[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]
" Thanks for the reply. Not sure why jewels arn't showing. Im running a tempered mind and unnatural instinct so I can use light of lunaris but still have 100% hit chance. Though I might swap it out for a regular rare shield with cold damage and more life. Only got one 21/23 jewel at the moment. Saving to get the rest at the moment. Going to spam uber lab once its a good day to try and get an enchant done :) Последняя редакция: Coatesy#0309. Время: 11 июля 2019 г., 23:16:57
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Anyone tried running ice spear in their CoC setup?
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"The only effctive one i've used is Arc seems to work well with legion mobs IGN ARROWUPYOURAZZ
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Hello guys i've min maxed everything of this build and managed to kill Uber Elder (1 death cuz i'm noob at it), will switch to another build now so i'm selling my items, lemme know if u are interested.
My PoB if u want: https://pastebin.com/LgNnPiLm Последняя редакция: SChieco#6685. Время: 12 июля 2019 г., 7:05:39
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I tried an ice spear in my Cospri setup and have to say....that the extra range provided is quite big.
Keep in mind I did not have the full 20/20 setup...but even with low level gmp no quality and q20 freezing pulse...it seems really great for clearing compared with the low speed of frostbolts. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1462987
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did anyone notice that leap slam isn't instant anymore when channeling cyclone, since last patch ? Your character stutters, stops whirling, then finally jumps. Don't know if this is intended but its rather annoying. IGN: Cyanyx
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Why am I only doing 1.5M dps, DId i miss something?
*DPS Formula* DPS = [(CHEST ICE NOVA AVG HIT * 2) + (COSPRI ICE NOVA AVG HIT) + (COSPRI FROSTBOLT AVG HIT / 2)] * (CRIT CHANCE * HIT CHANCE) * APS * HIT CHANCE ============================== Chest ice nova - 109,000 Cospri frost bolt - 62,000 Cospri ice nova - 36,000 218,000 + 36,000 + 31,000 * 0.7614 * 7.25 * 1 = 1,573,242.75 Current Gear
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Последняя редакция: Picklepickle0#6822. Время: 12 июля 2019 г., 21:30:39
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Hi everyone, thank you for all the update. I have been reading and started giving this gameplay a try. I'm a causual player and sold my gears to start this.
Can I have some insight what else to improve? I use The Flow Untethered for 16CDR and a 14AS Cospri... Can some expert help me? This is my POB link: https://pastebin.com/10Nx3Mjx Thanks! |
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I don't get why having too much attack speed is a loss in DPS? If i have more attack per second it'll be useless since there is a limit of cast per second, but it's not losing DPS; or there is something i don't know? Thanks ! |
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" I think that's not the formula, i found this one in an old PoB shared 20 pages ago more or less. DPS Calculation vs Shaper: Without Flask Main Ice Nova: Ice Nova Damage (293.601) x 2 (Frostbolt interaction) x 7,4 (Hits per sec) x 0,78 (Crit Chance) = 3.382.392 DPS Cospri Ice Nova: [ Ice Nova Damage (75.604) x 2 (Frostbolt interaction) x 7,4 x 0,78 ] / 2 (Cospri procs alternate between Frostbolt and Ice Nova) = 436,201 DPS Cospri Frostbolt: [ Frostbolt Damage (99.500) x 7,4 x 0,78 ] / 2 (Cospri procs Alternate) = 287.000 DPS Cyclone: 14.425 x 7.4 = 106.745 DPS DPS: 4.232.338 With Flask Main Ice Nova: Ice Nova Damage (410.355) x 2 (Frostbolt interaction) x 7,4 (Hits per sec) x 0,97 (Crit Chance) = 5.891.056 DPS Cospri Ice Nova: [ Ice Nova Damage (122.724) x 2 (Frostbolt interaction) x 7,4 x 0,97 ] / 2 (Cospri procs alternate between Frostbolt and Ice Nova) = 875.716 DPS Cospri Frostbolt: [ Frostbolt Damage (166.660) x 7,4 x 0,97 ] / 2 (Cospri procs Alternate) = 598142 DPS Cyclone: 19.851 x 7,4 = 146.897 DPS DPS: 7.511.811 Here is my PoB https://pastebin.com/uKrDEc5i Последняя редакция: Adeiko#2287. Время: 13 июля 2019 г., 19:35:34
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