[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

orcadigital написал:
I was wondering if I could get more information regarding cast speed, cooldowns and frenzy charges. There is a google dock floating around from several years back explaining that POB does not properly account for cooldowns and basically says frenzy charges do not make a big difference to flame golems until 9+ harmonies.

Is this still the case (POB not showing correctly)?

There is a comment to "Just remember to match cast speed to cooldown as much as possible (POB can be used here to compare values)." but I am not sure what that means.

Unlike most, I was using Carnage Chieftan spectres to get frenzy charges (as opposed to Victarios). I am not using the primordial chain, and currently have 3 spectres. I was running a Carnage Chieftan, Host Chieftan, and Arena Master (similar to as Heist league with carrions) and POB is showing something in the neighborhood of a 50% dps increase for the 3 frenzy charges (98k to 147k with Magma Ball on my POB and current build). I am surprised that POB would be that far off this many years later?

If I can move away from the chieftans and use something like Tuko Vanguards or Solaris Champions (both seem to do well with bosses as well as the ritual mechanics in small spaces) I'd prefer it, but a bit lost on what I might be losing.

Note: I am goofing off with baranite preachers so ignore the gem links on my helm. Normally its spectre, minion life, zombie and blood magic for basically 100% uptime on 3 frenzy charges).

Hello :)

Frenzy charges make Golems deal higher burst damage if they have enough Harmonies and if they have charges ready. However once they reach tougher enemy like boss, they will start to spam weaker spells like Flame Wave so the charges lose their benefit.

Spectres and Melee Golems get much more benefit from the charges as they have more flexible cooldowns and multiple useful skills. Carrion, Stone and Ice Golems can all use frenzy charges very effectively.

I would definitely not use frenzy generating Specs, as they are main boss killing minions. Flame Golems get very little benefit from them in boss fights. Tukohamas are very solid choice and there should be even more effective Specs out now.

For elementalist build.
Why use Primorial Chain. As i understand final build should have 10 golems with the amulet and 7 without.
Primorial Chain said 35% less damage so it is 65% damage output.
2golems are not damaging . stone and chaos. So we left with 8 amd 5 flame/ice golem.
8*65 = 520%
5*100 = 500%
The gap is just 20% isnt it better to have rare amulet with +1 all fire/strength or both +2 to fire golem??? Also no golem less HP in amulet. Or the move speed os import.

Second, as we convert life regen to energy shield regen. How to recover life? Or is it just need to use flask

Hey :)

Choosing amulet is pretty much up to own taste. Chain does not necessarily raise direct DPS, but make clearing maps lot faster. Ice Golems reach trash mobs faster and you have more Golems to spam orbs around the map. In boss fight the effect is pretty much zero.

"Zealot's Oath" skillpoint changes HP regen to ES regen. If your life drops below max, you have to heal with flask as you don't have HP regen anymore.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Recent leagues have been quite rough on all elemental Golems. Boss HP increased so much that old DPS is very mediocre now against them and Physical minions get double DPS thank to impale being broken.

After playing variations of your build for quite a while now, I think there are two things that will always inherently hold back flame golems from doing big dps.
1. Out of all the elemental damage types, fire seems to scale the worst for spells. Scaling physical cold damage is probably the best when it comes to increasing minion elemental dps. It also doesn't help that flame golems can't scale physical damage and utilize impale shenanigans.
2. Flame golems rely on their magma orb ability to deal their dps, but their wonky AI makes them get close to enemies and use their other two abilities which drop their dps considerably. Whereas carrion golems can just spam their physical attacks.

Unless GGG decides to buff fire scaling to be on par with cold or if they rework flame golems (or possibly nerf carrion even further), I don't think we're gonna see massive improvement in dps numbers for flame golems. It's also kind of disheartening to invest so much in jewels and gear just to watch flame golems struggle to clear bosses, when the same investment into spectres or carrion can do everything with ease.
Thanks for that amazing build.

I have currently 5 golems only. How many golems we use max with that build and how can we get that max number.

Asian_Camgirl написал:
Recent leagues have been quite rough on all elemental Golems. Boss HP increased so much that old DPS is very mediocre now against them and Physical minions get double DPS thank to impale being broken.

After playing variations of your build for quite a while now, I think there are two things that will always inherently hold back flame golems from doing big dps.
1. Out of all the elemental damage types, fire seems to scale the worst for spells. Scaling physical cold damage is probably the best when it comes to increasing minion elemental dps. It also doesn't help that flame golems can't scale physical damage and utilize impale shenanigans.
2. Flame golems rely on their magma orb ability to deal their dps, but their wonky AI makes them get close to enemies and use their other two abilities which drop their dps considerably. Whereas carrion golems can just spam their physical attacks.

