Built an arc witch based off of this build. I have a few good unique equipped. Can someone please assist me to get more DPS out of the build. Especially against elites. It does fine in mob clear and normal mapping up to t16.
Сообщениеsatzgov#981612 марта 2022 г., 8:34:52
Hello all. Loving the build and I know I need lots of upgrades.
Could anyone give me some suggestions what to work towards? I do not play a lot and want to take this build as far as I can go.
Последняя редакция: BeachRPh#0111. Время: 14 марта 2022 г., 2:54:48
СообщениеBeachRPh#011113 марта 2022 г., 16:20:56
Hey guys, what about the new staff with triple damage? Is this version better than that one?
I'm currently playing with impulsa and the staff and a headhunter. Dmg seems ok not great, I use all portals to clear a map.
I think more damage would let me go faster and not die as much. Should I switch to Wand/shield with all the +Skills?
Character name is Coach_Ignite if it lets you look at profile.. idk.
СообщениеCoach_S#084014 марта 2022 г., 7:20:55
Winterman89 написал:
Sorry if this has been asked before, but could someone please ellaborate, why we're missing out on the +3 to crit support gems mastery? (Seeing as this would buff both crit stats of orb and arc+inspiration)
tried it with my build. barely increases damage, better get the ele damage, spell damage or lightning damage nodes
СообщениеMonster0310#533614 марта 2022 г., 18:35:38
Monster0310 написал:
tried it with my build. barely increases damage, better get the ele damage, spell damage or lightning damage nodes
Thanks for clarifying, I thought it's a lot better at mobbing, loooking at health juiced rare packs than the 25% vs uniques, I'll try to solely rely on keeping those crits coming and I know some time (more sooner than later) I'll have way too little defences, but as the saying goes, cross the bridges as you meet them
СообщениеWinterman89#106215 марта 2022 г., 13:26:38