[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)
" 1. Tooltip DPS is not very accurate. It assumes you are fighting a monster at your own level, and therefore it doesn't give you the accurate damage that you would have vs shaper (which is what I measure for). This is where lycosidae gets more powerful. If we're gonna simplify it, when you are clearing trash, having 85% hit chance doesn't matter. It's not gonna affect your clearspeed. But versus shaper, that is 15% of your hits that miss. Which means that lycosidae basically hands you a 15% extra damage. Now this is all very simplyfied, and there's a lot more to how to calculate it, but I think you get the point. It also makes your survivability higher. With characters that utilize leech to stay alive, hit chance is a big deal. But in the end you are free to play with whatever claw / shield you wish. If it suits your playstyle better, then by all means go for it! There are probably combos that give more damage than having a lycosidae. 2. In a 5L I would go FB - EDAS - Multistrike - Hypo - AC/Ruthless, and then take ice bite for the last one. As for chill, yes you can chill most bosses. Even shaper. You can even freeze him with enough damage. Many bosses used to be immune to effects like chill/bleed/freeze/ignite etc. But GGG changed it a while back, because it rendered some game mechanics pretty useless and no one would play characters based on those mechanics. So they reworked how the ailments work instead, and made it possible to use them vs most bosses. 3. The claw thing is a tricky one. It's more to it than simply looking at a claws PDPS and assume it is going to be better. Due to the nature of the build and how it scales with both physical and elemental damage, that gives us an advantage when picking claws in that we can get so many different variations that can be good. You may be better of with a 200 PDPS hybrid than you are with a pure 300 PDPS. Or even if it isn't a hybrid, a PDPS claw with EDAS on it may do more damage than a claw with higher pure PDPS. Crit is also an important factor. Never get a claw that has less than 7% crit. It makes a big difference. If you look at the claws in the guide that I used in 3.1, they all gave about the same dps for me. Obviously "Vortex Song" was the best one on paper, and yes, it did more dps for me than the others. But it wasn't that much more. But vortex song has the potential to become a 200ex+ claw if I could just get that damn attack speed roll. So this is both good and bad. It is good because we can pick from a wider range of claws, which means that we can get away with buying 4ex claws that might be better than 20ex claws. It is bad, because it makes it hard to know exactly what to search for. :p Don't panic. |
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Any tricks to get good faster run speed while using Darkrays? I know whirling blades help but the slowness feels bad.If you check my profile I am far from done gear wise and still need uber. Just wondering on the speed thing.I am used to have phasing so it feels very off to me
Последняя редакция: AntSunrise#6376. Время: 14 марта 2018 г., 18:31:52
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" Unfortunately, no. You can always get another pair of boots. Darkray is very good, but if you want more movespeed, you can take something else. Getting a good pair of rare boots with a +1 frenzy corruption could be really good aswell. We do get a lot of movespeed from our frenzy charges though and onslaught when we have avatar of the chase aswell.. You could always replace a potion with a quicksilver flask, I guess. I would replace overflowing chalice in that case. Don't panic. |
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Hey Fiverr
I reached lvl 89 with this build and i have to thank you for the blast im having playing this. But atm im stuck. Tbh i dont know how I should upgrade my build now. I´ve tried some stuff on PoB and an 40/60k dps upgrade would cost me a lot of ex. Obviously im aiming for 20/20 + on all gems(almost there) but can you advise me what i should be focusing on upgrading next please? Maybe something wrong with skill tree? Here´s my PoB: https://pastebin.com/iLx3nGCZ Ty so much for the guide!! |
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Can someone tell me why Lycosidae should be a core item in this build?
I'm lvl 89 with a 6L chest and used 2x Touch of Anguish since I could wear them. Yesterady I bought a Lycosidae and tried it out with Touch of Anguish. I tested it on 3 maps (T8-T10) and was slower (moving via whirling blades), needed a bit longer for trash mobs and even longer for bosses. Will it get better with better gear (more damage from other items)? Besides 100% hitting every time and just a bit more survivability (at least it seems like that), what am I missing here? |
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" After playing around in PoB and looking at your character, there are a few things I would say. I am now assuming FB - Multi - EDAS - Ice bite - Hypo - Ruthless is being used. All at lvl 20. I have also added diamond flask, lion's roar and overflowing chalice. They aren't a big investment. (Why do you use 3 life flasks?) Replacing lycosidae, and keeping a ToA in mainhand is about a 40k dps loss. Why this is, I have no idea. However, if you have lycosidae equipped, then a 320pdps claw is enough to surpass that damage. (I am also assuming it has 1.8+ aps and 7+ crit. You should never use a rare claw with less than that.) You still lose roughly 10k damage. I have no idea why. These 10k are a piss in the ocean though, considering you would be at 477k dps at this point. But by equipping lycosidae, you also gain block, armour, hit chance and a minimum .6 aps compared to 2xToA. Keep using ToA if you feel that is better and suits your playstyle better. But there are better options when you get a decent rare claw. Don't panic. Последняя редакция: Fiver#2304. Время: 15 марта 2018 г., 8:27:07
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" Are you experiencing any problems, or just wondering where to go next? I would focus on getting more life. Even just 500 more life will increase your survivability noticably. 5k life would be the sweetspot. You may want to use a starkonja instead of your rat's nest, until you have more life. Other than that, I would start focusing on a rare claw as an upgrade, but you already at 580k shaper-dps with FB - EDAS - Multi - IB - Hypo - Ruth. So dps shouldn't be a big problem at the moment. I don't see any issues with your skilltree. I would remove vaal pact until you have a rare claw, though. Then obviously the standard boring reply. Work on small upgrades on jewellery for damage. Maybe try to get your hands on a watcher's eye when your budget allows for it. Don't panic. |
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" Thank you again :D Already got myself a decent claw that increased significantly my dps. Im trying to upgrade my rings and belt but atributes and resistences are kicking my a** off. One more thing tho... do you ever thought about a orb of storms setup for this build? Like: Orb of storms - CoH - PCoC - Frostbite ? EDIT: forgot to answer your question. Yep, my problem is that i cant figure out where to go next but i guess starkonjas and watchers eye are next on my list now :D Последняя редакция: pombaassassina#3572. Время: 15 марта 2018 г., 11:43:00
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" I actually did go Orb of storms earlier. Actually I used the exact set-up you mention. The main reason why I stopped using it and instead went for a CWDT curse set-up is because I didn't want to spend too much time during bossfights on standing still and throwing spells. I feel that ancestral protector takes up enough time as it is. So a CWDT - Frost bomb - Frostbite became more interesting. Ideally I don't want to use frostbite at all. Elemental weakness on hit corruption on our gloves would be the best situation I think. Deals a bit less damage than frostbite, but it will have a 100% uptime when attacking. As for power charges, I don't feel like we get enough charges from the OoS for it to be worth the gem slots. It's also too unreliable and hard to keep them up in a long bossfight. Don't panic. |
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I upgraded my gear further today:
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Was wondering if you can recommend any claws to me? Having a hard time finding a good one... Последняя редакция: sklipnoty#7673. Время: 15 марта 2018 г., 14:22:17
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