3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hi guys i sell an elegant hubris that give 240% minion damage.
Offers starts at 10Ex (metamorph league)
Последняя редакция: Niglo93#4412. Время: 19 янв. 2020 г., 11:21:29
Hi all, my lethal pride jewel grants % chance to deal double damage on one of the nodes. Does this benefit minions? Or just my character?
Gracezr написал:
Hi all, my lethal pride jewel grants % chance to deal double damage on one of the nodes. Does this benefit minions? Or just my character?

Just you directly. It will specify if it affects minions.

Ie. Take a look at the gravepact passive
Последняя редакция: Randomsanity#6828. Время: 19 янв. 2020 г., 11:28:39
Voneriksson написал:
JCOH35 написал:
iTALK2Geese написал:
What is the best belt base to craft for this build? Stygian? Heavy?

Whats the best influence? Hunter? Elder?

Bottled Faith Good For This Build?

I imagine there are others but heres what im using, not mirror worthy but realistcally close;

Hunter influenced Stygian, otherwise I would of gone with a heavy belt.

Im very curious on how you made that belt, its insane!

i made a similar one for a previous build via chaos spamming (minus the %life). the combination of mods is surprising easily to hit. not sure how else you'd do it. fossils would be super expensive if im not mistaken as you can't increase the chance of strength or % attributes. maybe a deafening essense or rage but they're not cheap either and would be annoying to buy
Cyrom написал:
Rolling a lethal pride hurts ur wallet... spend 2ex on divines and ended up with 2x 5% and 1x 20str rolls but it is worth it tho! 200 STR gain total from lethal pride alone sitting at 1517 STR now with a total of 16k EHP with 16 zombies doin 437k dps each FeelsGoodMan

I spent a few ex re-rolling mine and only managed to get 5% str.. I'm trying to hit 1500 for another zombie and am only 50 off xD
I'm sure this has already been addressed somewhere, but I do not feel like scrolling through hundreds of pages to find the answer.

Is this weapon better than a weapon that has skills are supported by fortify?
Randomsanity написал:
Cyrom написал:
Rolling a lethal pride hurts ur wallet... spend 2ex on divines and ended up with 2x 5% and 1x 20str rolls but it is worth it tho! 200 STR gain total from lethal pride alone sitting at 1517 STR now with a total of 16k EHP with 16 zombies doin 437k dps each FeelsGoodMan

I spent a few ex re-rolling mine and only managed to get 5% str.. I'm trying to hit 1500 for another zombie and am only 50 off xD

Ya I spent about 3ex on divines myself, in that span I hit 15% twice however both times it would of cost at minimum 5 extra skill points which seemed counter productive.

I stopped at 10% STR b/c it was on the nodes I was already using, and I got a 4% max life node and a 1% life regen node which gets applied to my ES which helps so im good for now.

Down the road sure, id like to try for 15-20% on existing or easy to reach nodes but this build is so, so expensive that I wouldnt advise going crazy chasing 15-20 until your enlighten/empower is lv4 and your zombie/spectre/ag etc are 21, seeing as how every fricking gem for this build is like 6-8ex.....love the build, dont get me wrong, its just supply and demand, when 90% of the league is playing necro, capitolism gets a boner.
Последняя редакция: JCOH35#4078. Время: 19 янв. 2020 г., 11:55:56
Leo on Lvl 2 on Research will give you 2 free divines. Just FYI.

hello, i am wondering if i should slam the exalt on this or is there something else i can do?
Breach : MLXFL
william2433 написал:

hello, i am wondering if i should slam the exalt on this or is there something else i can do?

I would sell it, get one with fortify.

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