[3.8] CI Aura Bot (19Auras / Aspect / Smite / Party Fortify / Tanky)
Nice guide!
However this is absolutely awful to read with all the typos in it. Here is a list of what needs to be fixed: " Should read: Victario's Influence is your Core Chest Piece, it boost the hell out of the socketed Auras and Reduces the mana reservation for 30% which is huge. " Should read: They are not too hard to roll, you can spam Alteration until you hit the mod (make sure its 15% not 10%) regal and craft Flat Energy Shield (or %increased if there's already a flat roll) " Should read: An Shaped Amulet wit 5%Reduced Mana Reserved mod is REQUIRED, we need as much Reduced Mana Reserved (or RMR) as possible and as youll see later 5% is a lot. " Should read: Tried and True Empheral Edge, 50% Energy shield is a lot especially from a weapon slot will help you with your ES Pool, Alternatively you can use Heartbreaker for A little less ES but Faster Start of ES Recharge Rate. " Should read: You can use a Bathed Breath for starters but you will want to eventually upgrade to an Darkness Enthroned 2 Abyss Jewels with 1% Reduced Mana Reserved Corruption " Should Read: Shaper's Touch Gloves with +2 AoE or +2 Aura Corruption Its hard to get gloves that will gives you more defenses than these. They give a massive chunk of ES and quite a but of evasion which (spoiler alert) we'll convert to armor. " Should read: However you should be saving up for a Skyforth, since this will be the single biggest jump of Reduce Mana Reservation will be getting, At the time of writing they sell for 2 exalts, so save up your money for a pair. " Should read: There are a few required Jewels: Conqeror's Efficiency, Conqueror's Potency and Might of the Meek (Ideally you want them to also have the 1% RMR Corruption but they can be a little expensive so you'll need to either corrupt your own or save up money for them) " Here are some reduced mana reservation enchants that you can chose from in the end they will all act the same and in rare circumstances only a 1% difference: " Should read: Once you have your Base you want to quality it up to 28-30% quality using perfect fossils then craft it using Dense+Bound Fossils until you can hit Reduced Mana Reserved Suffix AND some Decent ES anything above 280 should be fine. " No changes here but if you're running a Hubris you should place your purities in glove from now on for level 23 Purities " Should read: The only way to get more Reduced Reservation is through Abyss Jewels in Darkness Enthroned At some point you will have to drop your bathed breath for these if you want to run more Auras. " Should read: Once you start Running Grace Aura you should take this Keystone it will greatly increase your survivability (especially paired with Determination). There is a lot of physical damage going around now from Legion, as well as regular mobs hitting like trucks. " Should read: This Key stone does NOT work when you start running with a Skyforth. So if you take it prior to help with survival respect it once you equip a Skyforth. " Should read: This section will have more detail soon, still need too see availability of oils, how timeless jewel seeds change as well as tree changes. But early look suggest that the best Notable to Anoint will be Soul of Steel, Unnatural Calm or some Notable that synergises with a timeless jewel you have potentiality saving you many points! " Should read: I will be trying to fix and add other things, if you have criticism, suggestions or questions feel free to let me know! Cheers! Also, lose the snarky attitude about Shavronne's Wrappings. People used to run aurabots with Shavronne's Wrappings BEFORE Victario's even existed back in the 2.x days -- such as myself. Shav's is still decent but it definitely has been surpased with Victario's. (Making snide remarks makes you look completely clueless about the history of aurabots -- which takes away from an otherwise excellent guide. My $0.02.) Последняя редакция: Michaelangel008#2241. Время: 16 сент. 2019 г., 6:44:11
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66% From Tree - 69% with Devotion - 72 if you take Leadership. (Counting 3% from Potency Jewl)
15% From Armour 5% From Necro 86% Normal Tree 89% Devotion Tree 92% Leadership (Losing 2% reservation) Is there a way to cheat out 1% from the Devotion Tree somehow? I got my hands on a 30% aura effect timeless jewl and was dissapointed when I didnt reach the 86/86/87 Purities but then I checked and if I allocated Leadership and Devotion I can reach it. TIL: We lost 5% effect on the ascendancy if you play necro :( Send help please T_T EDIT: Also for anyone intrested. Annointing does give you the "transformed" note. I have a 59340 coins to Cadiro Hubris. It transforms 2 notables into "Superiority" down at Duelist area. And I annoited "Fury Bolts" on my amu so I only have to path to "Blade Barrier" for 4 Points, saving me 6 Skillpoints to get to the Fury Bolts. Also transforms 2 Notes at AOF jewl so basically 30% for 3 points spent. Which is why I really would like to cheat out 1% somehow but it doesnt seem possible T_T. Might actually swap to Guardian for the 5% for free or cut some Auras and take Leadership. Последняя редакция: Transom#2629. Время: 16 сент. 2019 г., 18:31:52
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@_Nuk, I am following your necro build, is that build final yet? I was just wondering if you had chance to make this build into a guide yet?
some of the jewels are very expensive (more than 50c) like the corrupted vigil jewel, any replacements for those? I was hoping if you could also take a look at my current build too. I haven't spent a lot of money on it yet, I feel like I am dying too often. mostly in end game content though. do you prioritize def auras that can keep you alive like fire/lightning/cold purity over damage auras? thanks. |
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Any pob for people that want to level solo then respect for aura bot ? We could really use something like this for people that want to run a 2nd char aurabot but doesnt have who to level with .
