[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

baronthedoge написал:
Is it a big deal to go over the APS threshold of this build? swapped Lycosdae with Unyielding flame and it put me well over the recommended APS with cyclone.

I did the same and it feels good.


Most people do not take increased critical strike change for spells and increased critical strike multiplier for spells.

Why is this the case?

I now we need cyclone to crit to proc our spells. When the spells proc don't they benefit from critical strike multiplier if the spell crits after it procs from melee?

I don't know why people leave out the crit nodes such as annihilation and doom cast routes?
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Последняя редакция: Ziiyo#2672. Время: 13 июня 2019 г., 6:05:24
Maximum APS is 6,06 or 7,56 with 14% cooldown recovery IF cyclone doesnt hit twice anymore. Those who are speaking about 12 or 15 aps are doing a mistake.
burko123 написал:
realhoffi83 написал:
We Need to reach 7.5 Attack Speed or Not with 14 reduction??

15 APS or 15 Cooldown recovery?

From Page 1:

Once we have at LEAST 14% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed from our belt or boots, the maximum CoC triggers per second become 7.57, as explained by the post i linked above. So the optimal Attack Speed for Cyclone would be 3.75 Attacks per Second or slower.

--> That means in my head, when cyclone only has one attack per second instead of two, we need to reach 7.5 attack speed, but lower than 7.57!
apophiz1226 написал:
hey guys,

would you recommend starting this build with like 2-3 ex cash?
reading your comments it feels like you need the jewels to make it really viable, especially for bossing.
or do you think a budget version with lycosidae can work in 3.7 aswell? for things like shaper and red-elder for example.

thanks for your help :)

I have same amount of cash right now and im planning to go instead of phys slayer/champ cyclone.

Lyco is cheap, unnatural intinct is way cheaper than before, cold amulet will be cheaper (i think it will be around 2.5ex in 3-4 days) as people complete their tul's and do breaches.

I played this build in betrayel and its damage is more than ok with 5L.
It lacks survivability (no unnatural, meek jews lvl 89) on bosses after t15+

I personally think that around lvl 93 and max 12ex budget Uber Elder can be done with max 2-3 deaths. It really depends on playing ability.

When it comes to league content i think this build can outperform phys cyclone
realhoffi83 написал:
burko123 написал:
realhoffi83 написал:
We Need to reach 7.5 Attack Speed or Not with 14 reduction??

15 APS or 15 Cooldown recovery?

From Page 1:

Once we have at LEAST 14% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed from our belt or boots, the maximum CoC triggers per second become 7.57, as explained by the post i linked above. So the optimal Attack Speed for Cyclone would be 3.75 Attacks per Second or slower.

--> That means in my head, when cyclone only has one attack per second instead of two, we need to reach 7.5 attack speed, but lower than 7.57!

Ok thanks!
Thats alot of attackspeed i have to get then haha
What is you are over 7.57 attack speed?

Lets say 7.6 - 8 attack speed. How much would it effect your build ?
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Shmitok02 написал:
baronthedoge написал:

Channelling Skills deal (50-70)% increased Damage

useless, ice nova and frostbolt dont have channelling.

Harbinger of focus gives 20% damage reduction, stun ailment immunity while channeling. Not sure cdr on belt works on 8 sec cd.

If you use fortify it will be %36 damage reduction.

More life and resistances are the plus.

If you want offence go lyco or unyielding/rare with passive jew
If you want def this harbinger shield is real.
alguém tem a build no 3.7 ?? ou um guia do começo dela ??
just for info, cheap alternative is shroud of lightless!
apophiz1226 написал:
hey guys,

would you recommend starting this build with like 2-3 ex cash?
reading your comments it feels like you need the jewels to make it really viable, especially for bossing.
or do you think a budget version with lycosidae can work in 3.7 aswell? for things like shaper and red-elder for example.

thanks for your help :)

only es on hit watcher eye is expensive, or muli-modded crit multi jewels. The acc jewel is like 1-2 alch, same with frozen trail (u get one as a quest reward). Most expensive 'essential' thing is Pandemonius which is really powerful item but it works before that as well, also without Cospri but you will have to run a life leech gem in your main setup which is gross.

that said I had about 10 ex from my starter b4 i jumped into this build. You can just grab a tabula and a fast high crit one hander and go but it doesn't feel so good at such a low budget. At least also get a starkonja's.
Последняя редакция: Gutterflower#5744. Время: 13 июня 2019 г., 7:06:27

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