Sarclol написал:
Deg916 написал:
What should i do? leave it as is?
Leave it until you find something you want to do with it. Avian is the best if you later decide to switch to Saqawal's (can't see character, so I'm assuming you're using Geofri's). If you have Saqawal's, you should add and fit in Avian. The buffed version is quite good.
Hi Sarclol, can you check my build. I only can use Pride and Dread Banner. the rest if i activate it says not enough mana. How to get 7 aura if I cant even activate 3 ?
Thanks so much man.
СообщениеSkytel#225722 февр. 2020 г., 21:21:47
So I decided to start using animate guardian today for the buffs. I geared it up but could play any maps or anything, so I exited the game. I came back and the animate guardian is gone, which means all the gear is gone. Total bummer. I didn't unequip my helmet or anything. What gives? Bad luck?
IceColdPorkSoda написал:
So I decided to start using animate guardian today for the buffs. I geared it up but could play any maps or anything, so I exited the game. I came back and the animate guardian is gone, which means all the gear is gone. Total bummer. I didn't unequip my helmet or anything. What gives? Bad luck?
Just resummon the AG anywhere in your hideout (don't do it anywhere with items on ground or risk replacing an item you summoned him with) and he'll be back with all the items
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 22 февр. 2020 г., 23:33:33
СообщениеMubbsy#574822 февр. 2020 г., 23:32:43
Is Haste(Vaal Haste) turned on only when hit boss?
Are you usually resident in 6 auras?
Сообщениеblackbottles#161522 февр. 2020 г., 23:40:47
JCOH35 написал:
Have another decently rolled Lethal Pride, only 3 ex if anyone still hasnt had any luck rolling 1 yet.
10% increased strength / +40 strength =- no extra skill points needed
redemption/righteous army/faith n steel/devotion
Hit me up in game, Fallen_Crusader_ or Burning_Crusader_
I will grab that lethal pride from you if it’s not sold UndertakerZombie
СообщениеD2Junkie#227122 февр. 2020 г., 23:55:08
Mubbsy написал:
IceColdPorkSoda написал:
So I decided to start using animate guardian today for the buffs. I geared it up but could play any maps or anything, so I exited the game. I came back and the animate guardian is gone, which means all the gear is gone. Total bummer. I didn't unequip my helmet or anything. What gives? Bad luck?
Just resummon the AG anywhere in your hideout (don't do it anywhere with items on ground or risk replacing an item you summoned him with) and he'll be back with all the items
Currently the only summons that are persistent are your Spectres. They'll be there every time you log in, ready to go. Everything else needs to be resummoned: Zombies, AGs, Golems, Holy Relic and so on.
I thought I lost my AG too the other day, then realised he was un-summoned while I was Lab running and trying for a decent lab enchant.So be wary of that too.
Aldora_the_Summoner написал:
Mubbsy написал:
IceColdPorkSoda написал:
So I decided to start using animate guardian today for the buffs. I geared it up but could play any maps or anything, so I exited the game. I came back and the animate guardian is gone, which means all the gear is gone. Total bummer. I didn't unequip my helmet or anything. What gives? Bad luck?
Just resummon the AG anywhere in your hideout (don't do it anywhere with items on ground or risk replacing an item you summoned him with) and he'll be back with all the items
Currently the only summons that are persistent are your Spectres. They'll be there every time you log in, ready to go. Everything else needs to be resummoned: Zombies, AGs, Golems, Holy Relic and so on.
I thought I lost my AG too the other day, then realised he was un-summoned while I was Lab running and trying for a decent lab enchant.So be wary of that too.
yeah for lab enchant I'd recommend getting a 2nd baron (any non-corrupted cheap one will do, you can divine it later if you hit the jackpot) because it also despawns your spectres and if you forget to resummon them in the lab room, you're going back to ashen woods.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
СообщениеMubbsy#574823 февр. 2020 г., 1:29:24
AndyLovesHisBge написал:
Zeratul_PL написал:
AndyLovesHisBge написал:
One very simple improvement is to get a level 21 Raise Specter. That will allow you to raise another specter.
The next most common upgrade is to get Vulnerability on Hit corruption on the gloves which will free up space for another aura in your chest.
Currently i use 2x carnage and 1x host spectre. 4th should be again host? WIll it really give anything? Or i should use something different?
(My AG is running as per suggested setup, so he provides his boosts as well)
I was thinking about it, but i wasn't able to figure out - what kind of aura i should use then? I will free 2 slots in chest - red and blue (blasephy and vunerability). What should i place there? Currently, i'm runing on about 4% of mana, blasephy will provide mana for 1 aura, and what with the 2nd slot?
Here is what some, including myself have done with the corrupted gloves.
*Specters: 2 Carnage, 1 Host, 1 Ruins Hellion(this gives Rallying Cry)
*After you get corrupted gloves, you can run the following:
Pride - Discipline - Dread Banner - Flesh and Stone - Maim - Enlighten L3
Keep Flesh and Stone in Blood stance always. Since Maim is now linked with Flesh and Stone, you won't need it on your Golem any more, and can replace it with blind.
Main + flesh and stone (in blood stance)? How main is suposed to support antything in such suggested setup, as Maim support only working on supported skills which hit enemies - any of the auras is considered as "hitting"? How does the Maim work for this kind of swap?
Just vaaled almost all gems - unlucky :( reduced some gems to 19lvl, lost some quality as well... :( better to buy some stronger gems ;D
СообщениеZeratul_PL#299023 февр. 2020 г., 5:15:56
Zeratul_PL написал:
Main + flesh and stone (in blood stance)? How main is suposed to support antything in such suggested setup, as Maim support only working on supported skills which hit enemies - any of the auras is considered as "hitting"? How does the Maim work for this kind of swap?
Flesh and Stone can be linked with Maim Support to increase the effect of Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take X% increased Physical Damage.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."
Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.