[3.13] MOM & POP Skeletons - Strong at Bosses & Heists

How much is worth investing to color this?
Yseviel написал:

How much is worth investing to color this?
According to Vorici calculator that'll take an average of 1200 Chroms. At 6 Chroms to 1 Chaos that's 200c. Alternatively, you could just 3B-recipe it once and then hit it with White Sockets from Syndicate, hoping to hit the non-blue.

It's probably more realistic to sell it off and buy a different helmet, especially since Burning Damage doesn't contribute much.
Последняя редакция: therealtoothman#2453. Время: 22 янв. 2021 г., 15:29:28
idk why i'm dying so much :(
Can any1 help me please? What can i do with my build now?
I have 4 exalted's to invest!
therealtoothman написал:
kobielak13 написал:
I feel like i got to a point that I can just farm till t16. This build feels REALLY GOOD :) I just got my last ascendancy yesterday (coz b4 I didn't notice it gives 30% area and didn't even need other stats from it lol)
My next to buy list is:
better lvls/quality on gems - any suggestions to order?
helmet - daaaamn it's expensive!
better large jewel +2nd medium+2nd small
better amu, gloves and ring

Do you guys see anything I could improve on a budget (to save for helmet) while on way to t16?
You could drop Vitality until you get a Watcher's Eye for it
In fact, even when you get the Watcher's Eye, you don't need it above lv1. Vitality reserves mana we need and heals Skeles.

For gems, level > quality, except for Anom Infernal Legion. A 21/20 gem will always be better than 20/23 and the difference from 20% to 23% quality is very small.

I think you bought those boots from me!! They look very familiar to ones I sold a day or two ago.

Along with the Watcher's Eye you can squeeze in an Animated Guardian, there's a lot of good options to build him. Check through the thread for AG discussions.

Beyond that I would just plan out what an ideal, expensive item for each slot would be, and upgrade one at a time while shopping patiently.

thx for reply, about these boots i think i got them from ritual or in single essence craft ;)

Today i ran some t9s - still no problems :D 3 maven bosses is very ez.

However I seem to have problems in blight. Blighted mapss t5+ i usually lose, and sometimes when its just on a map t6+ it sometimes happens too, feels like not enough dmg or i just dont know how to play blight efficiently :D

I tried Vit and without Vit, i don't rly see difference in how fast skellies die, but its making me much tankier so I can ez mode play most content

How do you feel about Surging Vitality instead of Fettle?
Последняя редакция: kobielak13#6759. Время: 22 янв. 2021 г., 19:27:50
How do you come up with 43% damage taken from mana before life?

I only see MoM in the build which is 30% and the only way to push if further is a clarity watchers eye which gives 10% max.
Frankitu написал:
idk why i'm dying so much :(
Can any1 help me please? What can i do with my build now?
I have 4 exalted's to invest!

Gearing-wise, you're doing pretty good. Could get more life on your rings. Maybe it's time to try replacing From Dust? The build can take a lot of damage but still needs to dodge, dropping the cooldown might give you some control.

Maybe you need to pop flasks and Bone Armour proactively more? They're instant, so if you can get in the habit of mashing them all with every new pack you'll power through a lot more. I'm not telling you to use a popsicle stick...

kobielak13 написал:
thx for reply, about these boots i think i got them from ritual or in single essence craft ;)

Today i ran some t9s - still no problems :D 3 maven bosses is very ez.

However I seem to have problems in blight. Blighted mapss t5+ i usually lose, and sometimes when its just on a map t6+ it sometimes happens too, feels like not enough dmg or i just dont know how to play blight efficiently :D

I tried Vit and without Vit, i don't rly see difference in how fast skellies die, but its making me much tankier so I can ez mode play most content

How do you feel about Surging Vitality instead of Fettle?
Blight does take a learning curve. Making good use of Towers is crucial. I use a simple combination of Frosty/Stone Towers for setting up chokepoints and Fire Towers into Flamethrower Towers for supporting damage. You need plan out those chokepoints so you can manage them all in as few points as possible - see where you can them all to clump up. There's a Ring Anoint to have your Flamethrower Towers apply Scorch.

Practice on some white Blight Maps and work your way up. The more open the map, the better.

Surging Vitality is one of those fine budget alternatives, you can even just slot a couple more regular jewels if you'd like. Fettle gives a lot of life.

Zerber написал:
How do you come up with 43% damage taken from mana before life?

I only see MoM in the build which is 30% and the only way to push if further is a clarity watchers eye which gives 10% max.
With MOM, you take damage in 3 parts Mana, 7 parts Life. 3/7= close to 43%, so that's the max ratio of Mana to Life that will increase your one-hit-pool. With another 10% that's 4/6=2/3. Mana beyond that ratio will still help with Regen and subsequent hits.

It's not like MOM is broken if you don't optimize.
Последняя редакция: therealtoothman#2453. Время: 23 янв. 2021 г., 10:46:43
I got a helmet with minion life and immolate, what other gems can I slot in beside infernal legion?
A fun thing you can do for mapping is using only one earendel and arakaalis fang. Siegebreaker kills count as your kills which keeps 20 spiders up all time during mapping.
Последняя редакция: Zerber#2188. Время: 24 янв. 2021 г., 8:13:40
Yseviel написал:

How much is worth investing to color this?

It won't cost much if you use the jeweller orb method of colouring...

1. Make it 2-socket and get them blue
2. Make it 3-socket
3. If the third socket is blue, go to step 5
4. Make it 2-socket, go to step 2
5. Make it 4-socket
6. If the fourth socket is blue, you're done
7. Make it 3-socket, go to step 5

In general it'll colour a 4-socket right with not a lot of jewellers used (usually < 100)...
Последняя редакция: Cyzax#3287. Время: 24 янв. 2021 г., 9:00:22
Zerber написал:
A fun thing you can do for mapping is using only one earendel and arakaalis fang. Siegebreaker kills count as your kills which keeps 20 spiders up all time during mapping.
Wait a minute, if Repl Siegbreaker triggers "on kill" for the player, that opens a lot of options previously not available to minion characters!

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