In lieu of the +1 socketed/Maim mauls, what would be the next best replacement for this now that they have been gutted?
jlh165 написал:
With Maim specifically, it would make an excellent support to Cyclone if we can’t get it on the Zombie link or something better doesn’t come along. A large part of Maim is the increased damage taken it provides. I doubt Feeding Frenzy will be completely gutted, but it did need a nerf.

Cant we use Flesh and Stone + Maim ?
vadash написал:
Cant we use Flesh and Stone + Maim ?
It’s definitely an option. As long as the two are linked, you get the increased damage from both. The problem comes in the range of F&S. It has a base radius of 28 (other auras 40) and doesn’t get the 40% increased aura AoE from quality. This means Other auras have a radius of ~47 whereas F&S isn’t much better than melee range. However, with the Cyclone setup it certainly is still viable.
Is this viable for the Awakener kill event or what do you recommend?
>You can no longer roll Chance to Maim and Maim Support modifiers on two-handed maces.

For those who doubted what the balance manifesto meant.
Awakened Minion Damage support.....Awakened Brutality Support....

I think we'll be just fine from an endgame perspective. It really looks like 70% of the zombie power nerfs were for leveling.
Последняя редакция: Breken#4127. Время: 10 дек. 2019 г., 22:43:33
your thought now? Feels is got gutted hard with the aoe and cd. And less life . Feels they hit em hard. I mean it will work but will it feel shit playing?
RastakhanRumble написал:
In lieu of the +1 socketed/Maim mauls, what would be the next best replacement for this now that they have been gutted?

+2 spell Gems 2 hander seems to work well enough.
We’ll be just fine. I ignore all global nerfs like increased resistances and higher armour because they are simply changing how the game balances everything. Brutality may very well become standard though for a few reasons reasons:
- Easier scaling to Brutality plus
- Higher initial physical damage makes armour less effective
- Chaos Damage from SO will be less effective

...now to work on a long post breaking down the patch notes. I’m sure there are several of those in progress right now.
Max_zero написал:
RastakhanRumble написал:
In lieu of the +1 socketed/Maim mauls, what would be the next best replacement for this now that they have been gutted?

+2 spell Gems 2 hander seems to work well enough.

Might as well use Femurs or Chaber Cairn at that point

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