[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Hello guys, with this setup do i need CDR on belt?

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/SpUA9skz

Thanks in advance
SChieco написал:
Hello guys, with this setup do i need CDR on belt?

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/SpUA9skz

Thanks in advance

You are lowering your damage with the 14 AS Malice! Havent you read the "Important" Spoiler at the top of the gearing section?
what he means is you want your frostbolt above your ice nova in malice
TheUnseenReaper написал:
SChieco написал:
Hello guys, with this setup do i need CDR on belt?

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/SpUA9skz

Thanks in advance

You are lowering your damage with the 14 AS Malice! Havent you read the "Important" Spoiler at the top of the gearing section?

Well most of the people in 3.7 use 14% as Cosrpri's w/o cdr reduction on belt.
Is it possible to follow this guide on 3.7?
I recently got Cooldown Recovery Speed boots and managed to get my Cyclone to 7.49 APS. However, on POB, when I equipped the boots, it lowered my Ice Nova damage by about 30k. Does anyone know the reason for that, or am I missing something?

POB: https://pastebin.com/ePCmLzcY

If you equip/unequip my boots, you can see that the damage changes for Ice Nova when there's no damage modifier on boots.
I know this is not part of the build, but I really enjoy using VIN. With a second weapon set using a staff (taeryn's shiver) with 6L VIN and this passive tree, will I still be able to wipe the small legion mobs? I will slot VIN into body armor for gathering souls...
Guys, what we need to change ???
My PoB - - - https://pastebin.com/8jvbeh0m
Последняя редакция: Stewar7#3282. Время: 8 июля 2019 г., 11:52:24

Well most of the people in 3.7 use 14% as Cosrpri's w/o cdr reduction on belt

yes n you Still have your frostbolt below your ice nova should be the other way around like this
dragnmith1 написал:

Well most of the people in 3.7 use 14% as Cosrpri's w/o cdr reduction on belt

yes n you Still have your frostbolt below your ice nova should be the other way around like this

oh right, i'm an idiot. and what about cdr? shall i look for it in belt/boots or not? i see in ur profile u are dualwielding with cospri's AS 14% and no cdr.

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