Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

@gxtro2002: For the main build they're pretty bad, but you could make a dual void Assassin CI version, orientate on the Inquisitor tree and get all power charges. Can't test it atm but should work fine.

@GabeScrumbles: In addition to what xAdamster wrote, here's a little example:

Let's say we deal 10000 lightning damage with a single hit and have 37% lightning penetration, the enemy has 0% base res plus 40% res from mapmod.

Without CotB, that results in 10000 * (1 - 0.4 + 0.37) = 9700 damage, while with CotB we'd deal
((5000 * (1 - 0.4 + 0.37)) + (5000 * (1 - 0.4))) = 7850 damage, plus get less leech back from Vinktar.

Inquisitor eliminates the resistance issue, which is why i chose to reintroduce CotB in that version.
I will probably try to test out the dual void assassin build, see if it works.


I'm thinking this skill tree for the build? Not sure if I have enough power charges and if I need to go all the way to the left on the templar area, but basically it is pretty close to the templar tree already posted but with extra lightning pen and a possible 2 curse setup with a heretic's veil. Any advice?

My plan is to just do a power charge on crit setup with orb of storms when needed because assassin's power charge gain is already pretty decent. I also need some sort of penetration and leech so warlords and conductivity will be my two curses. Then everything else is pretty standard I think.
Последняя редакция: Tunakiid#5627. Время: 15 февр. 2017 г., 10:21:28
@Tunakiid: Looks good overall, but unfortunately Arcane Blows doesn't work with spells.

I quickly ran the build through Path of Building, damage looks really good, probably to a point where reflect could be an issue if Vinktar isn't up. The templar charge isn't needed, something like Throatseeker gives bit more DPS for less points.

Dualcurse might also be overkill. You should be able to sustain with leech enchant, Vinktars and leech gem on Tendrils. An alternative would be Ele Weakness or using the points for Whispers + Charisma on Heart of Thunder + Throatseeker. When comparing both, the former will be stronger for clearing while the latter is stronger for bosses due to 60% less curse effect.
Could also play around with Choir of the Storm, the lightning bolts should add some great damage.

But that's all stuff you'll figure out when testing. Good luck, please report back here how it went!
Hi i am a new player, have no friends playing poe so i will solo it. Do you suggest me to do this build? or should i start with another build(please give some ideas i want to play this game but i am intimidated with the depth of game)?
@Yalarun: Hi there, welcome to Path of Exile!

I'd recommend just try out a few different builds for now and see what kind of playstyles you enjoy.
Look for something not overly complicated to play, that's pretty easy on gear and doesn't require any specific, often costly uniques.
Lifebased is usually better to start with, as good ES gear with resistances for CI (and lowlife) is still pretty expensive if you start from nothing.

Specific endgame content or map clear times shouldn't really matter yet, it's more important that you get a feel for the game first and gain some experience through trial and error.
Don't get discouraged if a build fails, we've all been there and learnt from it.

As for this build in particular, it's made with exactly all the above in mind. Arc is one of the most laid back skills to play, we don't really need to manually keep conditional buffs up and the gear is fairly cheap to get - starter gear can even be fully selfcrafted/found.
It's admittedly not the strongest build, but as i said, that shouldn't matter for your first char(s).

Hope this helps and you'll find a build that you enjoy!
Hello! I'm currently playing a MOM, Eldritch Battery build and I love how you combine evasion/dodge into the defensive part of the character.

However, the acrobatics passive does reduce our energy shield by 50%. How do you feel about it? Is it still worth it to invest into energy shield or is there a better defensive mechanic (like block) could be used in this mom, eldritch battery build?
Последняя редакция: ponyoponyo123#5081. Время: 22 февр. 2017 г., 9:38:06
@ponyoponyo123: It's still worth investing into ES, but only up to a certain point.
1.5k ES is rather easy to reach with average gear and no investment into ES passives outside of our pathing, and about 2k+ with really good gear and Arcane Focus.
Most ideal would be 43% of our lifepool, which we can't quite reach but the whole defensive concept makes up for that. It's still a higher pool than we would have when going manabased, or just invest into more life, which is pretty scarce in the upper part of the passive tree.

Block could also work, but would require going Necromancer and with that destroy a large part of the MoM-sustain we get from Occultist while also being more gear dependent. And getting just some block with no/minimal spellblock as Occultist would be simply straight up worse.
However, it works really well when properly built around, like in the Duskdawn version of this guide.
Последняя редакция: Enki91#7725. Время: 22 февр. 2017 г., 13:24:20
This has been my most favourite build guide over so many leagues, so to me it's only appropriate I'm going to start the legacy league with it & see what drops. Huge thanks to Enki for answering all our questions & keeping this build current.
IGN: Keewee
Agreed, looking forward to it, this will also be my League starter this time around!
I just hope the passives will be updated with the 2.6 tree before the league starts

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