[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Xanza93 написал:
Am I correct that this is largely a spectre/zombie build until 85 where we swap to golems?

Also I see the final tree goes all the way up to 100. May I know in what order of importance should I get the remaining 15 skills from 85 to 100 as I do not think I will be able to reach 100 very easily.

Thanks in advance.

Hello :)

Normal Necro leveling tree is basically Zombies + Spectres as they are very cheap way to reach high level. You can basically drop Zombies and go Golem + Specs as soon as you can buy Anima + Might and raise 4x Flame Golems.

I have heard lot of good news about leveling with Elementalist so I'm trying it this league. 1x Golem from gem, 1x Golem from tree, 2x Golems from Ascendancy and 2x from dual Chayshapers should let you level with ease. However Pledge costs 1 ex and Primordial Chains is 2.2 ex at this point, so endgame is still costly.

You can reach lvl 90+ very easily, but it gets bit slower after that to level 94. Last 6 nodes are really the hard ones. I would take maybe last 2x jewel sockets with 3x nodes leading to them with those points.

Hi Mika,

Interesting league so far. Looking forward to seeing how Golems fair against the metamorphs. I'm just about ready to start leveling my golemancer now having got the required primordial jewels:


I'm going to try running it as MF for the first part of the league just so that I can have a nice influx of alch's, chisels, fuses...etc without having to trade for them. Also stacking some rarity whilst uniques still have some value.


If all goes well then I'l look to get better pieces as funds allow. I'll probably be running elementalist to start for the free elemental immunity & guaranteed shock. This means I'll also make do with carnage chieftains as spectres (2 x frenzy & 1 x power charge). Later on if I am able to buy a Spectre helmet with +2 to minion then I may switch to TV Specs and go necro to get the fourth one.

Still got a few more bits to buy today to make the leveling process smooth and to have some stuff to equip at 70. Hope to be ready to start leveling it tomorrow. Be interesting to see how they fair against the new act bosses. It's always been a very smooth leveling process once you get the clayshapers & Anima stone unlocked. Hopefully it will continue to be so!

All the best in the league Mika. I'll let you know how I get on :)

Hi :)

Your plan sounds solid! Golems and Specters should be very good against Metamorths as they deal high damage and builds minions have lot of extra defenses to keep them alive.

I have enjoyed league so far as Metamorphs are actually deadly this time and I with that GGG wont nerf them. I will be trying leveling as Elementalist this league and if all goes well, I can write alternative leveling guide for Elementalist ;)

I hope you will get great drops in the league and I wait to hear how your char is doing. Cu in league! ^^
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
As Necro, what golems i must have up, since i have 5. All fire or 4 fire +1 something else?
Hi Mika,

Finished leveling my Elementalist golemancer last night. Just hit level 82. Gear was fairly cheap but actually I'm over 7k EHP and should be 7.5k with a few more levels. Pretty happy with that considering the MF focus of the build.

Gear as below:

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Really want to get some better crafts unlocked so I can meet dex requirements on gear as much as possible. Hope to replace the belt with a Stygian Vise and then get a minions hinder with spells abyss jewel. Long term goal would be a couple of well rolled Ventor's but depending on pricing may not bother. Using this build to farm some currency for the other couple of builds I would like to try this league so may not want to spend a fortune on the Ventor's. At least not till later in the league if I don't have much else to go for!

Golem leveling as an Elementalist with a tabula, goldrim, lifesprigs & wanderlust was fairly easy as you would imagine. I went freezing pulse with 2 threshold jewels and an explosive trap 3 link in a lifesprig for some extra single target as needed. Leveled like that until 34 where I switched to golems. Golems were a bit clunky initially since I didn't have access to multiple projectiles or GMP. In hindsight switching to golems at 38 would have been significantly better. At that point I would have done normal lab and with the Anima Stone, Primoridal Might and 2 or 3 harmonies I would have had 5 golems available (with Golem Commander from the tree). Then getting the extra one with a Clayshaper at lvl 41 and the final one in Cruel Lab. From Level 38 onwards the build was an absolute breeze to level with. I don't know how much extra attention the later bosses got this league (ie new mechanics or extra health) but 4 flame golems plus 2 or 3 others typically destroyed them in 10 seconds or so - sometimes less if I got their placement right.

Early mapping Golem damage vs some of the more insane Metamorphs felt a little lacking and I did lose a few Stone golems along the way. Once I hit lvl 72 and could put my lvl 21 Flame Golem in then the damage was MUCH better. Still lose the occasional stone golem but will look to buy a lvl 21 ASAP.

Having Feeding Frenzy in links with my Lightning, Stone & Chaos golem ensures feeding frenzy has very high uptime and permanently on boss fights or large encounters. Definitely worth it if you have the spare slot for it.

I still have about another 3 or 4 Harmonies left to go but damage has so far felt good in early yellow maps which is where my Atlas is currently. I'll let you know how the damage scales once I get the other Harmonies in place. Looks solid so far though.

Hope you enjoy the League Mika & are well. I'll maybe catch you online in guild chat at some point :)
Последняя редакция: DrHarvey12#0114. Время: 18 дек. 2019 г., 2:55:09

Just head to xbox start in this new league later today...

Is this a good build for a starter with no currency? Or better to go with spectres then?

stoqnbg написал:
As Necro, what golems i must have up, since i have 5. All fire or 4 fire +1 something else?

Hello :)

You want at least 4x Flame Golems to keep enough projectiles up for fast clear speed. With 5th Golem from the tree, you can now swap one Golem for some other Golem if you want the buff, or feel that Golems deal more damage that way.

