3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

emppwnes написал:
Do "prefixes cannot be changed" count as 1 prefix then? So i have to have 2 prefixes (1 to fortify and +1 to gems) and then the 3. Would be the "prefixes cannot be changed"

"Prefixes cannot be changed" is a suffix.
Hi, could anyone help me?
i did everything as descripted in the guide, still i feel like my killspeed, especially for morphs etc. is waaaaay to slow. also: my survivabilty, as well as that of my zombies, doesnt feel very good, despite having effectivley ~10k HP.

What could i improve to get at least my zombie damage higher?


PS: i know my weapon isnt optimum, still i should wreck everything, according to the build =(
Последняя редакция: CryingDutchman#2679. Время: 19 янв. 2020 г., 12:21:19
JCOH35 написал:
Randomsanity написал:
Cyrom написал:
Rolling a lethal pride hurts ur wallet... spend 2ex on divines and ended up with 2x 5% and 1x 20str rolls but it is worth it tho! 200 STR gain total from lethal pride alone sitting at 1517 STR now with a total of 16k EHP with 16 zombies doin 437k dps each FeelsGoodMan

I spent a few ex re-rolling mine and only managed to get 5% str.. I'm trying to hit 1500 for another zombie and am only 50 off xD

Ya I spent about 3ex on divines myself, in that span I hit 15% twice however both times it would of cost at minimum 5 extra skill points which seemed counter productive.

I stopped at 10% STR b/c it was on the nodes I was already using, and I got a 4% max life node and a 1% life regen node which gets applied to my ES which helps so im good for now.

Down the road sure, id like to try for 15-20% on existing or easy to reach nodes but this build is so, so expensive that I wouldnt advise going crazy chasing 15-20 until your enlighten/empower is lv4 and your zombie/spectre/ag etc are 21, seeing as how every fricking gem for this build is like 6-8ex.....love the build, dont get me wrong, its just supply and demand, when 90% of the league is playing necro, capitolism gets a boner.

This is good advice.. I have pretty much everything else already.. just haven't invested in any awakened skill gems which are not required. I may try and blow another 20 divines, but I wouldn't go any further than that.
Hey guys i'm selling Timeless jewel !
Elegant hubris that give 240% minion damage.
Offers starts at 10Ex (metamorph league)
Sorry for "spamming" but it's the only way i find to help necro, and that's help me to find more easily someone wo WTB it :)
would you prefer

1. flesh and stone + maim, and dread banner without anything
2. dread banner + generosity, flesh and stone without support

i can only run one of these options :D

thanks in advance
paranoiah написал:
would you prefer

1. flesh and stone + maim, and dread banner without anything
2. dread banner + generosity, flesh and stone without support

i can only run one of these options :D

thanks in advance

Flesh and Maim is more damage.
CryingDutchman написал:
Hi, could anyone help me?
i did everything as descripted in the guide, still i feel like my killspeed, especially for morphs etc. is waaaaay to slow. also: my survivabilty, as well as that of my zombies, doesnt feel very good, despite having effectivley ~10k HP.

What could i improve to get at least my zombie damage higher?


PS: i know my weapon isnt optimum, still i should wreck everything, according to the build =(

Your set up looks like a decent starting point, but yest your weapon is really weak. Gem levels make a big difference, and none of your gems are fully level yet, especially your empower only being level 2. Focus on weapon upgrade so you can get +2 support to help boost your empower and the level of your zombies.
Durahal написал:
CryingDutchman написал:
Hi, could anyone help me?
i did everything as descripted in the guide, still i feel like my killspeed, especially for morphs etc. is waaaaay to slow. also: my survivabilty, as well as that of my zombies, doesnt feel very good, despite having effectivley ~10k HP.

What could i improve to get at least my zombie damage higher?


PS: i know my weapon isnt optimum, still i should wreck everything, according to the build =(

Your set up looks like a decent starting point, but yest your weapon is really weak. Gem levels make a big difference, and none of your gems are fully level yet, especially your empower only being level 2. Focus on weapon upgrade so you can get +2 support to help boost your empower and the level of your zombies.

okay thanks !

I don't find Body amour with 10% life as energy shield can i replace it with something else ?

Ig name : ___Aramis___
FeRR1S написал:
At this point, the "survival" should be enought, you need to focus on dps to kill things faster and increase your "survival" killing faster and reducing your % to die, instead of be a tank but taking 5 minutes to kill a boss/not able to kill metas. You will survive more if things die faster.

If you need to opt out of spirit offering to kill things faster, there is smth seriously wrong with your build. You kill everything crazy fast any way. The only reason you would want to opt out of Mistress of Sac is in the Sirus fight, but even there it's not rly needed. There is a reason all the top necros take MoS. You have dmg enough.

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