[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)

MoarPizza написал:

Hmm lightning warp is possible, but might be slow since we don't have a lot of cast speed, but you are welcome to give it a go since it might work well. Links should be Lightning warp - faster casting - reduced duration - blood magic.

Because elemental overload changes my route into templar, I pick up quick recovery for the extra life. It comes with 40% mana regen as a side bonus, and I'm hoping that will be enough to run lightning warp on mana, and thus use rapid decay as my 4th link. It is working so far, but I'm using doomfletch's prism at the moment (60% mana regen) so we'll see if it keeps working when I hit 66 and switch to lioneye's. With rapid decay in there lightning warp is pretty snappy. Not quite as fast as fast as blink arrow, but spammable.

The only problem I have with penetration is that it doesn't affect burning damage.

Yeah for sure against non-resistant monsters liege of the primordial would be more damage (though pendulum of destruction will be giving us 100% elemental some of the time). And of course if the resistant monsters are mixed with non-resistant ones, we can always proliferate non-resist burns onto them. But I suppose I'm trying to focus on upping boss DPS, under the assumption that I'll probably still one-shot most trash.

Elemental overload is alright but doesn't really proc enough to be worth the effort and orb of storms is a bit clunky to use. But again, you are welcome to give it a shot and see for yourself. If you are using the council bow though, I suggest going resolute technique.

Yeah I can't afford the council bow quite yet. EO would definitely be clunky to keep up on trash. My plan is just to use it on bosses, as above the theory being that I can one-shot trash without it. If that doesn't end up being the case I suppose I'll have to respec.

I should be hitting 66, equipping lioneye, and starting mapping later tonight or tomorrow, so I suppose I'm about to find out the answers to these questions.
Does shotgunning with vaal burning arrow trap still work?

Im talking VBA - Trap - Trap Dmg - GMP - Point Blank - PPAD etc etc etc

Im trying to figure out if its worth setting up a VBA trap or just using the skill w/o trap.

vba never shotgunned, i tried alot of different setups today.

the trap setup makes the most dmg but i dont like it, my current setup kills t10 bosses in 1-2 charges thats ok for me.

im useing vba point blank fire pen wed ppad slower projectiles.

i dont know if its the best setup but its working.
Finally broke 100k hideout tooltip, feels good even if I reworked my build to focus more on killing bosses, making my tooltip suffer a bit.

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magicrectangle написал:
Any thoughts on going Mastermind of Discord for uber ascendancy, instead of having liege of the primordial and paragon of calamity?

Using lightning warp as our travel ability will have Mastermind up all the time. The damage from liege is of the double-dipping variety, but still additive, and probably not as good as penetration. Plus that way we don't have to worry about stupid golems dying.

Also what about elemental overload? We're pretty close to it. I realize clearing trash we won't be dropping orb of storms to proc it, but we won't need the damage on trash anyway, and can drop it for bosses to up our boss DPS. A 40% "more" modifier that double dips is pretty strong.

u can use elemental hit to proc all types of pen since it has fire,cold and lightning tag. (no need to warp)
I've been testing out the Less Duration Support. Since it is a straight up "more" damage modifier, and thus double dips, I think it is strictly superior to added fire.

First thing I checked was whether it effected burn duration, it doesn't. I didn't imagine it would, since burning arrow doesn't have the "duration" tag, but I thought I should make sure. My burns last ~6 seconds with or without the gem.

Second thing is yes it does raise your tooltip damage, even though burning arrow doesn't have a "duration" tag. It is simply a straight "more damage" modifier, with no caveats.

I think this is especially good news for people who want to use Lioneye's Vision for their chest piece. In a 5L it can replace slower projectiles (you lose the quality bonus on slower proj, but that's not major). In a 6L you need 3G3R with lioneye's or 2G4R with reach of the council, easy peasy.

With reach it would be:
Burning Arrow, Slower Projectiles, Fire Penetration, Weapon Elemental, Less Duration, [Added Fire]

lassercj написал:
u can use elemental hit to proc all types of pen since it has fire,cold and lightning tag. (no need to warp)

You can, but in a burning arrow build why would you? We've got avatar of fire, so we do no non-fire damage.

Lightning warp does double duty not just as a proc spell but also as mobility.
thanks for the info with the less duration gem.
i did a test in my 6l lionseye vision

20/20 added fire
89688 dps

20/0 less duration
90559 dps

same mana multi.
What about Paragon of Calamity do deal with reflect ?
engelswut написал:
What about Paragon of Calamity do deal with reflect ?

Most of the damage of the build comes from the burn, thus a single reflect monster tends not to be a problem.

If you're talking about reflect maps, they're not really safe to do even with paragon of calamity, because our 100% pierce chance can have a single volley hitting huge amounts of off-screen monsters. If you wanted to make it work you'd need to path to vaal pact (4 points), and swap in a life leech gem for reflect maps. Losing your passive regen from stone golem sort of sucks, but I suppose you could run fire + lightning golems.

Personally I just run my ele reflect maps on my juggernaut (and my phys reflect maps on my elementalist).
My attempt is just in act 2 cruel and I expected reflect would be an issue. I'm running Arctic Armour as one of the defenses against it. I figured when hit by reflect I'd be standing still so that'd be 12% less reflected damage. Combined with Paragon of Calamity (if I find it necessary), that'd be only 44% reflected. I think monster mod reflect is 14%, so with 75% fire resist it'd be 1.54% reflected damage taken. I think map mod is 18% reflect so probably need to run Purity of Fire if you want to run reflect maps. At 79% fire resist, the reflected damage would be 1.98%. Vaal Pact and a life leech gem would certainly let you run those maps with no issues. Could even use Warlord's Mark to get the 2% leech if you can curse ahead of time.
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