[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Fiver написал:
CrazyRyu написал:
Can someone tell me why Lycosidae should be a core item in this build?

I'm lvl 89 with a 6L chest and used 2x Touch of Anguish since I could wear them.
Yesterady I bought a Lycosidae and tried it out with Touch of Anguish.

I tested it on 3 maps (T8-T10) and was slower (moving via whirling blades), needed a bit longer for trash mobs and even longer for bosses.

Will it get better with better gear (more damage from other items)?
Besides 100% hitting every time and just a bit more survivability (at least it seems like that), what am I missing here?

After playing around in PoB and looking at your character, there are a few things I would say.

I am now assuming FB - Multi - EDAS - Ice bite - Hypo - Ruthless is being used. All at lvl 20.
I have also added diamond flask, lion's roar and overflowing chalice. They aren't a big investment. (Why do you use 3 life flasks?)

Replacing lycosidae, and keeping a ToA in mainhand is about a 40k dps loss. Why this is, I have no idea.
However, if you have lycosidae equipped, then a 320pdps claw is enough to surpass that damage. (I am also assuming it has 1.8+ aps and 7+ crit. You should never use a rare claw with less than that.)

You still lose roughly 10k damage. I have no idea why. These 10k are a piss in the ocean though, considering you would be at 477k dps at this point.
But by equipping lycosidae, you also gain block, armour, hit chance and a minimum .6 aps compared to 2xToA.

Keep using ToA if you feel that is better and suits your playstyle better. But there are better options when you get a decent rare claw.

Thank you for your answer!

Just bought Lions and Overflowing :) (I never think of my flasks...)
Going to focus on a nice claw then. Have around 4ex at the moment so we will see if there is something decent.


Just bought that claw for 4ex:

Was it a good deal?
Последняя редакция: CrazyRyu#0969. Время: 15 марта 2018 г., 17:37:28
Is shroud of the lightless a good chest for this build? Not sure how the damage would be losing the 6th link in favour for ele pen maybe the abyss jewel would cover it
IGN: McA_ArcTrap
Hello. I just respec my skill tree into your build (was hybrid MS FB before) bcause i am getting lucky (dropped Lyco). Never tried a pure FB build before. I would like to know how to improve my damage ? And which gear to changes. My chars are public, named FG_FBMS.
CrazyRyu написал:


Just bought that claw for 4ex:

Was it a good deal?

The crit on it is too low, otherwise a great claw but the crit is a deal breaker to me.
I'd remove suffix and multimod AS and Crit.
Последняя редакция: Firestrike9#7135. Время: 16 марта 2018 г., 14:06:32
Fiver написал:

So this is both good and bad.
It is good because we can pick from a wider range of claws, which means that we can get away with buying 4ex claws that might be better than 20ex claws.
It is bad, because it makes it hard to know exactly what to search for. :p

Can you direct me a bit how to reach the point where I identify a good 4ex claw thats better than say a 20ex pure phys one?

How can claw with added lightning or fire benefit me if most of my damage ends up being phys converted to cold or just pure cold damage,I don't see us scaling general elemental damage THAT much.

I'd appreciate if you could provide an example claw that won't seem that great a first sight but actually is pretty decent.

Thank alot Fiver!!!
So I Have these items on my character:

I already have a better set of gloves waiting for me once i reach lvl 6 with Haku and can enchant them with attack speed. I think my character is looking pretty solid at this point but I want to find a 1500+ evasion chest and the proper potions.

Do u guys have any tips on other things i should try to change?

Thanks for ur time!
Последняя редакция: skillzer555#2948. Время: 16 марта 2018 г., 16:43:05
So i posted once and accidentally edited it because it showed i posted twice so imma quicken it up this time since it was long...

