[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Thanks for the reply.
So I took a look at the flame hellion damage spectre and added them. They do a lot more damage and decided to drop one of the curses and rather run aspect of the spider. It free's up a few nodes and allows me to swap between massive slow with temp chains + spider, or more damage as spider + ele weakness. I will be running with Victario's, but will drop the shield nodes once I get a hubris that justifies the damage and node points. https://pastebin.com/LV8HaLPR Ignore the links on my items, will change it as soon as I hit 90. |
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3 hours and I'm just in act4 (followed your leveling section very carefully)
superslow leveling, you absolutely should revise this section in your guide zombies, SRS and spectre (the only available on char level 30) deal tiny damage normal and magic monsters takes long time to be killed, rares and uniques even more, just unplayable Последняя редакция: fabregas88#6818. Время: 28 июня 2020 г., 20:06:41
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how many golems and spectre am i supposed to have with the block variant of the build? i read the whole guide and im not quite sure.
5 golems and 3 spectres ? skin of the loyal chest btw. also, is the pledge of hands elementalist version a nice upgrade for the whole block varaint build? when i wanna do bosskilling and mapping in general? Последняя редакция: FamousAzzkicker#7712. Время: 29 июня 2020 г., 1:42:53
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I'm kind of confused about the chaos res thing.
You only have 2-3k health in this build... how do you avoid getting oneshot without CI. Or is that amount of chaos res enough for it not to matter? |
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" With chayula's you are standing on 0. So what I did was grab a 3 points small cluster with anti-venom. That plus 2 crafts with the hybrid chaos res will hit you 80 cap of chaos res. |
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" Hello :) Now the link seems to be working. The setup seems like it should work ok. Aspect of Spider is excellent has both defensive and offensive properties. If you want later to boost your curses you can add enhance to one curses support and swap elemental weaknesss to projectile weakness. This way you can always swap curse in green socket and Temp chains, Ele weak and Proj weak all scale with quality form enhance very nicely. Please post how to setup is working when you finalize it. My Hubris corrupted all of my block nodes near Glancing Blows, so I cant really test it easily. " Hey :) I know that leveling ssetup is not very fast one, but it has to fullfil some criteria : - If has to be dirt cheap at least up to the maps - The main skill has to be very resistant to nerf so I don't have to rewrite guide often - It's better if it teaches new players basics of the minion setup, so minions are preferred - Most players level with their own style, so they just check the guide for tree It gets better once you get Spectres as you main skill, but before that you can't summon Golems and earlier minions are weak. I'm open to all kind of improvement if it fits at least part of the criteria. " Hi :) 5x Golems (1x from gem, 1x from tree, 2x from Anima and 1x from Clayshaper) 3-4x Specs depending on the gem level (2x from gem, 1x from tree, 4th one requires some gearing as you want +1-3 level to socketed minion gems helmet to reach lvl 31 for the gem) Pledge setup deals more damage than Necro. It has very different playstyle, so it's definitely worth trying if you want alternative, but it's not straight boss-killer. I can actually recommend checking my work-in-progress setup at the bottom of this message. It's very strong in boss killing and feels solid to play. " " Hello :) Yep, Chayula gives enough chaos res to reach 0%. Purity of Flesh gives some more from the tree. This is usually enough for all content, but if league has heavy chaos damage mechanic, you can add chaos res to 1-2 rare item to reach safe value. UPDATE Experimental Elementalist I'm currenly reworking the Elementalist variant and can share very promising start. The basic idea is the same as with Necromancer : - Boss killer minion - Clear-speed minion - Lots of debuffs - Hybrid with ES / HP Then comes some extra compared to Necro - 40% Phys reduction - 800+ ES regen per sec - Immune elemental status - Immune to bleed - Enemies are taunted / blinded / hindered - Physical Golems can do phys and ele ref maps Flame Golems clear packs and ignite mobs lowering their fire resistance. Flame Golems can hinder enemies when using Abyssal jewel. Stone Golems deal most of their damage as fire and lightning damage, so combustions elemental resistance and Elemental Equilibriums debuff boosts their damage. They also get 7th support from "Immolate" which becomes active almost instantly when Flame Golems shoot the enemy and ignites it. Stone Golems have build-in taunt and can blind when using Abyssal jewel. Stone Golems provide lots of regen, which is converted to ES regen. I also tested Ice Golems instead of Stone Golems, and they seem to deal more damage on bosses. Using Stone Golems however save extra links. I will make video with Ice Golems later. Chaos Golem provides phys reduction and can also blind enemies when using Abyssal jewel. Shav's Wrappings protects from chaos resistance, so we can safely use Zealot's Oath. Path of Building : https://pastebin.com/dGmxqPHq Video https://youtu.be/ZbF6yMNxALE?t=74 - item / links at start of video [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 29 июня 2020 г., 16:20:24
