{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

@ Dcart533:
Dcart533 написал:
Question why does build have BLoodlust Support Gem for Skeletons? Where do we do bleed?
banang написал:
we get bleed from gloves. it's an elder only rare affix.

Yes. To get more sockets on a typically socket-starved Summoner build, we make use of several Shaper- and Elder-influenced items. Check out the affixes on the gloves. They give us both Poison Support and Chance to Bleed Support as affixes, effectively turning our gloves into a six-link.

I've been noticing some people have mistakenly assumed Ball Lightning inflicts our bleed. This is incorrect. Chance to Bleed Support only works with Attacks. That's why we use Charged Dash, an Attack, in our gloves.

@ FeralGoddess & Notelrac:
Previous conversation
FeralGoddess написал:
Looks like a great build!

Two quick questions:
1. Doesn’t Holy Relic prevent all minion taunting? That seems like it would be bad.
2. Not using Convocation?

Thank you
Notelrac написал:
FeralGoddess написал:
1. Doesn’t Holy Relic prevent all minion taunting?

Nope. This is covered in one of the sections of the build guide. GGG has made the language confusing, but only Holy Relic is prevented from taunting.

2. Not using Convocation?

In a traditional Spectre build, Convocation serves two purposes:
a) position your spectres so they DPS what you want them to kill
b) surround you with meat shield Zombies

In this build, (frost) spectres are not there for DPS. They freeze trash mobs and generate 10 phantasms for DPS. Phantasms are aggressive and wander all over the place and thus do not need positioning. Your single-target DPS comes from skeletons and you explicitly target them on the boss.

In this build, your survivability comes from the fact that most trash mobs are frozen and you should be shield charging / charged dashing away from anything that isn't. And a bigger health pool and Phase Acrobatics for massive EHP. And CWDT+Spirit Offering nuking corpses that have on-death procs. And Flesh Binder giving you 10% "additional Physical Damage Reduction". And the Lunaris pantheon granting you more reduction, speed, and chained projectiles.

Not from meat shields surrounding you.
FeralGoddess написал:
Great clarification, thanks Notelrac!
FeralGoddess написал:
Doesn’t Holy Relic prevent all minion taunting?
Notelrac написал:
This is covered in one of the sections of the build guide.

@ Rhythmist:
Rhythmist написал:
Thoughts on using

with this build?

EDIT: Nevermind, that overwrites/conflicts with Proj. Weakness. Duh.
Notelrac написал:
Unless you get a piece of gear with the expensive "+1 curse" affix...

A Bloodgrip amulet with +1 curses usually isn't terribly expensive, 50-100c. You could even try making one yourself since Bloodgrips are so cheap and plentiful.

Conversely, the Body Armour craft costs 3ex.

As for the belt itself, it'd help keep Spirit Offering up, making the Mistress of Sacrifice ascendancy reliably give you Energy Shield (reduced by Acrobatics, though).

Some time ago, I had tested this interaction with Shield Charge. It was disappointing. Since the damage comes from the belt, CWDT has no target and thus casts at your feet. I had wanted to use a triggered Unearth+GMP so I could trigger Spirit Offering as often as possible, but, combined with the projectile speed delay, Spirit Offering could not be maintained while moving forward. Charged Dash and/or Desecrate may have had better results, but I did not test them.

The main issue with the belt, though, and why I didn't pursue it further, is its lack of resistances. Since we want certain things on other gear slots, we won't always have the luxury of resists on those slots, which places more burden on the belt slot to make up the difference.
Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 15 мая 2019 г., 5:45:11
Does anyone have a similar claw for sale in relation to this build? I can't find one with main, +1 socket level and life on hit. Will pay well!
Current Shop: ~ view-thread/3278771 ~

Retired Shop: ~ ^ . ^ ~ #1 AuraShop view-thread/2862976 ~ ^ . ^ ~
cookieclickerpro написал:
Does anyone have a similar claw for sale in relation to this build? I can't find one with main, +1 socket level and life on hit. Will pay well!

I have luck bought my claw for 5 chaos seller was noob like me in prices...
This build is a lot of fun!
Leaguestarting this in the Synthesis race, this is the most cost effective build I have ever played. Act 1-10 are just completely annihilated with almost no investment.

The only complain I have is the use of Charged Dash. I really really hate this movement skill.
So for now I'm using a combination of Flame Dash, Convocation and Blade Flurry for channeling. With the 2 sec cool down Convocation, it goes like this: run/dash to the next pack, Convoke all your minions in their faces, then flurry for 1 sec just to launch 1 ball lightning salvo.

