{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Hercanic написал:
WAAZABI написал:
Hi all,
I chose this build as a starter this season, no regrets ! Very smooth to play.

I'm one of those who don't like charged dash so much so i'm trying to use cyclone instead, maybe we can do something nice there.

Anyone has advice for this or any insight on how to set it up ?

Thanks !

Just replace Charged Dash with Cyclone. Nothing else really needs to change. Try to get as much movement speed as possible.

Thanks for your answer, do you mean we keep the cast while channeling setup with ball lightning/mult projectiles on cyclone ?

Right now i'm casting summon raging spirit while channeling cyclone, it's fun but it doesn't feel very efficient. I also added infused channeling for more tankiness.

I might go back to initial charged dash as it seem to remain the best option anyway, getting the life gained on spell is annoying sometimes tho.

Thanks again for your work Hercanic !
I'm new to this game, and I'm currently level 44 and the average damage for charged dash is 56.1 and for Ball lighting it is 32.8. Isn't that a bit too low? How do you increase it? It doesn't seem to be that effective against the mobs in act 5 for example. Thanks for the guide.
Последняя редакция: blackjellyman#6386. Время: 12 июня 2019 г., 15:53:56
blackjellyman написал:
I'm new to this game, and I'm currently level 44 and the average damage for charged dash is 56.1 and for Ball lighting it is 32.8. Isn't that a bit too low? How do you increase it? It doesn't seem to be that effective against the mobs in act 5 for example. Thanks for the guide.

As a summoner/necromancer, our damage primarily comes from our minions, not from the skills we use directly. We mostly use Charged Dash/Ball Lightning to apply Poison (to summon Herald of Agony) and Elemental Equilibrium (to boost our minions' cold/fire damage); the damage we deal is less important.
I normally play some kinda zombie build every league, but decided on this one. Enjoying the huge change in game play so far. Very nice build write up, with tons of info.
Последняя редакция: Biovital#3172. Время: 14 июня 2019 г., 8:10:19
@ Rakio:
Full Post
Rakio написал:
Thanks for your patience and effort @Herantic!

I have read your guides, FAQ and leveling thread several times. Quite a lot of things to remember and take in to a relatively new player. Minions rocks and this build really shines now I got the proper/bought starting gear at lvl 62.

Such a huge difference in having GMP and Frost Sentinels!
And the shield being so cheap at 1c. Couldnt get RRG though only RRR, so I added a Stone golem for now. Any other alternatives for a red gem?

Rest of the gear were purchased for 0.5-2c max but made huge difference. Found a functional gloves with poison and faster projeciles that works for now. Wont need the added chaos dmg jewel for a while but will look for it later.

The Wasp Nest was pretty worthless as I discovered. Did some experimenting after my post.

My main concern now is how this build impacts the performance of the game when I discover monoliths and start to spam lightning balls. Probably my 10 year old i7 CPU that is pushed to its limit...

Would switching to Culling Strike instead of GMP for charged dash do anything? I can try the other alternatives later (Fortify and the wall gem)
Rakio написал:
And the shield being so cheap at 1c. Couldnt get RRG though only RRR, so I added a Stone golem for now. Any other alternatives for a red gem?

It shouldn't be too hard to hit RRG. You can also use your Hideout's crafting bench to always roll a green socket at the cost of 4 chromes per attempt.

Until you save up a few dozen chromes, you can use a War Banner if you've enough spare mana, but a Stone Golem is fine, too.

Rakio написал:
Found a functional gloves with poison and faster projeciles that works for now. Wont need the added chaos dmg jewel for a while but will look for it later.

Poison Support alone does not allow Ball Lightning to inflict Poison. Poison only scales from Chaos/Physical Damage, and Ball Lightning only deals Lightning Damage by default. It cannot poison until you add some flat Chaos or Physical Damage to it.

It's extremely simple to craft your own Hypnotic Eye jewel. Once you hit Act 6, you'll start encountering Abysses, whose chests will always drop an Abyssal Jewel. Any Hypnotic Eye will do. If it's rare, use a Scouring Orb to turn it normal, then use Transmutation and Alteration/Augmentation Orbs on it until you hit Added Chaos Damage to Spells. It shouldn't take long.

Rakio написал:
My main concern now is how this build impacts the performance of the game when I discover monoliths and start to spam lightning balls.

Pressing F1 will display metrics for your Frames Per Second, Frame Draw Time, and Latency. This can give you some idea whether the lag you're experiencing is coming from your computer or your connection to the game server.

If you want to replace GMP I'd recommend Fortify, so it's always up and frees up the socket on Shield Charge. Culling Strike would be alright, as it'd give you kills and thus trigger Power Charges for your minions. But you could also get Cull through an Animated Guardian with Kingmaker.

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WAAZABI написал:
Hi all,
I chose this build as a starter this season, no regrets ! Very smooth to play.

