[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

RobJordan написал:
So this has been discussed in this topic before but is yet to be confirmed. Cyclone does not hit twice per attack anymore, does it? At least the gem does not say so. This would mean that we now need to invest in attack speed to go beyond 6APS.

On the other hand cyclone now has an attack speed multiplier. I have an 8% Cospri's and the normal gear and I'm already at 6.58 APS, I guess because of that multiplier. For optimal DPS I should find sources of attack speed, shouldn't I?

On the other hand, whats the optimal crit chance? I'm currently sitting at 32.5% which means I crit 32%+(1-32%)*32%=54% of the times with diamond flask. This is rather meaningless though as I have to do merc and uber lab yet, but I'm wondering what everyone's crit chance looks like after those.

I am sitting at 74.64% crit chance with 7 power charges on cyclone, 38.04% otherwise. Still room to grow as my increased crit strikes gem is only 19/0 and I haven't done uber lab yet. Do remember to include the crit chance on chilled enemies from Cospri's, but remember it's not local (at least I don't think) so that's just a few extra % since we chill everything with pandemonius.

I would also like a verdict as to whether Cyclone still hits once or twice on shown aps. My attack time says 0.14sec on tooltip in-game at 7.3 aps.. so it may be ideal to still shoot for 6. But that's unreasonable so 12 is the next obtainable breakpoint as it's just a multiple of 6

/e also consider you might run 2 spells with coc so 12 aps is still best
Последняя редакция: Gutterflower#5744. Время: 13 июня 2019 г., 4:12:53
From 3.7.1 Patch Notes:

Fixed a bug where Cyclone and Bladestorm could not gain more than one charge (such as via Power Charge on Crit Support) while channelling or per use respectively.


pphnx написал:
From 3.7.1 Patch Notes:

Fixed a bug where Cyclone and Bladestorm could not gain more than one charge (such as via Power Charge on Crit Support) while channelling or per use respectively.


didnt really matter since we had spells

Also, seems the most realistic way to get aps up to 12 is to use Faster Attacks support, how clunky... I'm at around 10 even with blood rage, frenzy, watcher's eye, etc.
Последняя редакция: Gutterflower#5744. Время: 13 июня 2019 г., 4:47:41
We Need to reach 7.5 Attack Speed or Not with 14 reduction??

realhoffi83 написал:
We Need to reach 7.5 Attack Speed or Not with 14 reduction??

hey guys,

would you recommend starting this build with like 2-3 ex cash?
reading your comments it feels like you need the jewels to make it really viable, especially for bossing.
or do you think a budget version with lycosidae can work in 3.7 aswell? for things like shaper and red-elder for example.

thanks for your help :)
Riince написал:
realhoffi83 написал:
We Need to reach 7.5 Attack Speed or Not with 14 reduction??


how should we ever reach that? and why 15 attack speed??

coc triggers 7.5x time per sec, and cyclone dont attack two times. so we need 7.5x attacs per sec
Последняя редакция: realhoffi83#4782. Время: 13 июня 2019 г., 6:31:48
Riince написал:
Tempered Mind on that jewel slot next to Instability by the witch start offers an OBSCENE amount of acc. I went from 1100 to 2735 (69% -> 98%) just by socketing it, with level 1 precision (for my watcher's eye perk mostly). Currently running one with crit chance corruption. Using a leveled up precision easily brings acc to 100%, of course.

I think having the curse is worth losing 2% acc from a lvled precision. I may level it a few times too to see if I can get back up to 100% since I only need 14 mana. Ultimately, I will probably run a curse on hit setup so that I can use my leveled Precision and have perfect accuracy/more crit.

Losing a jewel slot hurts, but completely resolving the accuracy situation is worth it imo.

My char is public if any1 wants to check it out. The gems and rares are still a self-found hodgepodge but I think I've got a good handle on where I'm going here. I like that unyielding flame shield, but I still need more sources of attack speed now. Maybe just going to go the easy route with blood rage but this may actually be too much attack speed.

why 2 frozen trails?
realhoffi83 написал:
We Need to reach 7.5 Attack Speed or Not with 14 reduction??

15 APS or 15 Cooldown recovery?
Is it a big deal to go over the APS threshold of this build? swapped Lycosdae with Unyielding flame and it put me well over the recommended APS with cyclone.

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