[3.23] 🧙♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES
" I'd switch when you have basically a good ES base, no rush. I got lucky and had an exalted drop which went towards a 5l Shav's, so i'll be skipping CI and just go full ES+Life until I get the gear I need for low life. Still on act 9 and i'll be mapping tonight. I have 1500 life 2900 ES atm, but still need to upgrade all my gear except armor and shield which i'll have to do tonight. |
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" LOL i'm at the end of act 8, i have 3 chaos, 1446 Life and 886 ES. I had absolutely zero drop until now, i died 12 times from act 6 to 8 due to both zero dps and zero life quality. Two deaths were oneshots from Izaro in cruel lab (it's been ages this MF killed me in cruel lab, like since ascendancy league back in time) It's been a whole act i don't even bother interacting with league mechanic anymore, in current state it's a "click to get oneshot" button. This build is hell on earth to level with in its life form, i should have began with something else tankier than move to it. Each boss fight takes like ages due to my unability to understand HOW do you get your damages. I'm so called doing 7.3k dps but a boss can take me around 8 - 15 minutes to kill. Good thing is that i know their mechanic and can keep the rythm but god, how boring is it :). I'm running 4 auras (clarity lvl 1, wrath, tempest shield and skitters) and still, i'm just an enraged shrimp with noi, survival. I must miss something but behalf my shitty rng, i don't get what's the cause. But maybe i simply really suck ass and you guys are far better than i am. Which is plainly possible. "When something's not right, don't blame the build, blame the loser unable to play it" Последняя редакция: Ashandaar#3743. Время: 25 окт. 2021 г., 10:35:13
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" Well your definitely not doing something right, damage is quite high. I actually removed wrath for discipline as i had more then enough damage. looking at your gem gearing i can see part of the problem. I'd suggest linking lightning trap - > cluster -> Trap and mine damage - > and then lightning penetration, its what's suggested for the gem priority. Your losing a ton of damage with your gem socketing and losing getting more traps out. You can socket the pierce jewel you get in act 5, but without the raw damage pierce is useless IMO. Early on your damage is your primary defense as enemies melt under your attacks before they can hit you. I'd also say for reseveration mastery remove the 30% increased life reservation efficacy as that is useless till you go to low life and instead take aura's from your skills have 15% increased effect. I'd also drop the crit trees and go up lightning mastery instead to heart of thunder as early game especially before you have your crit gear that will give you more bang for your buck. However just changing your gem links will give you massive boost. I'm sure the OP will have more advice, but feel free to add me on steam if you want and i can show you what i did. Последняя редакция: Brian9824#5074. Время: 25 окт. 2021 г., 11:20:07
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I'll look into it, Ty for the ideas. I had to use inspiration because at the Time i had 58 Mana left with the 4 auras. That's why i rushed the other reservation wheel. Now i should be able to move on the gems you are suggesting. I was on that setup before
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" Inspiration is fine but you really want trap support and cluster for more damage and more traps. I had my clarity leveled to around level 8 before i had inspiration and it off set the mana use sufficiently from throwing traps. Those are the 2 biggest DPS increases with the entire setup and your missing both. So using those 2 should be massive increase. |
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" Yeah i'm having the same experience (except damage are more than fine), this build is probably really good but as an inexperienced player i was looking for a tanky build. Got baited by the "Easy-All - Max Block". It's nobody's fault since 3.16 brought a load of changes and OP did warn us that it's a tricky starter. I didnt get any currency during the campaign and now i'm really struggling so i'm leveling another character. Thanks for all your work OP ! Последняя редакция: Maldice#0854. Время: 25 окт. 2021 г., 11:57:20
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" Did you delete the char because I don't see one under your profile at all. The build is not going to be tankier until you have invested in the end game gear, and even then from what i'm seeing with block reductions it probably won't be AS tanky as it was in 3.15, but will do more damage and won't be a glass cannon either. Damage is a powerful form of defense as they can't hit you if they are dead. You should easily be clearing story with basic 3-4 slot items as long as your slotting the right gems. |
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Did the ones who struggle with defense, watch my most recent vid?
Cuz i'm feeling its quite easy leveling and getting to a good spot before you even start maps, with the new tempest gems and the new insane mana reservations allowing us 4 auras before we even go lowlife or have an enlighten gem and i'm streaming the progress every day :) Vods are up from each stream so you can access them any time. Plus I made this video about defenses:] [quote] ![]() [/quote] Some clips from todays stream and keep in mind, i'm wearing gear that totals 10c value or even less.... shield was 2c, wand 2c, belt 1 alch, boots 1c, rings 2 alch each ... my 5L was 2c but upgraded to 6L via scourge cookin. Point is, i'm wearing TRASH and extreme budget gear that anyone can afford when they start mapping from w/e currency they pick up during acts. T3 map with delirium: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1186686262 entire vod, including above map... the vod shows my lab runs at the very start almost: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1186497982 Последняя редакция: oestergreen#1184. Время: 25 окт. 2021 г., 13:07:02
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I've found that 95% of my deaths are from burst damage after entering a scourge and being bombarded from all sides, even then it usually ended up I killed all of them and they killed me.
Raising my ES another 800 points with gear upgrades helped alleviate that as i'm not getting burst killed and having a chance to regen now. I'll be on maps tonight and don't expect any issues Последняя редакция: Brian9824#5074. Время: 25 окт. 2021 г., 13:03:07
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" Yeah, when I enter the nightmare and see demons literally everywhere around your entry, i just press vaal disc right away. Gives me 3 seconds where I cannot die and can clear plenty to be safe :) Последняя редакция: oestergreen#1184. Время: 25 окт. 2021 г., 13:07:31
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