I'm one of those who don't like charged dash so much so i'm trying to use cyclone instead, maybe we can do something nice there.

Anyone has advice for this or any insight on how to set it up ?

Thanks !
Hercanic написал:
Just replace Charged Dash with Cyclone. Nothing else really needs to change. Try to get as much movement speed as possible.
WAAZABI написал:
Thanks for your answer, do you mean we keep the cast while channeling setup with ball lightning/mult projectiles on cyclone ?

Right now i'm casting summon raging spirit while channeling cyclone, it's fun but it doesn't feel very efficient. I also added infused channeling for more tankiness.

I might go back to initial charged dash as it seem to remain the best option anyway, getting the life gained on spell is annoying sometimes tho.

Thanks again for your work Hercanic !
WAAZABI написал:
do you mean we keep the cast while channeling setup with ball lightning/mult projectiles on cyclone ?

Yes. When it comes to Hits Per Second, Range, and Area Coverage, Ball Lightning cannot be beat.

WAAZABI написал:
I also added infused channeling for more tankiness.

Infused lost its base phys protection, and Charged Dash is only tagged as Lightning. For tankiness, I'd recommend using Fortify, which will keep the buff up at all times, then using the newly opened up gem socket on Shield Charge for something like War Banner (damage), Dread Banner (defense), a Chaos Golem (stacking phys reduction with zombies and minimum endurance charge crafts), or an Animated Guardian (check out the FAQ on Animated Guardian for more info about this).

@ blackjellyman:
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blackjellyman написал:
I'm new to this game, and I'm currently level 44 and the average damage for charged dash is 56.1 and for Ball lighting it is 32.8. Isn't that a bit too low? How do you increase it? It doesn't seem to be that effective against the mobs in act 5 for example. Thanks for the guide.
Sorator13 написал:
As a summoner/necromancer, our damage primarily comes from our minions, not from the skills we use directly. We mostly use Charged Dash/Ball Lightning to apply Poison (to summon Herald of Agony) and Elemental Equilibrium (to boost our minions' cold/fire damage); the damage we deal is less important.
blackjellyman написал:
the average damage for charged dash is 56.1 and for Ball lighting it is 32.8. Isn't that a bit too low?

We actually want our personal damage to be low, so we don't ever have to worry about Reflected damage. Ball Lightning and Charged Dash are used for their utility, not damage. Our minions deal all our real damage. This build supports them with Ball Lightning and Charged Dash by inflicting Poison, Bleed, Projectile Weakness, Elemental Equilibrium, and Frenzy Charges on Hit from our shield. Charged Dash gives us a teleport, and Ball Lightning's rapid hits give us great recovery when we have a Shaper-influenced ring that gives Life on Hit from Spells. That's their point, a ton of great support and debuffs, which turn into damage through our minions.

@ Biovital:
Biovital написал:
I normally play some kinda zombie build every league, but decided on this one. Enjoying the huge change in game play so far. Very nice build write up, with tons of info.


Although you edited it out, yeah, this league has had a lot of crashes. GGG usually gets everything figured out after a couple weeks into a new league. It's pretty much like this for GGG:

1. Lots of new content
2. Fast release schedule (= frequent publicity = more players = more supporter purchases = more of #1)
3. Stable releases
Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 14 июня 2019 г., 15:07:07
can some one help me plz. I got one problem with mana reservation, and that is herald of agony turn into 50% mana reservation.

do i put that gem in the shoes? or i put some mana reservation reducction?

I'm sure it is here somewhere, but could you please link POE builder link for me?

I've started a new witch this season and love this build.

I mainly need the link so I can see the diffrent skills I needed. Can't quite remember all :)
And get a gear pointer again.

I'm sure it is here somewhere, but could you please link POE builder link for me?

I've started a new witch this season and love this build.

I mainly need the link so I can see the diffrent skills I needed. Can't quite remember all :)
And get a gear pointer again.

I'm sure it is here somewhere, but could you please link POE builder link for me?

I've started a new witch this season and love this build.

I mainly need the link so I can see the diffrent skills I needed. Can't quite remember all :)
And get a gear pointer again.

Farsancio написал:
can some one help me plz. I got one problem with mana reservation, and that is herald of agony turn into 50% mana reservation.

do i put that gem in the shoes? or i put some mana reservation reducction?

I'v noticed exactly the same, my guess is that it's bugged and somehow adds 20% extra increased mana reservation to herald of agony while it shouldn't. With 0 mana it's kind of impossible to play the build... so i've droped hatred (for now).
In the meantime i placed phase run and immortal call into those slots for some extra defense... (mind the level though for cast when damage taken, don't over level)
I'v been experimenting with this build since early sythesis now. The extra damage from hatred isn't that big so I actually took a liking with this setup.
I'm stil open for a better suggestion until it's fixed (if it's a bug).
Последняя редакция: FutureFear#3386. Время: 15 июня 2019 г., 10:09:04

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