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" of which it should not have that colour at ALL. White text is BAD. |
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Hey! My gawd thanks a lot for this I really appreciate it! I'll get to it as soon as I get the time to, busy at the moment with league start + school. My typing is god awful, I know. As for the small remarks, I am in now way dissing old Necro Aura bot Shavs, I am just talking about current patch/meta sorry if that offended you. @Transom This is correct with Necro using might of the meek we have up to a maximum of 89% Aura effect The only way to cheat out more %aura effect is to stick with alpha's howl and dropping might of the meek all together. Unfortunately 31% otherwise is the bare minimum for that +11 Max res threshold. If only Necro had 10% like Guardian and old Scion :( However, I am always aiming for 151% since it means auras in chest are at 200% (151+49 from level 30 generosity) which is the threshold to triple the 3% attack/cast speed bonus from necro on auras. So far it is possible with 2 Jewels thanks to anointment's @BloodDiamond2004 Hi, I currently don't have much time to make a full guide on Necro, but I am using pretty much all the same tools from my scion guide for my Necro. Here is a link to Current Setup and tree I am using: https://pastebin.com/46U2D3zf As for expensive Jewels, the only mandatory one is Conqueror's Efficiency then any other random unique place holder will do until you can corrupt your own/buy them. If you do not have Skyforths I recommend you run less auras and slowly add them as you add placeholder jewels. Usually just running Purities, Discipline, Wrath and Haste is more than enough as a start. Then you can add whatever aura you see fit where you see fit with the mana you have left. Also Prism Guardian for the 3 purities before going CI is a great way to free up lots of mana if you want to me more aggressive (if you chose this i recommend running as much chaos res+chaos flask for safety). @BlackFlame Hey, it has been requested sadly I do not have much time to make it happen at the moment. my best advice is leveling as a spell caster Usually Storm Brand (for scion) and Arc for witch is what I personally prefer. I also start pathing more towards the aura clusters once I hit around act 7 and respect once I can wear all my gear and enough jewels (usually level 80). @bvanharjr Edit 2: Also if All of the Bellow info and PoB is not enough for you here's the wiki " https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Commander_of_Darkness Hey! I have looked at the tree, maybe you should as well, here is a screenshot (no one was talking about scion we were comparing necro to guardian)
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![]() Also yes this bonus is in fact affected by increased effect of auras since it is not a buff, but an addition to each aura. See below:
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5% increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills. (since necro gives 5% on the way now)
![]() (since it always rounds down 34% is needed to raise it by 1%) 34% (29+5 from necro) increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills. ![]() ![]() This all also applies for EACH aura ![]() This is with Generosity Level 31 on discipline alone to show that it is on a PER AURA bassis ![]() And finally here is what happens at the treshold of 200% aura effect (effectively tripling that effect) ![]() ^ is achieved with 151% Total Aura effect + 49% From level 30 Generosity for auras in victario's Influence With all auras active (17 of which actually affect allies and apply this buff with 151% Aura effect (171% for banner since Quality = Effect, 200% for auras in vicatario's since level 30 generosity) I am assuming 5 Auras + Empower in Chest 5 Auras in chest: 3% +200% = 9% x 5 Auras = 45% Attack and cast speed. 11 Non-Banner Auras: 3% +151% = 7.53% (Rounded down -> 7%) x 11 Auras = 77% Attack and cast speed. 1 Banner: 3% + 171% = 8.13% (Rounded down -> 8%) = 8% For a grand total of 130% increased attack and cast speed for your allies. For guardian this hold true as well for: ![]() Being (for phys mitigation) 2% at 100% effect and 3% at 200% effect and .4% Regen and .6% regen respectively. AND this also applies to the Bound Fossil weapon affix ![]() Witch with previously mentioned set up for necro (151% + Victarios) Totals out to: 90% increased damage for someone affectedby all your auras. ON A SIDE NOTE: Aura effectiveness does NOT apply to buffs such as Radiant Faith from guardian and when things are worded like so: ![]() This buff is only applied ONCE and is NOT affected by effectiveness. Whether they are affected by 1 aura or 1 million auras this buff will always be 30% damage and +20% all res. If you chose not to believe this with all this evidence be my guess, it is your loss not mine but I would appreciate if you were not spread miss information to other players, Cheers! Edit: on another side note: none of those calculations include smite. Последняя редакция: _Nuk#4437. Время: 17 сент. 2019 г., 17:55:00
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" And that is incorrect on all terms. Source: In-game. |
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" I love your comments so much - they always spice thing up in every aurabot topic :) Seriously. |
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" Your loss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | |
Hey dude, thanks for the guide.
Been following the guardian tree you posted some pages ago. Any news for a complete guardian version? |
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