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" can you make a version without the dual curse necklace corrupt? (pob) or tell me what to do differently? i might try this version of the build. ALSO can anyone help me understand what actually increases flame golem / spectre damage in what priority? is it mostly gemlevel > primordial jewels > talents ? im currently 86 and struggle a bit in t14+ , my gems have no quality, and im leveling them from lvl 1 basically. im trying to figure out what to invest my money into first, i still dont have animate guardian, empower lvl 4, raise spectre 21, and flame golem 21. (empower would make me go instantly broke :D). any help appreciated. also using tukohama vanguards. should i use different minions in 3.11? here my currentgear Последняя редакция: FamousAzzkicker#7712. Время: 30 июня 2020 г., 7:53:28
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" Hey :) Here's the PoB without with more normal gear : https://pastebin.com/pa8AE9TN Idea is to stack as much HP and ES rare items as possible to reach safe value of EHP and then swap as many minion damage nodes to EHP as needed. Golems and Specs get damage from somewhat different sources. Golems get tons of increased damage from Harmonies, so adding more increased to them is not very useful. levels, charges, "More" damage and debuffs are best way to increase their damage after certain point. Specs however get their damage from Increased damage as the tree gives only so much of it. Thats why hubris jewel with even 2x 80% increased damage nodes is huge boost to their damage. They also dont have cooldowns, so they can spam as fast as they can. Thats why level, charges, increased damage, cast speed, "More damage" and debuffs all work on them. "Unending Hunger" -is huge boost to their damage if not using Tukohama Specs and if you are clearing packs. Levels are best way to raise both minions damage, so I would buy lvl 21/0 corrupt Flame Golems first for few C. Same for Spectres. After that you can raise quality of gems, amount of Harmonies, Quality on curses and get lvl 3 Enhance. DPS increase is noticable with each Step ;) Or you can try the Flame Golems with Stone / Ice Golems, whichever is more to your liking. It deals lot more damage especially against bosses, but may require some customization as it's literally fay days old and not throughly tested to replace old Elementalist yet. UPDATE Experimental Elementalist - Ice Golems Path of Building : https://pastebin.com/Apn1kEPZ Video : https://youtu.be/R9wHfmYWzLo?t=77 This time I recorded Chimera Run using Ice Golems instead of Stone Golems. Here are the results : Ice Golems + Deal lot more boss damage + Move faster so the clear faster + This lets them work as aggro buffer when they run 1/2 screen before you - Lover HP (Can die in some bosses if not using Empower) - Do not have built-in taunt - Eat extra gem slot Stone Golems + Don't eat extra gem slot + Taunt with their skill + Lots of HP (never die in boss fights) - Attack is not movement skill (much slower clear speed) - Lower boss DPS for some reason - Usually move behind you, so if you want taunt benefits you have to use minion skill or move slowly Overall I like Ice Golems more and will propably use them for the Elementalist rework with Flame Golems. Good this is that you can balance between Flame Golems and Physical Golem numbers as you like. One thing to notice is that you can link physical Golems with added fire and then scale melee as much as possible. This leads to higher DPS, but potential rip for Golems in phys reflect map. Other possibility is to use Added fire and Physical to lightning which leads to lower DPS, but not ripping in reflect maps for sure. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 30 июня 2020 г., 12:41:39
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Hey Mika good to see you are still going strong, you are a legend lol.
I remember making an absolute fortune in this game when you could die and your minions kept on killing, that was stupid insane. I am seeing a few very successful builds getting around using Carrion golems, just wondering if you have explored this? Keep on keeping on. |
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I like this build, though I'm not liking the fact that the POB link makes everything way too good to be true.
The items are fantasy crafted, literally. |
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