[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)
just hit on a hubris in case anyone is interested; im sure we can find a decent price
IGN: Kitaen
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Has anyone compared the damage difference between a Drillneck and The Signal Fire (fated Blackgleam)?
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"When I switched from Signal Fire to Drillneck, my damage went up. But you wouldn't need Avatar of Fire anymore so your tree would be different and maybe better for that purpose. Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN> Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com Последняя редакция: mark1030#3643. Время: 29 июня 2016 г., 14:46:48
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" Really? A drillneck provides more DPS than a Signal Fire? That is surprising, i expected a signal fire to provide more DPS... guess im wrong... |
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" There are two factors to consider here. The first doesn't effect sheet damage, but is huge: drillneck double dips in burn damage, signal fire doesn't. Because of this even if you devised a tree that got you higher sheet damage with signal fire by routing away from avatar of fire, you'd probably still do a lot less actual damage. The second does effect sheet damage: not all of your damage is converted physical, thus signal fire doesn't add as much as it looks like it will. It doesn't increase the damage from anger, herald of ash, or jewelry/glove added fire damage. Drillneck does increase all of these. |
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" That makes a lot of sense. I considered the second reason, but i complete forgot about the double dipping Is there a reason why ele overload isnt being picked up? I understand that its hard to keep up on trash, but it seems like it would be god tier for boss fights with a orb of storms + crit strikes setup Последняя редакция: Meraxas#4277. Время: 29 июня 2016 г., 21:34:26
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Sorry for the late replies, I have been working on a new build guide.
@simonfolaji wow less duration is very interesting. I am surprised it works since it is for duration skills only. @engelswut Yep, generally reflect isn't really a problem to us, but you can use paragon to be extra safe. @mark1030 Yep, if you have issues with reflect, you can use Sibyl's Lament or Paragon, but I find reflect to be quite safe. I would avoid reflect maps though. @Kitaen Hmm, that's not bad. But the best enchant for our build is burning arrow ignite chance. @Meraxas Drillneck is generally better because the projectile damage double-dips. I didn't pickup elemental overload because it is too hard to keep up since our crit chance is very low and the orb of storms setup is too clunky for me personally. But you are welcome to try it if you would like, as some other people here are using orb of storms + increased critical strikes. Последняя редакция: cookees#6375. Время: 29 июня 2016 г., 22:13:15
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" I'm doing an elemental overload variant myself, actually (also my variant has more life). This is my current (level 89) spec:
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I'm working towards the 3 jewel sockets it has easy access to next, and then will finish with holy fire. Holy fire isn't as amazing as it looks, either. That 40% number seems big, but again, not a double-dip. Worth getting it, but I'm more interested in picking up health and other stats from jewels. I trade in a lot of increased damage modifiers, but in addition to getting ele overload to offset that, I also get additional life, fire penetration, and mana leech (can do no-regen maps without effort/potions). Elemental overload is up a lot of the time on trash, it turns out. On a map where there's not a lot of wasted time (gorge) it is essentially always up. On less optimal maps it is up less often, but still a lot. The "increased crit chance if you haven't crit recently" boot enchant is a big contributor to that uptime. Despite all the %increased damage modifiers I drop compared to the OP's build, I still one-shot most trash packs in red maps, even without ele overload up, so I'm happy wit the trade-off, and then I still have comparable boss damage thanks to ele overload, while having my extra life. I also need accuracy on my gear with reach of the council, which does mean gearing is more difficult than the OP's build as well (he goes resolute with reach of the council). I've been meaning to sit down and actually do the math on how the exact damage trade-off works out, but I haven't done it yet. I have to go make dinner now, but I may do that later tonight or tomorrow. Последняя редакция: magicrectangle#3352. Время: 29 июня 2016 г., 22:27:06
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made some tiny adjustments to suit the Reach bow, and some stat allocations, enjoying it so far. 1shot the T13 courtyard bosses, like all 3 in 1 shot. Последняя редакция: Cloudladder#6838. Время: 30 июня 2016 г., 8:27:29
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Romira's Banquet is criminally underrated for this build. It along with the 90% Inc. Crit boot enchant Elemental Overload is essentially always up.
The Elemental Damage/Elemental Damage/Jewel above Templar & Projectile Damage/Projectile Damage/Jewel nodes are also much better than doing anything related to Explosive Impact. The 8% aSPD from Cruel is also probably not worth it when you're able to run Blood Rage & rare boots instead of Blood Dance. I'm not sure why you'd even run Blood Dance in the first place when Liege of the Primordial + Stone Golem gives you enough regen to cover it along with additional physical damage. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAN-Ka3qQ-lSuyL_fbX3SRlJMiyL0_EzvS2wLbRmTJ5f0CPS-ilM1UlPAVKEvUEKXlT1fakOMNkyzVUtURwQH0B9h4qa-g9vv6yaVnsRVxha_XfI6WCsKrJgRLwMe8Wz31-tjH0E22JuhNj21SEkbj0adqiqNpwgdFGyM7FXYJPrSr40SaWKsVkgWb2aeFxy0xeNqcg9xeQzywuxxhZRvWfOlywW1Klt65mZUGjiNv3n2Y_2QVVFH1CNDNkbXJy831D7PUuzauTrY7T-xQjKJd-VX4u0ggpuaO5_f73w8BcBmBLOt8aIAGF3wH73mGo1bJn_7vOokqjbpUfvNFh8Y This tree caps your Dexterity for Reach or Lioneyes with Devoto's Devotion along with Strength for Kaom's with an Agate Amulet & well-Blessed belt. Последняя редакция: Ceveth#5720. Время: 30 июня 2016 г., 18:04:15
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