It works very well, but:
- It requires more gem slots in a very slot-starved build, I'll see how that affects me as I reach endgame
- Blade furry sucks for gaining fortify and to apply bleeding, so I'll not be using Bloodlust on Skeletons
- It's probably not as fast, but I don't mind, it feels waaaay better for me
+ It's probably safer as I can be more "in the back"

I'm actually thinking that if all I do is launch one BL salvo per pack, I don't really need to channel it, I could self-cast ball lightning with the same results, saving myself 2 previous gem slots. Any thoughts on that ?
Came back after not playing for quite some while.

I started the league with this build and I'm really liking it so far.
Didn't expect the acts to be so easy even with no items lol.

But now I wonder since I'm probably only gonna have this one character, or perhaps create one more... I mostly just wanna do some of the challenges and clear most of the content.

The example gear though is just kinda way too specific.
I don't think I will be getting much currency, maybe at most 5-8 exalts, but I'd still like to do beat most of the content. SO(sorry), what I wonder is, how much currency would I need to invest in this build to be able to do all that?

Or would it be better to just start a new character with some other build?
If that's the case, any good recommendations?
(Even though, I'd like to just play with your build, but yeah)
Последняя редакция: Jenjur#5735. Время: 13 мая 2019 г., 12:44:34
Jenjur написал:
Came back after not playing for quite some while.

I started the league with this build and I'm really liking it so far.
Didn't expect the acts to be so easy even with no items lol.

But now I wonder since I'm probably only gonna have this one character, or perhaps create one more... I mostly just wanna do some of the challenges and clear most of the content.

The example gear though is just kinda way too specific.
I don't think I will be getting much currency, maybe at most 5-8 exalts, but I'd still like to do beat most of the content. SO(sorry), what I wonder is, how much currency would I need to invest in this build to be able to do all that?

Or would it be better to just start a new character with some other build?
If that's the case, any good recommendations?
(Even though, I'd like to just play with your build, but yeah)

The gear for the build doesn't necessarily need to be as specific as shown, what is important though, is that you cover the same bases. Off the top of my head, I would prioritize as follows: (Assuming you're res capped)

1. "adds x to y chaos damage to spells" (make sure that it's spells and not attacks) This is what will make your ball lightning (or other AOE spell) able to poison and rev up the crawler.
2. Life on spell hit (again, remember spell) You can get this as an Elder affix, or other slots, it's not all that common but you should be able to find one affordable source of it.
3. One source of each impairment (blind, taunt, hinder) that your minions can put out.
4. Bleed chance (as this will buff your minions using a bloodlust support) You can also add flexibility by making sure you have increased chance of an ailment and the minion supports match. The build lists the optimized options, but many more would be close.

Based on what I've seen in the build in my experience you should be able to do most all of the content by loosely following the build. You'll cruise well into yellow maps and may even hit reds. Where you'll choke is on the minion survival once it reaches the harder levels. You'll then want to have the increased levels for the gems to get the minions to live through encounters. After that you'll circle back around to minion damage so that you meet the dps checks.

Give it a go, summoner is easy and way more flexible than you'd think. I didn't follow each and every point of it especially while I was leveling up to where I am now. (I'm pretty close now)

i use Divine Ire to Channeling Ball Lightning but my virulence decay fast... Why ?
XGrandAspira написал:
i use Divine Ire to Channeling Ball Lightning but my virulence decay fast... Why ?

Virulence will always decay very fast the more stacks you have and the last few stacks will last the longest. If you're casting ball lightning triggered by the channel during Ire you'll pop up to 40 stacks pretty fast and then quickly drop back down as the enemies die and there are fewer sources of virulence. Check the following though:
1. Do you have at least one source of "adds x to y chaos damage to spells"
2. Are you using GMP linked to your ball lightning (or other AOE damage spell)?

These will help ensure you're generating stacks effectively. I find that keeping virulence going isn't hard at all so long as i'm moving from pack to pack fairly quickly. Even during a boss fight I can keep stacks up by circling the boss and channeling a second or two at the boss before I move again.
Thank you so much for this guide. As others have said, it is incredible - one of (if not the) best guides I've seen on here. As a fellow lover of necromancy I really enjoyed the 'fluff' components too - made the whole thing feel very immersive. The build itself is a work of art. :)

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