Unless GGG decides to buff fire scaling to be on par with cold or if they rework flame golems (or possibly nerf carrion even further), I don't think we're gonna see massive improvement in dps numbers for flame golems. It's also kind of disheartening to invest so much in jewels and gear just to watch flame golems struggle to clear bosses, when the same investment into spectres or carrion can do everything with ease.

Hello :)

You are pretty much right with your results. Flame Golems are excellent at non-boss enemies fast, but struggle with bosses with their AI. Scaling fire damage is also quite hard even if I like that element type the most.

I'm quite sure that GGG will be buffing / reworking Flame Golems in league or two as they seem to like Golems as minion type. Players want permanent minions and Golems are one of the few viable alternatives. Carrion / Stone golems will be nerfed even more, so it's quite natural to buff Flame Golems on par with them.

Golems gear used to be dirt cheap before Carrion Golems. I hope there will be change in the future for either Carrions or Golem gear drop rates, as prices are now sealing players off the Golem builds. Maybe one day we can play Golems even as SSF ^^

Thanks for that amazing build.

I have currently 5 golems only. How many golems we use max with that build and how can we get that max number.


Hey and thanks for support ^^

Necromancer gets 5x Golems and elementalist gets 10x. You get :
- 1x from skill gem
- 1x from skill tree
- 1x from Clayshaper
- 2x from Anima Stone
- 2x from elementalist Ascendancy nodes
- 3x from Primordial Chain -amulet
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 16 февр. 2021 г., 16:36:22
Hello and thank you for the guide.
I'm doing the Elementalist version and I don't understand talent points in Shaper of Winter :/
Hikara написал:
I don't understand talent points in Shaper of Winter :/

Increased perma Chill effect, is all.

I don't know why Mika is not recommending Shaper of Storms... with Arc and Awa Unbound Ailments we apply Shock to the tune of up to 33% more damage taken.

Since we got hit so badly in the damage department by the Elementalist ascendancy rework (20% incr. dmg per swummoned golem is gone) Flame Golems suck really hard in boss fight. At this point we certainly can't afford the luxury of multiple projectile support anymore, tougher bosses just laughing us out of the arena.

Right now I'm using eight flame Golems (8+3) with Spell Echo, Minion Damage, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction , Empower (would use Conc Effect instead but getting 5 x blue on Belly is a real PAIN) ... even with Awakened Support Gems, Elemental Equilibrium, Shock (26%), Flammability, Elemental Weakness, 20% Combustion (from Dtone/Chaos Golem via Fire Damage for Minions on Abyssal Jewel) and 10% Bottled Faith bossing is just NO FUN.
Последняя редакция: tomay#5509. Время: 22 февр. 2021 г., 8:49:20
Well, I'm done for the league now. Played a carrion golem elementalist to 95 and then swapped to an aura stacking necro to go to 96. And after playing that I really don't know how flame golems are ever going to be able to compete. Probably carrion golems will see another nerf in the future but even so the damage is a night and day difference between the two. Plus you get all the other benefits of aura stacking like free capped ele res and max ele res; capped chaos res and still reasonable 7K+ ES. Just a very smooth build overall.

Flame golems could really use a buff at this point as there are some pretty decent spectre builds that can compete with them for clear and then do some pretty nice single target as well. Just seems to be harder and harder to justify picking them over other options other than because you "want" to play flame golems.

Honestly at this point the way I see myself playing them in the future is if GGG completely nerf both carrion golems and stone golems into the ground so much that the prices on the primordial jewels are super cheap at league start and then I can go back to running them in a lazy MF setup. Then their damage doesn't matter that much and I'll probably only use them to clear up to high yellows anyway. Seems sad that you're almost relying on GGG to kill other builds to make this one seem somewhat viable but it feels like that's where we are at the moment. Hopefully I'm wrong and maybe in 3.14 we'll see some love for flame golemancers.
Последняя редакция: DrHarvey12#0114. Время: 17 марта 2021 г., 13:03:07
DrHarvey12 написал:
I really don't know how flame golems are ever going to be able to compete.

I'm playing both Flame and Stone Golems Elementalists at the moment, as endgame boss killer the Flame Golems are plain useless (even with full awa support so don't waste your money here). What they do have going for them is the safer gameplay (no need to have tough enemies in your Pride/Flesh & Stone range). In terms of temp leagues, it's OK to start off with Flame Golems but if you want to progress into late game content, change to Stone Golems.
Would anyone know why my Tukohama Vanguards are not spawning totems?
Hey, just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a great league start!

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