[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

resisnex написал:
My question is about wand for this build. Does modifier "Adds # to # Fire Damage (Local)" affect VD and DD spells? Several leagues ago I played icicle mines and the same cold local modifier affected only wand attacks (not icicle projectiles)

It does.

(reposting onto new page)
So to make things clear

For 3.11, we need BOTH

15% reduced mana reservation on helm enchant
Annoint Charisma


Hypothermia instead of Conc Effect
x2 Mana Reservation Circles of Anguish

Is there any way to get by with less? For example, 10% reduced mana reservation helmet?

Man... That Crown of the Inward Eye is priiiiiiiiiiicy. I know we can use rares, but it's quite a painful replacement.
Spellslinger gem has the following line:

Supported Skills have Added Spell Damage equal to (50-100)% of Damage of Equipped Wand
If two Wands are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage

So that's why the huge local fire dmg roll is so good for damage.

This is an expensive build and you will have to make some trade offs before you have the currency to fully gear it.

Some things to keep in mind / look into before you can afford to go low life.

Cooldown recovery breakpoints for single target dmg. (gem,belt,boots,helm enchant)

Balancing available mana between herald of ash/ 6L VD+DD/ Helm enchant

Build OP recommends starting with a full life build.

There are some interactions in this build that if you just copy pieces of it without understanding the why behind it (barrage&combustion/trigger wand/CDR breakpoints/clusterjewel sustain) you can end up having a less than fun time.

It's not exactly a copy paste POB build and the author doesn't pretend otherwise.

Does someone know if this works for this build or is even viable?

Finished one of the new labs today and put that one on my crystal belt. I tried adding the "Master of Fear" Notable from the cluster jewel to unnerved with flammability.

So at least I'd assume it should work, since "I" unnerve the enemy. Which should lead to hits having 50% inc crit chance.
zzang написал:
affenflail написал:
zzang, can it be, that Stalwart Command and Precise Commander are not possible together on medium clusters?

You mean since 3.11?

According to PoB those roll on Aura Cluster jewels it still should be possible. But the weightening seems odd. GGG already announced to fix the Cluster Jewel mess:


Oh, I saw some now in trade. Need to farm more. Got a decent cluster jewel now with

+2 Jewel
Conjured Wall
Mage Hunter


What do you think of Watcher's eye with "+30 Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline" ?

A lot VD ballz + Frenzy/Barrage hits + Detonate Dead... or I am misinterpreting (english is not my native language).
Последняя редакция: affenflail#1631. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 17:44:55
Hi, my question is. So the BIS ench in this patch for crown is 15% mana reserve or 30 cooldown recovery speed? Thx for your reply.
Just made the swap to LL. never done vd before looking for some ideas for upgrades

current gear:

tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAAFvBAcN4hBREVAVUBcvGnIbJR0UHU8fAh8YJ4Ms4i0fL28v1i_aNbk2xT3sQZZCSkb-SI5JT0lRSbFKn0uuTLNR-1M1VdZb1VwUXGtfamNfZJ1kvWTnZp5mumdxarttGXC7e9d_xoCkhEiJvIt6jmSPRo_6kTeTJ5Ugly2biqDmoS-io6cIpyun-Kg1rrO2-rcxtzi8qr5PvorBxcHzw23Gis0W0B_Q0ND11LTXz9gk2RPZW9rd34ri9-Ni6QLr9ewY74jv6_DV8h31-vem98H5N_rS?accountName=hipposaver&characterName=GGGsBallsMeltMyPC

still need rumis
better jewel
i was thinking about maybe comitting to a nice crystal belt as my next large upgrade

im currently melting reds but having some survivability issues at 6287 es and 25/20 block no rumis (you used a legacy rumis in the pob i think?)

anyone got any tips
Последняя редакция: hipposaver#7296. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 19:43:53
Brusky написал:
Spellslinger gem has the following line:

Supported Skills have Added Spell Damage equal to (50-100)% of Damage of Equipped Wand
If two Wands are Equipped, each contributes half as much Added Damage

So that's why the huge local fire dmg roll is so good for damage.

This is an expensive build and you will have to make some trade offs before you have the currency to fully gear it.

Some things to keep in mind / look into before you can afford to go low life.

Cooldown recovery breakpoints for single target dmg. (gem,belt,boots,helm enchant)

Balancing available mana between herald of ash/ 6L VD+DD/ Helm enchant

Build OP recommends starting with a full life build.

There are some interactions in this build that if you just copy pieces of it without understanding the why behind it (barrage&combustion/trigger wand/CDR breakpoints/clusterjewel sustain) you can end up having a less than fun time.

It's not exactly a copy paste POB build and the author doesn't pretend otherwise.

It's definitely not a copy/paste build nor a cheap one, but I think I have the currency and fundamentals of PoE after 4 or 5 leagues to make it work. What I'm more worried about, is that this build brags about all it's stats but is flagrantly abusing tons of legacy items and doesn't offer much explanation at all on how to make it work in 3.11 despite the title claiming otherwise.

Before I sink 20ex, I just want to make sure that I'll actually have enough mana/CDR for all this shit in 3.11 :p
Последняя редакция: Overmasterr#0561. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 20:28:31
Oh, I agree with what you're sayin, most of that wasn't directed to you at all. There have been a lot of other posts misunderstanding pretty important parts of the build.

i have a question regarding CDR,
Im reading lot of things, apparently its capped at 52%?

i have at the moment I have:

19% on the Gem + 30% (helm enchant) + 20 on the belt > 69% CDR

Does it mean that i have 17% useless, or it will still increase my DPS?

Последняя редакция: CruorFRA#0224. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 21:07:33
StephanLogan написал:
Aias_o_Telamonios написал:
Lakishe написал:
I mean i can see their difference but i'm far from understanding all mechanics (just readed that boss have reduced curse effect) , but i don't understand why so many people running the same gems i do only change on this part.

From what i gathered:

Elemental weakness reduces more fire resist but don't give ignite chance compared to flammability.

No it doesn't. Elemental weakness is 39+5 = 44 and flamability is 44. So they give exactly the same damage but flammability also gives us chance to ignite which is essential.

Nope, thats pretty irrelevant, combustion alone gives 50% chance to ignite, and u do about 8-10 hits per second, so the % ignite is more than enough and not necessary by flamma. On the other hand, ele weak also gives -45 res to cold and lightning, and we usually have few added cold /light damage via secondary mods, which gets boosted like freeze / chills, which I find a lot more desirable than a rather useless increased ignite chance.

Nope, that doesn't make any difference really. Unless you have a ton of added lightning or cold damage on your gear elemental weakness won't give you anything. It's true that ignites are easy to do even without flammability but that's still better that getting pen for 1% of your damage which MAY not be fire. In my case I have 99% fire damage and 1% physical. Like the vast majority of people making this.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

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Последняя редакция: Aias_o_Telamonios#0275. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 21:30:00

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