glocknine написал:
CheeQu написал:
in game press C and select cyclone. it should be called attack speed or somemthing like that. Make sure to use silver flask for the testing if you plan on using that flask.
Sad my APS is sitting at 3.4 any idea how to increase it?
Get a cospri with higher AS, or a jewel with some AS on it, its quite easy.
CheeQu написал:
Shock3r19711 написал:
What are good end game stats besides the normal life and resist stuff on rings? Going acuity so I need 2 rings.
Im guessing you get coral just for the extra life but we dont need more crit?
I think stuff like elemental/spell damage is good but dmg to attacks is not.. Is the leech from physical needed?
I see you are thinking about getting more jewel slots when u update the tree, which is what I was thinking of doing too. Any good watchers to go for?
Good mods other than life and resists include (from best to worse):
1. Shock while focused
2. Life Gain on Spell hit (15+)
3. Damage (spell, elemental) or crit multi
4. Crit chance
5. Flat cold damage (might be better than I think, no access to PoB to test it now)
6. Mana gain on spell hit (could be higher in the list depending on if you have mana problems or not)
7. Strength
You mentioned getting the 12% attack speed node and 8% on a jewel. What was that for again?
And it looks like the only way to get 8% attack speed on jew is "attack speed when with swords. Does that work?
Quick question to CheeQu :
(first i searched a bit in the thread but browsing all 80pages is a real pain and I couldn't find it)
What do you think about a crafted shaped dagger with hits can't be evaded? I totaly despise the lyco shield so I checked the last 20pages and i saw a bunch of people buying 10ex gloves that are not realy so necessary but noboddy invested into good shaper plat multi craft? Any reasons besides AS change and loosing block chance?
I don't want to invest into this craft if i'm missing something but I can't find any reasons to use the lyco shield. I ran today a bunch of T16 maps with a 15c dagger with the craft and I couldn't tell any differences.
And thank you for the excelent guide, this build is realy cool and well explained :)
"Edit : noboddy speak of the new non vaal skill deal 60% damage on boots and gloves also, since it provides a 120% increased damage you should include it if you can, with vaal clarity and inc duration it's a solid 25 second buff, or with RF for insane burst"
Последняя редакция: Meothaku#4701. Время: 6 янв. 2019 г., 10:10:49
СообщениеMeothaku#47016 янв. 2019 г., 10:05:59
Hi , im curious as to how effective this build would be as a ES version??
Thanks for the Help
СообщениеNick8991#76176 янв. 2019 г., 10:15:13
glocknine написал:
CheeQu написал:
in game press C and select cyclone. it should be called attack speed or somemthing like that. Make sure to use silver flask for the testing if you plan on using that flask.
Sad my APS is sitting at 3.4 any idea how to increase it?
cospri with 14% attack speed and 6%-8% attack speed with swords from a jewel should get you there.
Also change the enchant on your belt, doesnt work with spells
Последняя редакция: CheeQu#4316. Время: 6 янв. 2019 г., 10:34:25
СообщениеCheeQu#43166 янв. 2019 г., 10:33:47
Nick8991 написал:
Hi , im curious as to how effective this build would be as a ES version??
Thanks for the Help
Im thinking about that aswell!
Will not be easy to get the amount of ES I would wish for but insane fantasy-gear and you'll get around 6.8k ES so not sure if it's worth it.
If someone else have a better idea please let me know.
Сообщениеsnoeppen#76276 янв. 2019 г., 11:06:15
What is a good replacement for the Pandemonious Amulet? I've got everything but that at the moment, price is too high for my on xbox.
Meothaku написал:
Quick question to CheeQu :
(first i searched a bit in the thread but browsing all 80pages is a real pain and I couldn't find it)
What do you think about a crafted shaped dagger with hits can't be evaded? I totaly despise the lyco shield so I checked the last 20pages and i saw a bunch of people buying 10ex gloves that are not realy so necessary but noboddy invested into good shaper plat multi craft? Any reasons besides AS change and loosing block chance?
I don't want to invest into this craft if i'm missing something but I can't find any reasons to use the lyco shield. I ran today a bunch of T16 maps with a 15c dagger with the craft and I couldn't tell any differences.
And thank you for the excelent guide, this build is realy cool and well explained :)
"Edit : noboddy speak of the new non vaal skill deal 60% damage on boots and gloves also, since it provides a 120% increased damage you should include it if you can, with vaal clarity and inc duration it's a solid 25 second buff, or with RF for insane burst"
Hits cant be evaded would only work on the dagger itself, not on hits with cospri. (not 100% sure on this one but pretty sure)
Последняя редакция: CheeQu#4316. Время: 6 янв. 2019 г., 11:21:44
СообщениеCheeQu#43166 янв. 2019 г., 11:21:25
Shock3r19711 написал:
CheeQu написал:
Shock3r19711 написал:
What are good end game stats besides the normal life and resist stuff on rings? Going acuity so I need 2 rings.
Im guessing you get coral just for the extra life but we dont need more crit?
I think stuff like elemental/spell damage is good but dmg to attacks is not.. Is the leech from physical needed?
I see you are thinking about getting more jewel slots when u update the tree, which is what I was thinking of doing too. Any good watchers to go for?
Good mods other than life and resists include (from best to worse):
1. Shock while focused
2. Life Gain on Spell hit (15+)
3. Damage (spell, elemental) or crit multi
4. Crit chance
5. Flat cold damage (might be better than I think, no access to PoB to test it now)
6. Mana gain on spell hit (could be higher in the list depending on if you have mana problems or not)
7. Strength
You mentioned getting the 12% attack speed node and 8% on a jewel. What was that for again?
And it looks like the only way to get 8% attack speed on jew is "attack speed when with swords. Does that work?
That was because he wasnt running silver flask. If you run silver flask you dont need these.
СообщениеCheeQu#43166 янв. 2019 г., 11:30:17
CheeQu написал:
That was because he wasnt running silver flask. If you run silver flask you dont need these.
But there was a good benefit to not running the silver flask but I cant seem to find it in the thread..
Последняя редакция: Shock3r19711#1427. Время: 6 янв. 2019 г., 11:49:17