3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Guys i need help putting Avian instead of Accuracy rating on my weapon, is there a budget way to do it or just sell it and get another.

n4zroth написал:
I've farmed up about 70 ex and can't really decide on what to get - Awakened Multistrike or Headhunter. I know we don't benefit that much from Headhunter, is it still worth it for the fun? Honestly, I don't need either, I'm easily clearing anything. Any input is appreciated though :-)

just buy a headhunter and play it on a self curse build for the memes. it's the most fun i've had since i last farmed one a long time ago. and its just as retarded and fun as i remember
Zeratul_PL написал:
Main + flesh and stone (in blood stance)? How main is suposed to support antything in such suggested setup, as Maim support only working on supported skills which hit enemies - any of the auras is considered as "hitting"? How does the Maim work for this kind of swap?

Just vaaled almost all gems - unlucky :( reduced some gems to 19lvl, lost some quality as well... :( better to buy some stronger gems ;D

Read Flesh and Stone.

Check prices on gems, sometimes corrupted 20/20 is cheap because it's not a 21/20 or 20/23.

emdoudar написал:
Guys i need help putting Avian instead of Accuracy rating on my weapon, is there a budget way to do it or just sell it and get another.

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It's absolutely not budget, but it's easy to do. It'll cost 6ex in bench fees. Remove crafted mods, craft "Prefixes cannot be changed," scour the item to get rid of the suffix, recraft the item, and apply Avian at the end.

Skytel написал:
Hi Sarclol, can you check my build. I only can use Pride and Dread Banner. the rest if i activate it says not enough mana. How to get 7 aura if I cant even activate 3 ?

Thanks so much man.

Even without Enlighten or any mana reservation nodes, you still have room for a 25% or 35% aura if you're just using those two.

I noticed you're using Clarity without running the Watcher's Eye - you don't need to do this, Clarity doesn't do anything otherwise. I'm curious how you're proccing Ele Equilibrium, and I'm also a bit curious what's going on with the left side of your tree, especially with Righteous Decree.
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 23 февр. 2020 г., 8:09:07
hi i have a question, when i buy gloves shaper's touch with curse with lvl 12 vulnerability on hit then can can i remove vulnerabilty gem from chest and put another aura instead?

What is the bsst and cheapiest way to boost my weapon?

Is there a way for the avian craft?
PattyWin написал:

What is the bsst and cheapiest way to boost my weapon?

Is there a way for the avian craft?

IIRC the plus life mod is a suffix, if that is correct then you’d need to do the same as Sarc said for last weapon post (3-4 above). Namely remove crafted mods, can’t change prefix craft, scour the life mod off, redo the crafted and then off to the menagerie to add avian.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Thanks for sharing, really a great build! Love it <3
Timbo Zero написал:
PattyWin написал:

What is the bsst and cheapiest way to boost my weapon?

Is there a way for the avian craft?

IIRC the plus life mod is a suffix, if that is correct then you’d need to do the same as Sarc said for last weapon post (3-4 above). Namely remove crafted mods, can’t change prefix craft, scour the life mod off, redo the crafted and then off to the menagerie to add avian.


What is the name for the beastcraft. I dont have it yet.....
Do i need "Increased stun duration on enemies" as implicit or i can get another weapon with Area damage instead coz it will be cheaper?
emdoudar написал:
Do i need "Increased stun duration on enemies" as implicit or i can get another weapon with Area damage instead coz it will be cheaper?

The only implicit that does anything for us is "Increased Area of Effect." If you just want the weapon, pick whatever's cheapest.

PattyWin написал:

What is the name for the beastcraft. I dont have it yet.....

Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 23 февр. 2020 г., 10:49:08

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