[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)


Wow nice gear and DPS!! Glad you're enjoying the build.


Yep a reach of the council would be really good for this build.


Yeah I thought about an ES build but it's hard to sustain ES without ghost reaver. Also we can't use an ES shield so we lose a lot of ES. Using the ES quiver would mean giving up drillneck.


Wow nice. Atziri with only 3.7k hp is definitely pretty impressive.

Porcupines are quite annoying, especially if you have 3.7k life. I use CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration just for porcupines.

Try to get to 5k life and it should be a bit more manageable.

Good luck!
A few friends asked me how I leveled, because they are having problems.

I got up to lvl 86 with a 4-link setup(Burning arrow, GMP, Weapon ele dmg, Pierce). Then I got a Lyoneyes Glare and got it 5l.

When you get the lvl get an Infractem, corrupted are very cheap. Then switch to Lyoneyes Glare, you can get a corrupted for 1c. Then get Blood dance and try to get the money for a Lyoneys Glare(~10-15c). You can get a 5-link pretty easily. Then you can get to lvl 90+ without any struggle.
I really like this build but I made a few tweaks to it here and there and was able to raise my dps by a smidge. Thanks for the guide!

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Последняя редакция: smoorfi#0156. Время: 21 июня 2016 г., 22:05:05
Thanks for the guide! I'm thinking about my next build (still have 2.5 levels to reach 90 with my current build). 4 or 5 pages back somebody asked about other classes that might work. Somebody else dismissed the thought because of prolif. I wouldn't expect prolif to be a big part of this build. With gmp and pierce, don't you hit like 99% of the monsters with the arrow? If you hit and ignite them all, prolif gains you nothing.

If they hadn't nerfed the scion, I'd say that would be my choice hands down But no longer can you get 1.5% uncondtional leech with the Berseker node. The Deadeye node is still really appealing though. 30% pierce combined with the drillneck's 10% and the 15% from the unique jewel could get you to 100% without having to path all the way through those pierce nodes.

But since they added the 50% reduced elemental reflect damage in Witch Elementalist, I don't know if there is a better choice.

I'm using a Lioneye's Glare with my current build. Hope I can get one of those Reach of the Council Bows for my Burning Arrow build. A few thoughts have hit me while I've been thinking about this build. One is the Cold to Fire gem. Seems like using Hatred instead of Anger and the CtF support would give you a good amount of damage. Haven't done any math on it though. If my understanding is correct, the Izaro's Turmoil jewel that gives up to 25% fire and 25% cold damage would both apply (although only the 25% fire portion would double dip). Another thought I had was with this amulet I just fated:
Lots of fire damage!
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com
just hit 94 on phc - i tweak this build to be more hc viable because i really like the playstyle.

6.999 life (that 1 f*in life missing for 7k is bugging me... will divine sth)
tooltip with faster proj and no charges on a 6l council 35.423,8 (topend 27616)
tooltip with slower proj (for bosses, dont need it for fire res + ee maps at all) 41.404,7 (topend 34719)

my build and links focus arround achieving the highest possible topend, thats why i dont care about attackspeed at all on gear/jewels, i want the highest possible igninte/burn&prolif, meaning i wanna hit once and hard. so far with this strategy ive done up to t14 with fire res & ee on maps with 0 problem at all, i play solo, so i dont know about group play, but i guess it will suck on those maps, i carried a 6man public plat rota with this the other day though...

my current gear:

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my current tree:
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tyvm for the inspiration op!

€: divined my gloves 7020 life now, feels better ;)
Последняя редакция: DerKobold16#7234. Время: 21 июня 2016 г., 20:01:43
how the f***? we're trying hard to break the 60k mark and you?? show everything, now! ;)
Skip511 написал:
how the f***? we're trying hard to break the 60k mark and you?? show everything, now! ;)

most likely boosted by an aura support with genorosity everything and vaal haste and/or possible elreon totem close by from elreon 820 chain, mantra of flames is going crazy here, not achieveable by oneself. i can assure you
Последняя редакция: DerKobold16#7234. Время: 22 июня 2016 г., 7:45:19
Any thoughts on going Mastermind of Discord for uber ascendancy, instead of having liege of the primordial and paragon of calamity?

Using lightning warp as our travel ability will have Mastermind up all the time. The damage from liege is of the double-dipping variety, but still additive, and probably not as good as penetration. Plus that way we don't have to worry about stupid golems dying.

Also what about elemental overload? We're pretty close to it. I realize clearing trash we won't be dropping orb of storms to proc it, but we won't need the damage on trash anyway, and can drop it for bosses to up our boss DPS. A 40% "more" modifier that double dips is pretty strong.
Последняя редакция: magicrectangle#3352. Время: 23 июня 2016 г., 7:43:18
hey im also playing burning arrow not with a kaoms, slightly different tree and im useing a lionseye vision.

just hit 85 and its pretty solid, around 80k dps with 5 frenzies, and a 5l vaal burning arrow setup for some funny 1 shots on bosses.

Wow 232k dps. That is very impressive even with a supporter.


Yep that amulet is really good for this build.

I thought about Hatred but generally the damage boost from Anger is a lot better. Using another link instead of cold to fire will generally provide a larger damage boost and the cold damage from izaros dilemma will only affect Hatred, which would be 30% of our damage.

We use elementalist for elemental conflux, which means we can ignite 100% of the time, as well as shock enemies, which is a 50% more multiplier on our burning damage.


Wow 7k life and 94 on PHC is very impressive. Congratulations on getting this far.


Hmm lightning warp is possible, but might be slow since we don't have a lot of cast speed, but you are welcome to give it a go since it might work well. Links should be Lightning warp - faster casting - reduced duration - blood magic.

The only problem I have with penetration is that it doesn't affect burning damage.

Elemental overload is alright but doesn't really proc enough to be worth the effort and orb of storms is a bit clunky to use. But again, you are welcome to give it a shot and see for yourself. If you are using the council bow though, I suggest going resolute technique.


Wow nice, 80k dps is very impressive.
Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 23 июня 2016 г., 20:46:54

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