Path of Nerfs
" Most builds aren't going to stack wither to 20 anyway. A few builds that pick up duration nodes anyway, and, 4 link the totem, can do it, but for the most part ~10 stacks is more typical. So the wither nerf is mostly just the 7% down to 6%. Obviously it hurts a bit but not a build killer. ED does technically hit. The upfront shot should benefit from the effect, the DoT will not be effected, but of course will benefit from the damage over time buff part of it. Essence drain is probably still a fine league starter. |
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the blizzard way
the blizzard thorey. the blizzard designer. the same as the failer of diablo3 on you way the designer who have no ablity to make a game diversify,they go the other way around----------nerf it to be homogeneity |
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Nice nerfs.
Projectile spells nerfs? Single target Sunder nerfs? Path of Shield Charge? P.S."this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99" - RIP Zizaran. Interesting mechanics enthusiast. Последняя редакция: farmazongold#5418. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 1:57:43
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Shoulda called this post path of salt
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" All nerf is like that,they don't know balance,just nerf all and fk. |
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I really don't care about anything but the experience nerfs. I am currently on Xbox One and working towards level 95. I think that it is unfair that regular players are going to have to take forever to get to level 100 just because of a few aggressively good players.
We already have to deal with constant disconnects and lag problems that slowed us down and now this. Последняя редакция: Bethicus73#1449. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 0:29:04
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The devs arw forgeting not all of us are nolifers: lvl 100 in 3 days . Stop using those players as a way to balance the game
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If everything overpowered is nerfed then what will there be left to play for? I have never had a pair of acuitys and I was looking forwards to the day that I would own a pair, either by skill or through trading. Now, that dream is gone. Not to mention all those poor souls out there who lost a significant investment...
One of the reasons Diablo 2 was so popular is that there was an underlying layer of concrete to the game - sure they made a LOT of changes, yet a WINDFORCE was always a windforce, you could feel good about putting the time and effort into the game because you knew that you would be rewarded. Instead of nerfing acuitys why not make them more rare? Takes 60 runs to get them now, make it 180 runs. Don't be scared of overpowered items. And why so much constant balance and adjustments that result in nerfing stuff? Why can't you find a good formula for the game and build on it? EVERY single league there are these OP items that have to be nerfed *reach of the council* - why not have more OPEN BETA? Seems like a cash grab in the end.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 🐢
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So with this new despair gem and it replacing the vulnerability gem and witchfire brew in 3.1, does this mean that corrupted curse on hit gloves that provide vulnerability will also been changed to this new despair gem when the update goes live?
Последняя редакция: GrandMasterShadow#5178. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 0:33:51
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I don't mind the nerfs, but nerfing exp honestly ruins the game. I don't mind grinding, but leveling to 100 already feels like slave labour and I never bother. These nerf to the exp required now further disincentivizes me to continue playing for a longer time as it takes longer to see a return on the investments I put in on a character.
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