First off im reletively new. I love the Build, i have great dps and mapping, as well as Single target boss dps. My frostblades ranger is my highest level at 68 atm. I only have 2 problems atm. first is mana. I have hatred and herald, but only use herald because i cant keep up the mana. Second is my stats. I cant upgrade my gear really, because i cant keep up the stats that my other gear and gems require. For example im still using a Wurms Molt belt, because it gives me almost exactly enough int and str to use my stuff.

I summed it up quite alot from my original post. I would love to hear back with some tips (like how to post gear on forum thread, idk how).

And once again, i love the build, thanks so much.
Последняя редакция: Scoozii#0889. Время: 16 марта 2018 г., 18:33:03
Hello, thanks for this build, I'm currently lvl 81 with it but I do have some questions...

1) I have the Bloodseeker claws and you say to get rid of "Vaal Pact" in this case, but wouldn't it be a pretty big nerf on life leech?

2) Same thing about "Vitality Void" with "Soul Raker", isn't "Vitality Void" a very good node to keep for better survivability?

Thanks :)
Последняя редакция: olvini3#3486. Время: 17 марта 2018 г., 5:54:37
olvini3 написал:
Hello, thanks for this build, I'm currently lvl 81 with it but I do have some questions...

1) I have the Bloodseeker claws and you say to get rid of "Vaal Pact" in this case, but wouldn't it be a pretty big nerf on life leech?

2) Same thing about "Vitality Void" with "Soul Raker", isn't "Vitality Void" a very good node to keep for better survivability?

Thanks :)

1)Bloodseeker gives you INSTANT leech like how Vaal Pact worked before the nerf, since you have instant leech you don't need Vaal Pact as it just increases life leeched and maximum leech cap, with instant leech you don't need it.

2)When it comes to leech you don't reallt need to stack too much of it, as depending on the weapon you're using you're probably hitting the maximum life leech cap so having more life leeched won't make a difference.

If you're using Bloodseeker you really don't need more leech as you just heal very fast since you hit so fast, so very little life leech on the tree is enough + 1.2% you get from the claw itself!
Последняя редакция: Firestrike9#7135. Время: 17 марта 2018 г., 6:27:57
sklipnoty написал:
I upgraded my gear further today:

Скрытый текст

Was wondering if you can recommend any claws to me? Having a hard time finding a good one...

It's hard to recommend specific claws, but I would search for claws with either:
High phys damage
Phys damage + Cold damage
Phys damage + EDAS

Never buy anything with less than 1.8 aps and 7% crit.

I can give some pointers, but the thing is that even with the right search parameters, you can still find bad claws.

But for hybrid claws with both elemental damage and physical, you need a higher total dps than a pure phys claw.
Specially if it is fire/light damage. It isn't necessarily bad to have fire/light but it isn't as good as phys+cold or pure phys.

I would say 330+ is good for a phys claw. (Don't forget 1.8 aps and 7 crit)
A 330-340 pdps claw should be around 130-160k dps increase compared to Bloodseeker, assuming average gear. They seem to be around 3-7 ex.
Poe search

With hybrid claws I would recommend at least 220PDPS and 120 Edps. Assuming same gear as previously, they can give between 80-160k dps increase compared to bloodseeker.
Claws seem to range between 1-6 EX.
Poe search
(2 of those claws are actually mine. Not trying to advertise though.)

I really must point out though.. You should really test a claw in theory before buying it.
Even though a claw may seem nice on paper, it doesn't necessarily mean it is for you.
Best way to do this is to use Path of Building and import your character on it, and import the claw you want to buy to see for yourself.

CrazyRyu написал:

Thank you for your answer!

Just bought Lions and Overflowing :) (I never think of my flasks...)
Going to focus on a nice claw then. Have around 4ex at the moment so we will see if there is something decent.


Just bought that claw for 4ex:

Was it a good deal?
Like Firestrike said earlier, the crit is very low. If possible I would try to sell it and get one with crit. You can get a better one for less, I think. (check search parameters further up in this post)

mcarthur написал:
Is shroud of the lightless a good chest for this build? Not sure how the damage would be losing the 6th link in favour for ele pen maybe the abyss jewel would cover it

I haven't tried it myself, but I'm sure it works fine. It will do less damage than a 6L with the suggested links though. Also tt doesn't have very good evasion.
Don't forget that evasion is very important for our survival.