I would go 5x myself, but it's mostly about my own preference and lack of free gem slots in the build.

Hi Mika,

Finished leveling my Elementalist golemancer last night. Just hit level 82. Gear was fairly cheap but actually I'm over 7k EHP and should be 7.5k with a few more levels. Pretty happy with that considering the MF focus of the build.

Gear as below:


Really want to get some better crafts unlocked so I can meet dex requirements on gear as much as possible. Hope to replace the belt with a Stygian Vise and then get a minions hinder with spells abyss jewel. Long term goal would be a couple of well rolled Ventor's but depending on pricing may not bother. Using this build to farm some currency for the other couple of builds I would like to try this league so may not want to spend a fortune on the Ventor's. At least not till later in the league if I don't have much else to go for!

Golem leveling as an Elementalist with a tabula, goldrim, lifesprigs & wanderlust was fairly easy as you would imagine. I went freezing pulse with 2 threshold jewels and an explosive trap 3 link in a lifesprig for some extra single target as needed. Leveled like that until 34 where I switched to golems. Golems were a bit clunky initially since I didn't have access to multiple projectiles or GMP. In hindsight switching to golems at 38 would have been significantly better. At that point I would have done normal lab and with the Anima Stone, Primoridal Might and 2 or 3 harmonies I would have had 5 golems available (with Golem Commander from the tree). Then getting the extra one with a Clayshaper at lvl 41 and the final one in Cruel Lab. From Level 38 onwards the build was an absolute breeze to level with. I don't know how much extra attention the later bosses got this league (ie new mechanics or extra health) but 4 flame golems plus 2 or 3 others typically destroyed them in 10 seconds or so - sometimes less if I got their placement right.

Early mapping Golem damage vs some of the more insane Metamorphs felt a little lacking and I did lose a few Stone golems along the way. Once I hit lvl 72 and could put my lvl 21 Flame Golem in then the damage was MUCH better. Still lose the occasional stone golem but will look to buy a lvl 21 ASAP.

Having Feeding Frenzy in links with my Lightning, Stone & Chaos golem ensures feeding frenzy has very high uptime and permanently on boss fights or large encounters. Definitely worth it if you have the spare slot for it.

I still have about another 3 or 4 Harmonies left to go but damage has so far felt good in early yellow maps which is where my Atlas is currently. I'll let you know how the damage scales once I get the other Harmonies in place. Looks solid so far though.

Hope you enjoy the League Mika & are well. I'll maybe catch you online in guild chat at some point :)

Hey :)

Sounds like you are doing good!

You have very similar experience in leveling Elementalist as myself, but I used Zombies and Specs before Golems. I'm using Golem + Specs + Zombies atm, and they are dealing easily with Metamorphs in act 4.

Is leveling using non-minions skills easier than using Zombies, Skeletons and SRS?


Just head to xbox start in this new league later today...

Is this a good build for a starter with no currency? Or better to go with spectres then?

Hi :)

Build starts as generic Zombie + Specter build for leveling purpose and to reach high tier maps with minimal budget. You can switch later to Golem + Spectres as you gain more currency and have enough to buy needed pieces. Zombies and Specs alone can take you up to t13+ maps alone.

I would follow the leveling part of the build first and then swap to Golems when you have enough pieces to summon 4x Golems.


We got from 130 member guild to 150 member guild now! \o/
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 18 дек. 2019 г., 13:28:30
This new buffed bosses are interesting... i have 5.5k Ehp and Uber Izaro 1 shot me :D
With only 5.5k HP you were always at 1-shot risk from Uber Izaro. Nothing to do with "new buffs". ;)

With Uber Izaro the "comfort zone" starts at 6.5k HP.
Hej again @mika2salo

Thanks for your quick answer!

Will just start with srs/skells/zombies then until I have the possibility to get spectres / golems 😊

Can you tell me, if it would be a better idea to go with elementalist or with necro?
Hello Mika.

I really like your build and already leveled like 3-4 characters with it and was always satisfied with it, and after making another char for this league i wanted to test out how my favourite golemancer feels with new HP buff, but i got a question.

So, which Ascendancy do i choose and in which order? In your main part you say to get: "Mistress Of Sacrifice, Mindless Aggression, Bone Barrier, Unnatural Strength".
While in leveling section you say to get: "Commander of Darkness, Mistress of Sacrifice, Mindless Aggression, Bone Barrier".

I might understand that it's own preference if you want more damage/HP for golems, you take levels, if you want more easy survivability, you go for Commander for easy Res, but still this is confusing.
Also still mentioning Spectre node in leveling Ascendancy nodes, eh?
Mike_be написал:
Hello Mika.

I really like your build and already leveled like 3-4 characters with it and was always satisfied with it, and after making another char for this league i wanted to test out how my favourite golemancer feels with new HP buff, but i got a question.

So, which Ascendancy do i choose and in which order? In your main part you say to get: "Mistress Of Sacrifice, Mindless Aggression, Bone Barrier, Unnatural Strength".
While in leveling section you say to get: "Commander of Darkness, Mistress of Sacrifice, Mindless Aggression, Bone Barrier".

I might understand that it's own preference if you want more damage/HP for golems, you take levels, if you want more easy survivability, you go for Commander for easy Res, but still this is confusing.
Also still mentioning Spectre node in leveling Ascendancy nodes, eh?

I noticed that discrepancy as well, but if you read later in the in-depth leveling section mika says to spec out of Commander at the 3rd lab into Bone Barrier+Aggression.

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