{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

@ YYakovliev:
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YYakovliev написал:

I followed your last guidelines on what to upgrade on my gear. I swapped some jewels with more life, got a helm with life roll, bought some 21 gems etc. I die less often now. I want to ask you what to aim to upgrade next other than buying a Belly (which will be my next move)?

Currently my progress in this league is:
1. Level 95, going for 96
2. Delve 306, going for as deep as i can
3. Full atlas completion, Shaper + Guardians + Elder Guardians dead, only Uber Elder left

Thank you!

P.S I have one major problem with this build - while looking what to play next league, every other build is feeling slow or lacking utility in some aspects...
YYakovliev написал:
I want to ask you what to aim to upgrade next other than buying a Belly (which will be my next move)?

1. 30-35% movement speed boots will feel very nice with Charged Dash (and Shield Charge if you used it). Labyrinth movement enchantment, too, since enchants no longer replace implicits.

2. Amulet and ring that have room for +1 Minimum Endurance Charge craft. That'd be another 8% physical damage reduction.

3. Helmet that has room for +1/+1 Skeleton/Zombie.

4. A better version of Whispering Prism (jewel in belt). Life and minion resists are perfect, but energy shield isn't important to us.

5. A useful corruption on Unending Hunger, such as Corrupting Blood immunity.

6. "Of Adrenaline" on one of your utility flasks (I prefer on Quicksilver just to have all my bonus movement in one place), for an additional +30% movement speed. Poison and Ignite immunity aren't too important (our regen counters both), so you could move Freeze immunity onto one of those flasks.

YYakovliev написал:
P.S I have one major problem with this build - while looking what to play next league, every other build is feeling slow or lacking utility in some aspects...

Hah! Right? =oD

I won't be making any other build guides, but I will share builds that I come up with in the FAQ. I will not be supporting them, though, so bear that in mind. My build goal is always to get as much power for as cheap as possible, since I don't like to do much trading.

I'm looking forward to 3.7. We may get indirect buffs with the changes to melee, such as new or improved melee support gems. I just hope they don't specifically exclude minions like they have been doing with Spell Cascade, Ancestral Call, Chance to Bleed, Infused Channelling, Unleash, and Intensify.
Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 5 мая 2019 г., 16:38:52
Thoughts on using

with this build?

EDIT: Nevermind, that overwrites/conflicts with Proj. Weakness. Duh.
Последняя редакция: Rhythmist#4443. Время: 6 мая 2019 г., 22:08:08
Looks like a great build!

Two quick questions:
1. Doesn’t Holy Relic prevent all minion taunting? That seems like it would be bad.
2. Not using Convocation?

Thank you
Rhythmist написал:
Nevermind, that overwrites/conflicts with Proj. Weakness. Duh.

Unless you get a piece of gear with the expensive "+1 curse" affix...
FeralGoddess написал:
1. Doesn’t Holy Relic prevent all minion taunting?

Nope. This is covered in one of the sections of the build guide. GGG has made the language confusing, but only Holy Relic is prevented from taunting.

2. Not using Convocation?

In a traditional Spectre build, Convocation serves two purposes:
a) position your spectres so they DPS what you want them to kill
b) surround you with meat shield Zombies

In this build, (frost) spectres are not there for DPS. They freeze trash mobs and generate 10 phantasms for DPS. Phantasms are aggressive and wander all over the place and thus do not need positioning. Your single-target DPS comes from skeletons and you explicitly target them on the boss.

In this build, your survivability comes from the fact that most trash mobs are frozen and you should be shield charging / charged dashing away from anything that isn't. And a bigger health pool and Phase Acrobatics for massive EHP. And CWDT+Spirit Offering nuking corpses that have on-death procs. And Flesh Binder giving you 10% "additional Physical Damage Reduction". And the Lunaris pantheon granting you more reduction, speed, and chained projectiles.

Not from meat shields surrounding you.
Последняя редакция: Notelrac#1871. Время: 7 мая 2019 г., 5:28:59
Great clarification, thanks Notelrac!
Question why does build have BLoodlust Support Gem for Skeletons? Where do we do bleed?
Dcart533 написал:
Question why does build have BLoodlust Support Gem for Skeletons? Where do we do bleed?

we get bleed from gloves. it's an elder only rare affix.
Dcart533 написал:
Question why does build have BLoodlust Support Gem for Skeletons? Where do we do bleed?

we get bleed from gloves. it's an elder only rare affix.
@OP — Fantastic Build! I leveled to 70 following the guide and I’m already Mapping away.

1. Leveling was very easy with just whatever rares I could find or alch. I followed the guide and leveled very quickly, especially compared to my ranger. Only 1 or 2 deaths before level 40 and those were my fault.

2. I used the same gear from level 40 until level 70. It cleared all the way to the prologue just fine. The gear was a bit above average in Life and very low in resists by the time I got to act 10. No fancy minion gems or anything at that point. I did die on the last boss 2 times which is fair since I was like 2k health and 20%+ under resist cap.

3. I bought all the end game gear following the guidelines, it was far from cheap but maybe 25ex or so for a baller setup that I’m sure will need a bit of fine tuning. I’m pretty over on resists so I may tweak the stat balance a bit more. I also need a source of blind which I’ll use a future gem slot for when I get to that level.

4. You should mention a bit about movement. Things like using your charges dash to cheese encounter mechanics (teleport as a big boss attack is incoming and holding the channel to let the ball lightning send the cavalry in before you) this is a huge perk of the build IMO.

5. Not sure I’m sold on acrobatics. I may tinker there but I imagine your research is far more exhaustive than mine.

Overall, I’m very pleased with how the build is performing. With another 20 passive points to go the build is already a lot more fun than I could have imagined. Thank You!

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