3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

FeRR1S написал:
Randomsanity написал:
Dude stop picking fights.. your posts are rude. The question was about this build, which uses mistress of sacrifice and therefore what I wrote is applicable. Effects of offering are still good for your minions but having mistress of sacrifice allocated makes it many times more useful.

Where? How?

For our minions only increases durations of offerings, offerings will remain with or without mistress. You arent aplying offerings thanks to the ascendancy, is what im trying make to understand.

Your minions will still get offerings using one or other ascendancy.

"Offerings also affect you" makes us get a very small part of shield, you wont notice it.

Now compare this to the other ascendancy (Minions will still get our offerings as we will still spin wtf)

Maybe rude or maybe what it should, i dont know, im just talking the enlgish ive learned.

Maybe you could also learn to polite and constructive!

Plus stop spreading wrong ideas about mistress of sacrifice: it really is a much better choice for the build. Give you much more survivability and caps your res so you can focus on chaos res.
For me, it boosts my ES from 1700 to 3800 while using it, so no it not insignificant like you said.

Second, you are using flesh offering while everyone (almost) is using sprit offering. So once again, please read before spilling your rude posts and confusing ppl!

JCOH35 написал:
iTALK2Geese написал:
What is the best belt base to craft for this build? Stygian? Heavy?

Whats the best influence? Hunter? Elder?

Bottled Faith Good For This Build?

I imagine there are others but heres what im using, not mirror worthy but realistcally close;

Hunter influenced Stygian, otherwise I would of gone with a heavy belt.

Im very curious on how you made that belt, its insane!
FeRR1S написал:
Randomsanity написал:
Dude stop picking fights.. your posts are rude. The question was about this build, which uses mistress of sacrifice and therefore what I wrote is applicable. Effects of offering are still good for your minions but having mistress of sacrifice allocated makes it many times more useful.

Where? How?

For our minions only increases durations of offerings, offerings will remain with or without mistress. You arent aplying offerings thanks to the ascendancy, is what im trying make to understand.

Your minions will still get offerings using one or other ascendancy.

"Offerings also affect you" makes us get a very small part of shield, you wont notice it.

Now compare this to the other ascendancy (Minions will still get our offerings as we will still spin wtf)

Maybe rude or maybe what it should, i dont know, im just talking the enlgish ive learned.

You have either not tried spirit offering, or you dont know how it work,
Apart from the extra 2k-4k effective health you also gain a ton of recovery while cycloning
sebneo написал:

I don't find Body amour with 10% life as energy shield can i replace it with something else ?

Its a craftable veiled mod you get from Gravicius Reborn only
You can either farm Jun missions and remove members from the syndicate until you get gravicus, then farm him.

Or you could purchase veiled body armour with the "Gravicius' Veiled" Stat on the stat filter and pray you get the unlock. They run around 5-8c a piece though.

Or you can get someone to craft it for you. I don't mind if I'm online. It's a 4 chaos craft only. Just make sure it has a spare prefix to craft on.

Ideally you're looking for something with bare minimum: %HP, chaos res, and maybe some % life regen (but thats from elder armour and expensive) and a spare prefix for the craft. His ele resists should be maxed from passives and whatnot already. Flat HP doesn't help him much (but if its on there as part of the %HP mod then thats no worries) as he has a VERY large health pool and adding 100 more to it doesn't do much.

I wonder for people with extra money to spend if getting a Redeemer body armour with the desired mods, spare prefix for crafting, and a nearby enemies are blinded mod would be pretty juicy.

"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 19 янв. 2020 г., 9:55:15
My AG along with all other minions got instant killed by a T16 metamorph, decided i would make a different AG but

1. Belly didnt give him any more health in tooltip, it should work?

2. made a helm with -% phys reduction to enemies instead of leer cast, bosses dies faster but im acually not sure it works :P

apart from that i use the normal cheap items :P
FeRR1S написал:
Randomsanity написал:
Dude stop picking fights.. your posts are rude. The question was about this build, which uses mistress of sacrifice and therefore what I wrote is applicable. Effects of offering are still good for your minions but having mistress of sacrifice allocated makes it many times more useful.

Where? How?

For our minions only increases durations of offerings, offerings will remain with or without mistress. You arent aplying offerings thanks to the ascendancy, is what im trying make to understand.

Your minions will still get offerings using one or other ascendancy.

"Offerings also affect you" makes us get a very small part of shield, you wont notice it.

Now compare this to the other ascendancy (Minions will still get our offerings as we will still spin wtf)

Maybe rude or maybe what it should, i dont know, im just talking the enlgish ive learned.

If it's only giving you a small bonus, then you don't have enough life.

For me personally, I have only 5222 shield as I have changed some small things from the main build to better suit my needs (higher damage). Using Mistress with the offering adds 2060 shield. This is not an insignificant amount.

I'm guessing most people get even more out of it if they're using the main build rather than a hybrid version like myself.
JCOH35 написал:
iTALK2Geese написал:
What is the best belt base to craft for this build? Stygian? Heavy?

Whats the best influence? Hunter? Elder?

Bottled Faith Good For This Build?

I imagine there are others but heres what im using, not mirror worthy but realistcally close;

Hunter influenced Stygian, otherwise I would of gone with a heavy belt.

Cool belt, but Heavy Belt has +35 STR in implitic. But to be honest, HB with these rolls will cost as much as a wing from a Boeing.
I recently swapped over to from my league started cause it seemed fun.

I'm sitting at under 100k dps per zombie and am unsure how to increase that much further.

I go from 6650 ES to 9300 ES with spirit offering supported by Mistress of sacrifice.
Goofio написал:
emppwnes написал:
Do I get the "prefixes cannot be changed" when i use beast method for +1 to gems "removes suffix adds prefix"??

No, beastcrafting is a separate thing. You add "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" on the crafting bench. You get the recipe from the prophecy "Unbearable Whispers V." Trade somebody for the prophecy, it costs like 1c. Wiki information about it:


Do "prefixes cannot be changed" count as 1 prefix then? So i have to have 2 prefixes (1 to fortify and +1 to gems) and then the 3. Would be the "prefixes cannot be changed"

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