{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Hercanic написал:

The new Rathpith looks insane for Necromantic Aegis Spectres. No word on how rare this item will be, however.

It was clarified by Chris on Reddit:

Just to clarify, the stat description of the mods on Rathpith on the announcement page are a bit out of date. The Spell/Spell Crit specify that they scale off "Player Life", rather than simply just "Life".
Announcing the top 5 Speakers of each Synthesis League!

Art by Svetlin Velinov






  • 1st Place: Fillfall's SimmSumm @ level 91 🥇
  • 2nd Place: demonic_worm's PepegaMinion @ level 87 🥈



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Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 7 июня 2019 г., 0:31:28
I love the way this is all put together. So fun! Gonna be using this as my 3.7 starter =)
EDIT: NM I'm an idiot
Последняя редакция: Mahler16#0719. Время: 7 июня 2019 г., 14:16:52
Very nice guide!

How does this build compare to the following two?

1. kayella's Big DPS Summoner

2. Angry_Roleplayer's SPECTRE SUMMONER
I really think you should find a way to get Flesh and Stone into this somehow. It's just WAY too good. It works without using Blood and Sand gem by the way.

So you have blind on mobs near you and take less damage from mobs not affected by blind. So it will always protect you while dashing around. It is seriously too good to pass up on any build.

I might start with ED+Contagion this league though, since that's gonna be broken. But I might play this build again, since it was super fun in Betrayal.
Последняя редакция: DieKao#0567. Время: 7 июня 2019 г., 10:37:48
@ Batma:
Batma написал:
Hercanic написал:

The new Rathpith looks insane for Necromantic Aegis Spectres. No word on how rare this item will be, however.

It was clarified by Chris on Reddit:
Just to clarify, the stat description of the mods on Rathpith on the announcement page are a bit out of date. The Spell/Spell Crit specify that they scale off "Player Life", rather than simply just "Life".

Thanks for letting me know! Wow, Rathpith went from insane to dumpster real quick. With great effort, a player can have around 10k life. With Rathpith, that'd translate into 200% spell damage and 200% spell crit. You can pretty much get that on a wand, without a 4% life sacrifice per cast.

@ XOrunitiaX:
XOrunitiaX написал:
I love the way this is all put together. So fun! Gonna be using this as my 3.7 starter =)

Welcome to the fold!

@ Mahler16:
Mahler16 написал:
Great guide, a ton of fun to read and very informative. I think I will be using this as my 3.7 starter and first Summoner. Will the old build trees/POB and leveling trees still be fine to go off of with the rework? From your comments it seems the build should be mostly the same with a few possible adjustments but just couldn't tell if there were any big reroutes caused by the new tree.

Thanks for the guide.

Yep, no changes to pathing.

@ LakaiScorten:
LakaiScorten написал:
Very nice guide!

How does this build compare to the following two?
1. kayella's Big DPS Summoner
2. Angry_Roleplayer's SPECTRE SUMMONER

Both are pure Spectre builds, meaning all the weaknesses and idiosyncrasies of Spectres will be pronounced, since you're relying on them for everything. If they get stuck, don't have line-of-sight, or die, you will feel it. When the same thing happens in our build, we are fine, because Phantasms, the Crawler, the Holy Relic, Skeletons, and Zombies are all there to pick up the slack.

Fire-Eaters have about 50% more damage than Solar Guards, but far less range and area coverage. This makes them slower than Solar Guards at clearing, but better against bosses.

The second form of Ice Spear from Frost Sentinels have 6% less damage than the Fireball of Solar Guards and don't deal splash damage (no AOE overlap potential), but have twice the action range and up to two bonus projectiles. Frost Sentinels have incredible range and area coverage well beyond Solar Guards.

This means:

Fire-Eaters = Best at bosses
Solar Guards = In the middle
Frost Sentinels = Best at clear

We solve our single-target damage with Skeletons and the Agony Crawler, which allows us to further specialize our Frost Sentinels for clear. Phantasms act as more area coverage, Faster Projectiles lets them hit much sooner (and drastically increases range of Phantasms), and Freeze Proliferation gives us a ton of safety and corpse shattering. Although these all lack pure damage, they offer more utility and spread out our damage for the best area coverage. Keep in mind, normal monsters only have 10-50k life, so Spectres that deal millions are complete overkill.

We have far more area coverage, we're flexible and adaptable to any map terrain, and with Vaal Skeletons we can surpass 11M DPS against bosses. Our one weakness in this comparison is Skeletons are fragile against hard-hitting boss AOE, but unlike Spectres they can be replaced on demand.
@ DieKao:
DieKao написал:
I really think you should find a way to get Flesh and Stone into this somehow. It's just WAY too good. It works without using Blood and Sand gem by the way.

So you have blind on mobs near you and take less damage from mobs not affected by blind. So it will always protect you while dashing around. It is seriously too good to pass up on any build.

I might start with ED+Contagion this league though, since that's gonna be broken. But I might play this build again, since it was super fun in Betrayal.

Welcome back, DieKao!

Although FaS certainly looks great, for our build I don't think it's worth bending over backwards to fit it in. We already get Blind on bosses with an Abyssal Jewel, and Freeze Proliferation covers us while mapping.

