[3.8] CI Aura Bot (19Auras / Aspect / Smite / Party Fortify / Tanky)
" Your opinion is noted. However, your use of a black "D" #000000 on a dark grey background #1a1b1b, along with unnecessary usage and exaggeration of rainbow text (red "B") is proof that you don't understand the first thing about UI, color, contrast and readability. If you are trying to come off as as authority then pick better examples in the future. Second, the corrections weren't meant for you; they were meant for the author to easily tell exactly what words need to be fixed by providing a) a context and b) show the corrected word(s) Whining about the choice of color or emphasis used doesn't change that fact. Thirdly, white was chosen to act as a bold, "neutral" color in case the author has/had color-blind issues since it shows up regardless of monochromatism, dichromatism, or trichromatism. The problem with a plain bold is that it too easily blends into non-bold text due to the crappy CSS color choices used on the forum. Specifically, lack of contrast. White provides the most contrast for readability. Fourth, focus less on presentation and more on representation. Fifth, I would highly recommend you take a course about UI design at your local college / university before attempting to correct others with your lack of experience and knowledge. Sorry to see you are completely clueless about these topics. |
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" I hear you about lack of time! If you ever want someone to proof-read the next update just shoot me a PM. One idea you may want to look into is using GitHub and storing the guide as a .txt file which makes it trivial to visually see changes and makes it easy for others to make suggestions / corrections. " No worries! Power creep has always been an issue with PoE. Providing "natural transitions" for better items helps the community at large. Personally I was NOT offended but others might be. IMHO it is best to avoid "ammunition" / click-baity words for pointless debates "X vs Y is better" and focus more on facts. e.g. "In my experience I found _S_ to be better for X, Y, and Z reasons compared to _T_ which has P and Q advantages, but R disadvantage. This guide focuses on _S_. If you want to use _T_ then I recommend builds A, B, or C." Anyways, great guide! Just needs a few minor tweaks and it will be professional quality! :-) |
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A bit late but I used zombies and skeletons to level up, was really smooth: Example tree After that you go for aura nodes and buff your minions ! @_Nuk Minor upgrade here, but if you pick up the 4 nodes affected by might of the meek around Foresight instead of the Insightfulness wheel, you end up with a little bit more ES for a little bit less mana. |
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Thanks for the build, sound promising. Can't wait to corrupt Victario's Influence for +2 level to gems.
Последняя редакция: Ricpa#2665. Время: 1 окт. 2019 г., 9:50:47
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@OP how exactly are you coming to the conclusion that your build provides 94% raw aura effect?
I count exactly 84% before factoring in timeless jewels. Would love to know as having 94% pre timeless would give me exactly enough aura effect to hit the 200% threshold in victarios. Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
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" This requires an update will get to it after my midterms sorry! Pre 3.8 Guardian mini ascendancy used to give 10% aura effect, now instead we have onslaught aoe if theres 5 nearby allies | |
Hello, can i ask for PoB link for 3.8? somehow PoB link show me broken tree. and is that tree for level 100? or should be for 96?
thx :) EDIT: miss intuitive leap jewels :) Последняя редакция: Oiouaiendrdchgh#3207. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 10:32:32
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Is it better to use the witch now instead of scion? i cant tell much of a difference in trees
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" Aww, feelsbadman. I was really hoping I could hit that sweet 200%, but alas. Thank you for the build regardless, currently using to delve at depth 700 in a duo with scourge arrow and it's buttery smooth! Souls along a conduit of blood, from one vessel to the next.
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First, thanks for this build guide, really awesome.
I'm one of those lucky few who got Glorious vanity 6697. I'm diverting a little from your build, trying to get the max aura boost. One thing I don't understand: Might of the meek makes 4% node change to 6% RMR Stygian vise has 2 jewels of 1% RMR and says that it boosts jewels 50% So in my understanding: Removing Might of the meek loses 2% RMR and removing stygian vise loses 3% RMR But removing might of the meek actually has a bigger effect than removing belt. Why is that? can anyone explain? |
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