Firestrike9 написал:
Fiver написал:

So this is both good and bad.
It is good because we can pick from a wider range of claws, which means that we can get away with buying 4ex claws that might be better than 20ex claws.
It is bad, because it makes it hard to know exactly what to search for. :p

Can you direct me a bit how to reach the point where I identify a good 4ex claw thats better than say a 20ex pure phys one?

How can claw with added lightning or fire benefit me if most of my damage ends up being phys converted to cold or just pure cold damage,I don't see us scaling general elemental damage THAT much.

I'd appreciate if you could provide an example claw that won't seem that great a first sight but actually is pretty decent.

Thank alot Fiver!!!
This may have been a slight exaggeration on my part. This early in the league the prices aren't fully adapted yet, and it doesn't seem to be that much of a difference to be honest. Generally speaking low pdps hybrid claws are cheaper than pure pdps claws though. But finding the right hybrid can be hard at this point.

We don't really scale that much on light/fire claws, but even those can be good, since we do have elemental penetration and a bunch of elemental dmg nodes in our passive tree. Also since we get EDAS on jewellery that helps aswell. Cold claws are obviously better though.

The thing that might trick your is the physical dps on a claw. A claw can have like 220 pdps and still be a decent claw with the right aps, crit and ele dmg.

aphaoooo написал:
Hello. I just respec my skill tree into your build (was hybrid MS FB before) bcause i am getting lucky (dropped Lyco). Never tried a pure FB build before. I would like to know how to improve my damage ? And which gear to changes. My chars are public, named FG_FBMS.
I'm sorry for the late response, and I'm sorry again because I won't be able to have a look at your character right now, but I'll have a look when I get back home later today.

skillzer555 написал:
So I Have these items on my character:

I already have a better set of gloves waiting for me once i reach lvl 6 with Haku and can enchant them with attack speed. I think my character is looking pretty solid at this point but I want to find a 1500+ evasion chest and the proper potions.

Do u guys have any tips on other things i should try to change?

Thanks for ur time!

You should try to get more life on your jewellery, and I would try to replace that claw. Imperial claws are generally the best ones, because they have very good attackspeed.
But at a first glance, I would work on max life.

Scoozii написал:
So i posted once and accidentally edited it because it showed i posted twice so imma quicken it up this time since it was long...

First off im reletively new. I love the Build, i have great dps and mapping, as well as Single target boss dps. My frostblades ranger is my highest level at 68 atm. I only have 2 problems atm. first is mana. I have hatred and herald, but only use herald because i cant keep up the mana. Second is my stats. I cant upgrade my gear really, because i cant keep up the stats that my other gear and gems require. For example im still using a Wurms Molt belt, because it gives me almost exactly enough int and str to use my stuff.

I summed it up quite alot from my original post. I would love to hear back with some tips (like how to post gear on forum thread, idk how).

And once again, i love the build, thanks so much.
I'll have a look at your character later today, don't have time right now. I'll try to get back to you asap.
Mana should not be a problem if you have soul raker taken in your passive tree. If it still is, there are a bunch of other mana leech nodes close to our path. Take one of those until your dps is higher, and mana will be easier to sustain. Usually soul raker is enough.

olvini3 написал:
Hello, thanks for this build, I'm currently lvl 81 with it but I do have some questions...

1) I have the Bloodseeker claws and you say to get rid of "Vaal Pact" in this case, but wouldn't it be a pretty big nerf on life leech?

2) Same thing about "Vitality Void" with "Soul Raker", isn't "Vitality Void" a very good node to keep for better survivability?

Thanks :)

Firestrike9 answered this for you so I'm just gonna chime in on what he said.

Don't panic.

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