korppi1 написал:
As Chris also said: once they're Mapping, we have their souls.
I'm obviously not a top streamer or a meta-game player. I'm just a long-time supporter and someone who has an uncanny, unfortunate memory for pointless things. One of those pointless things, at least at the time, is a conversation I had with Chris in July, 2012. I'm going to paraphrase it for you now, just to show that while you might be able to justify this XP change as the result of GGG listening to streamers, it's actually just them trying/struggling to get back to their original vision. This was in person, so I don't have a written transcript. Sorry. Here's the gist:
Me: Why are there no significant jumps in power when you get a level after 90? These are very difficult thresholds to cross. Shouldn't there be an equal reward for the effort?
Chris: By that point, it's more a case of players can do it if they want to. This is not going to be something many players will do. And if we put significant power bursts after 90, then players are going to see 90+ as necessary rather than just something extra to try for.
You can easily find other examples of this sentiment if you care to dig. This is what Chris and the GGGang believed and wanted during PoE's closed beta. There's a reason content has only really gone up to mid 80s -- and there's a reason the achievement for getting level 90 even in Softcore is called 'Diminishing Returns'.
Whether or not simply increasing the xp to get from 95-100 is the answer is almost a different argument. I think it'll take a lot more than that to even vaguely come close to the original vision of 100 being K-2, that one mountain that even Everest climbers only dream about. And the hardest change would probably be some sort of hard-rewiring in players' brains that 100 is something they can expect to get. Should expect to get.
Nevermind that the vast, vast, VAST majority of builds are doing their thing by the mid 80s. Everything after that is just...what? Arbitrary grind. You get nothing for it. Nothing. So why do players feel they MUST have it? Is it because streamers and no-lifers seem to get it so easily? Do we see marathon runners on TV winning Olympic medals and figure if we go jogging every day we'll get that too?
And what would you do with that medal anyway? Pull it out at parties to break the ice? Look at it on the wall wistfully? Unless you *fucking suffered for years* to get that medal, it represents nothing. You could just go down to a local trophy shop and buy one.
So what if 99.99999999999999999999999999% of players will never get 100? Because you have a life, kids, a wife, a job, hobbies, regular bathing habits, and so on? You'll never have an Olympic medal either, even though I bet quite a few of you like to do some sort of sports. Does this somehow stop you from enjoying playing those sports? Do you think, fuck, what's the point in playing this sport if I'll never have the world's top accolades in it? Do you really? Play because you like it. Play because it makes you feel good. Play because your life sucks and work sucks and traffic sucks and the world sucks. All fine reasons to play. Play because you want to be the world's best? I don't think we call it 'play' when you start thinking like that.
So if this change will keep you from supporting, know that you're actively trying to boycott GGG's attempt to realise a long-held belief and hope regarding those last few character levels. Half-hearted or ill-conceived as the attempt may be, this has been a LONG time coming.
yeah really good post!!!! i really think they are doing the right thing. might be tough in the short run but the right thing isn't always the easy thing!!
I'm just pleasantly surprised the thorny issue of Vaal Pact is getting addressed at last. For a while now, it felt as if the entire game design was a delicate balancing act between creating content that is engaging and challenging enough, yet at the same time not impossibly difficult for characters without the ability to instantly leech back their entire health pool in a split second. This particular change sticks out to me as both needed and healthy for the future of the game, and it'll be interesting to see how well the player base adapts.
СообщениеKryotik#15955 дек. 2017 г., 0:04:36
All of these responses - 'RIP this', 'RIP that', 'Mark Rosewater etc.', 'No balnce = nerf everything' ..... all of you people need to have patience. This is not the patchnotes, just an explanation as to some of the 'nerfs'. Wait for the notes, the buffs, the new landscape of 3.1.0 and things will level out. There will always be some things that stick out, but it's a big game - vastly difficult to balance and maintain a vision for. Less hate and more trust.
Are you expecting the internet to NOT over-react? Seriously? :D
nskLantash написал:
All of these responses - 'RIP this', 'RIP that', 'Mark Rosewater etc.', 'No balnce = nerf everything' ..... all of you people need to have patience. This is not the patchnotes, just an explanation as to some of the 'nerfs'. Wait for the notes, the buffs, the new landscape of 3.1.0 and things will level out. There will always be some things that stick out, but it's a big game - vastly difficult to balance and maintain a vision for. Less hate and more trust.
Are you expecting the internet to NOT over-react? Seriously? :D
Exactly! This thread has been pure gold so far...and I want more!
Сообщениеarskatb#69335 дек. 2017 г., 0:09:19
ExCinisCineris написал:
nskLantash написал:
bloodseeker's prices will be significantly higher in the next league.
It may still be getting nerfed. We will find out tomorrow I guess.
Seriously? if Acuity one of the hardest to get items in the game was changed to no longer have instant leech.. you god damn better believe Bloodseeker will be changed as well... If they dont that would be the absolute stupidest thing ever... Literally.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
СообщениеDemonoz#13755 дек. 2017 г., 0:11:18
СообщениеV_i_n_s#34375 дек. 2017 г., 0:12:38
Anyhooo, i'm not sure if the new witchfire chaos dmg on hit works with ED or not, because, well, ED technically hits the target so it should, right? And wither nerf is kind of ehh, but otherwise it appears that both my leaguestarters appear to be fine\not majorly nerfed, at least.
Who knows, maybe the patchnotes will actually nerf them :D:D.
Overwhelming response that its too easy to hit 100?
That's... the opposite of literally every opinion on the game I've ever encountered.
I get that it's relevant to racing (and the change makes sense within that context in a vacuum), but there's a reason that people consider 90 the effective level cap already.
I think if you're going to try to make the grind longer in this manner, you're going to have to revisit the XP penalties for dying at those levels.
This is a negative change for any non-race environment.
I'm a fan of the races and enjoy watching them, but I'd prefer them to not impact the main game in a negative manner. I'd also argue that while watching people compete for racing positions is entertaining: the playstyle that players adopt during this period is actually quite lacklustre, as it devolves into rolling maps as fast as possible, generally with the same clear-speed builds.
Please, if we're going to go down this path: Make leveling past 90 a more positive and accessible experience for SC characters.
Please also consider providing the 90-100 grind with entertaining methods of grinding that XP outside of rolling the same map and farming it clearspeed-style.
We want some actual combat at endgame, hard monsters and boss fights, not just a light-show of packs exploding.
Revisit the entertainment factor of 90+ gameplay if you're going to make it a longer grind.
СообщениеObbu#15255 дек. 2017 г., 0:22:09