[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

Its very safe build, very good balanced dps/defence. Even in sc i died few times due reflect only then im wearing MF gear without capped ressists and so on (brain afk etc...)
IamPeyter написал:
Less duration, Elemental Overload, Berserker, free leech, more life and dmg from the tree, the hypetrain is real. oh my

Elemental Overload gives you 40% more Ele damage when you crit in the last 8sec. The current setup is without any crit... so you are planning to add some crit chance?

Or am I missing something? :)
Phobozz написал:
IamPeyter написал:
Less duration, Elemental Overload, Berserker, free leech, more life and dmg from the tree, the hypetrain is real. oh my

Elemental Overload gives you 40% more Ele damage when you crit in the last 8sec. The current setup is without any crit... so you are planning to add some crit chance?

Or am I missing something? :)

You don't need that much crit chance to keep it up, so with the insane attackspeed of this build it is very unlikely to not crit once in 8 seconds. If you wish you could use the inc. crit chance support gem with your curse on hit setup I guess. The only problem is that you have to get some accuracy on your gear to mitigate the loss of RT.
Последняя редакция: Elrond007#5597. Время: 2 марта 2016 г., 10:04:42
Elrond007 написал:
You don't need that much crit chance to keep it up, so with the insane attackspeed of this build it is very unlikely to not crit once in 8 seconds. If you wish you could use the inc. crit chance support gem with your curse on hit setup I guess. The only problem is that you have to get some accuracy on your gear to mitigate the loss of RT.

Thank you very much for clarification!
I am excited about OPs Ideas about the "new" EA Build for ascendancy!
Последняя редакция: Phobozz#6123. Время: 2 марта 2016 г., 10:13:14
Going scion with Zerker, currently tossing up to get either Slayer or Pathfinder. Gladiator is also a option to reach near max block.
Man's Hurbris is such a fickle thing.
Just a little question : Do you think you will lost too much from your original tree by starting as a Ranger ? The deadeye ascendancy class seems to give us a lot of things we need, like AoE, more arrow, attack speed and projectile dmg !

And another question : Why are you not taking the scion AoE nodes ? I never played EA before, but from what I read on the internet, it's on of the best things to stack for us.
I ve played your build in darkshrine and it was really fun. Now i am looking for in new league but i really wonder how you ll change the build in terms of overload cuz we ll need some crt chance and acc.

Anyway great build and thanks
I'm fairly sure pierce chance is balls for ea.

Always the ice golem option?
Последняя редакция: facelessman122#1602. Время: 2 марта 2016 г., 17:55:35
facelessman122 написал:
I'm fairly sure pierce chance is balls for ea.

Always the ice golem option?

Where did you get ice golem from?
Последняя редакция: neggan#1129. Время: 2 марта 2016 г., 19:28:26

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