@ FutureFear:
Full Post & Previous Conversation
FutureFear написал:
Hey there,

First of all, awesome build I'v been playing it in both synthesis & flashback event. I did however tweek it a bit to my "playstyle" you can check my gear/skills bellow. I thought my changes might be interesting to some people here. Obviously better gear = better performance.

I went for a flame dash & immortal call setup with some extra life on hit from spectres, although not sure phantasms are supported it does make a difference in life sustain & survivability with just 2 frost sentinels.

I have to admit I haven't tested it against end game content (shaper/uber elder) yet. I'm not such a hardcore/grinding player to get to that point in a short amount of time (4 weeks flashback) or 1/3 of a league, Sorry.

Not that it matters much, since DPS hasn't changed that much, even without Hatred, it still is a walk in the park for mapping, delving & synthesis.
It still has a swapable amulet so, easy to get some extra stats dps or deffense...
So I assume end game won't be a big issue, plenty of movement to dodge aswell!

@Hercanic & everyone else,
let me know what you think, I hope i didn't break the build to much...
looking forward using it again in 3.7 (if gg doesn't break it)!

Скрытый текст
This gear is from my flashback character, keep that in mind!

kager написал:
The life gain on hit doesn't affect your specters since they are not using attacks, they only use spells. (and this gem doesn't heal you if equipped on pets)

If you are finding their life is getting low try using an Unending Hunger gem to give them loads of Energy Shield. I believe it would heal the phantasms, but they proc fast enough on map clear/rare hits that they shouldn't need heals.
FutureFear написал:
The life of my spectres aint the problem, they are kind of immortal on level 100 now so, yeah...
The goal is my own lifepool I would love to heal with my minions attacks/spells. So I can run arround like a no brainer without ever having to use a health potions.

I didn't pay attention to the fact that frost sentinels use spells, I guess Life on hit aint gonna do much good here so, perhaps life leach might be the better option -> xx% dmg to life... although not so sure that it works either since "spectres" deal the dmg and not "me"... plenty of time to find out next league :)
kager написал:
The lgoh or lifeleech on any minions links will not affect you.

If you need more life sustain I recommend a shaper ring with "+ life gained for each enemy hit by your spells"

With ball lightning constantly hitting mobs it will keep you at max all the time.
FutureFear написал:
I went for a flame dash & immortal call setup with some extra life on hit from spectres, although not sure phantasms are supported it does make a difference in life sustain & survivability with just 2 frost sentinels.

Life on Hit, Life Leech, and Reflect Damage all go to the originator of the damage. Minions, Totems, Traps, and Mines are all entities separate from the player character. This is why they protect you from Reflect Damage, because they are the originator of the damage, not you, and so receive the Reflected Damage instead of you. But this also applies to Life on Hit and Life Leech. In other words, they get life back, not you.

The only exceptions to this are mods that specifically grant you their leech, like the Trolltimber Spire shield, The Baron helmet, or the Chieftain's "Tukohama, War's Herald" ascendancy node.

As for Immortal Call, it's overrated, especially for our build. The main protection it gives is from burst damage from Porcupine quill explosions. However, we already have many layers of defense against that: minions body-block the projectiles, Acrobatics dodge 40% of those that get through, Freeze Proliferation shatters the corpses so the quills never even happen, and finally Spirit Offering on CWDT consumes the corpses the moment we get hit and instantly destroys any quills originating from those bodies.

Finally, I see you were using Poacher's Mark. This isn't a very good curse for us. The Life/Mana on Hit only applies to Attacks, so only Charged Dash is granting you any benefit from that. We don't need the Frenzy Charges because we already get them from our shield. We don't rely on flasks, so the extra charges aren't important, either. Less Evasion is nice for Zombies and the Agony Crawler, but does nothing for Phantasms, Spectres, or Skeletons.
Hercanic написал:
@ DieKao:
DieKao написал:
I really think you should find a way to get Flesh and Stone into this somehow. It's just WAY too good. It works without using Blood and Sand gem by the way.

So you have blind on mobs near you and take less damage from mobs not affected by blind. So it will always protect you while dashing around. It is seriously too good to pass up on any build.

I might start with ED+Contagion this league though, since that's gonna be broken. But I might play this build again, since it was super fun in Betrayal.

Welcome back, DieKao!

Although FaS certainly looks great, for our build I don't think it's worth bending over backwards to fit it in. We already get Blind on bosses with an Abyssal Jewel, and Freeze Proliferation covers us while mapping.

I can't argue with that. I also decided to say fuck it to ED+Contagion and just roll this one again, since it will work for the monolith mechanic as well. The screen coverage is huge, you're constantly moving while attacking at the same time, which means your minions are 100% aggressive all the time, which means they will clear the time-prisons really well AND this build is also extremely good at stationary objectives (like any spectre build), which I remember from leagues like Abyss. The Vaal Skeletons can be placed just before clicking the monolith or maybe a couple seconds after and they will greet the mobs when time unwinds again. Which means you're super save against being swarmed by 300 mobs.

This build will also be niche, since everyone is either playing melee or ED/trapper.

I also need to make it to the Hall of Fame this time around ;-)

Expect some videos along the way as well. I had fun doing them the last time.
Do you have any lvling guide, step by step?

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