All i can say is the current dps went from ~35m shaper dps at the top to 32m DPS assuming we use minion damage instead of feeding frenzy aswell as multistrike plus. So calm yourselves ^^

I hope you are right, I really want to try this one next League!
after the publication of the patch notes will you create this type of build?
crapp7y написал:
But if we drop feeding frenzy, the minions will no longer be aggressive. Isn't that a big loss?

i tried using minion damage instead of feeding frenzy on a map real quick yesterday, it felt a tiny bit clunky as you had to cyclone over the packs to clear, however the clear was still really good. And if we get multistrike plus with pulverize i don't see the clear becomming worse at all.
engelscore235 написал:
All i can say is the current dps went from ~35m shaper dps at the top to 32m DPS assuming we use minion damage instead of feeding frenzy aswell as multistrike plus. So calm yourselves ^^

I hope you are right, I really want to try this one next League!

Even if my numbers are abit off it shouldn't be by alot. The question will really be how big a numerical nerf we'll get as well as how much armor will matter on monsters. We'll have to see ^^
olegyaluck написал:
after the publication of the patch notes will you create this type of build?

At this point i will still be making the build for sure ^^ The numerical nerfs would have to be basically gutting the stats of zombies to make it noth worth doing. But even 30% less dmg is still fine if you ask me :)
Build is written really good and felt amazing to play. Though i played it in hcssf for first time ever, and i really want to start 3.9 with the same build there again. I saw your UE kill in hcssf, so is there any chance we get miniguide or pastebin for hc ?
Guys I really don't think we actually lose Maim. It says "Some modifiers no longer appear on Shaper or Elder items, like the "increased Physical Damage and Socketed Gems are Supported By" modifiers on Two Handed Weapons."

I don't know if they make it explicit which mods go and which stay in the patch notes. Let's hope they do. But as far as I can tell this is only about the hybrid mods "Increased Physical damage AND Fortify" in one mod, which was insanely strong and people multimoded around that one mod. The maim is just the support + chance to maim on hit. It really isn't that bad normally, as it takes a slot of attack speed or crit multi. People playing attacks don't use this. (by "use this" I meant "multimod around it")

I am not going to tell you you are all wrong haha, but let's just wait. I don't think they will remove it.

And if they will it will be because of this build. xD
Последняя редакция: Msciwoj#0852. Время: 10 дек. 2019 г., 9:19:05
With Maim specifically, it would make an excellent support to Cyclone if we can’t get it on the Zombie link or something better doesn’t come along. A large part of Maim is the increased damage taken it provides. I doubt Feeding Frenzy will be completely gutted, but it did need a nerf.

20/20 gem with buff currently gives:
- 36.4% more damage
- 15% minion attack, cast, movement speed

For a utility gem that is ridiculous. I can see it looking something like this after the nerfs:
- 20-25% more damage
- 10% minion attack, cast, movement speed
This is last nail to the coffin. Time to change the game i think. bb guys
Qlidascope написал:
engelscore235 написал:
All i can say is the current dps went from ~35m shaper dps at the top to 32m DPS assuming we use minion damage instead of feeding frenzy aswell as multistrike plus. So calm yourselves ^^

I hope you are right, I really want to try this one next League!

Even if my numbers are abit off it shouldn't be by alot. The question will really be how big a numerical nerf we'll get as well as how much armor will matter on monsters. We'll have to see ^^

I'm excited for the patch notes tonight. We'll get to see what we're fully looking at dmg wise, and even if it's less than 32m we'll still be fine i'm sure.

32m is asanine.

Remember, Qlida was at "only" 16m in 3.7, and he annihilated everything.

The build is far from dead, in fact it'll still be one of the strongest in the game imo.

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