[3.13] MOM & POP Skeletons - Strong at Bosses & Heists
" I appreciate you explaining that. Unfortunately I did know already, I was just having bad luck at 3 sockets already lol. Once the OP answered not to invest I sold it at cost and have now bought a better one with my first Exalt drop. I have also reached my highest level ever. My second best was Venom Gyre trickster which was very zoomzoom but tbh I'm just not good at zoomzoom :) |
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General question, how do you guys recommend setting your skill bar? Currently I have Desecrate on Q, Skeletons on W, Vaal Skele on E, Dash on R, and then Bone armor on T. My second bar is my other summon skills for when/if I need them, then I have the blood offering on middle mouse and cold snap on right click. I have no idea where to put convocate where it's accessible without getting rid of something more essential like desecrate or flame dash.
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To get more movement speed, this may be an idea:
Movement speed is 150% (which is pretty good when you have no other sources for speed but boots), it has a bit of mana regen, BUT then it has an additional benefit that makes it extremely valuable... They can be anointed! Последняя редакция: Cyzax#3287. Время: 25 янв. 2021 г., 8:04:03
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rerolling atm and looking for a new build. skelleton nukes sound super fun and iam a sucker for minionbuilds but never tried minion instability before so iam very interested.
bossing and tankiness looks great, but how does it perform on legions and delirium mirrors? is it able to free a whole legion in time or finish a map before the delirium fog disappears in high tier maps? can it clear t16s 100% delirius somewhat comfortably with EG gear? i dont need a super speed farm build i just dont like it when half a legion cant be released or only half the map is done when the fog fades and only 3 splinters drop | |
" Full legion is doable but you need to be fast with your fingers and set up some bodies around so you can Blood Offer during Legion and you need to have a good idea of what can you 1-shot. Delirium 100% on t16 I have no idea but if I were to guess I would say no - it's probably close but no (maaaybe if you know your maps very well and run like crazy). " For me - LMB=run, RMB=skelly, extra MB=flame dash, extra MB2 - potion,q-hydrosphere (cold snap), w - blood offering, e-desecrate, r-vaal seklly, f-bone armor, shift+q,w = auras, shift+e,r - summon golem/zombie, shift+t= summon spectre, If i were to put in the minion recall thingy i would put it on shift+q and change skill on shift+w to apply aura1 ->change aura2 after death. If you don't know you don't need a hotkey to apply a skill, if this skill is not something you need to cast every now and then - so auras or minions that you dont need to resummon can be used once, and then Does "increase area damage" not work or PoB is bugged with Instability? (got the new helmet +3-20/20, fortunately i could enchant minion life, but damn got pissed at first for the %area dmg not counting) Последняя редакция: kobielak13#6759. Время: 25 янв. 2021 г., 13:26:56
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"I'm a weirdo who uses a Razer Tartarus (not as good as the old Nostromo tbh) with a bunch of popsicle sticks glued across the keys. Experiment and figure out what's most comfortable for you based on what your press most. A gaming mouse with extra keys is a big help. "Those boots are pretty good, only reason I didn't stick with them is no Quicksilver "I appreciate the good answers you gave above! Increased Area Damage applies only to you, unfortunately, as it's just a gear mod now. Fortunately, you're not missing out on much. Minion Life craft is a nice bonus! Последняя редакция: therealtoothman#2453. Время: 25 янв. 2021 г., 21:45:40
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" Note that you can bind Bone Armour to LMB. You'll still use it to move, but BA will have the maximum uptime without you having to manually activate it (as long as you move). It is non-interrupting so won't slow you down. |
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Updated Post #2 with Elegant Hubris guide, as best as can be done for now. I gained 160% Minion Life and 80% Minion Damage from one I just rolled.
I let Maven witness a Shaper kill without realizing what would happen lol. Thought I was in for another easy kill - BIG difference! Still managed it in budget gear, looking forward to clearing off Witnessed Uber Elder and Maven herself. |
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Hey, read a bit through the guide and the replies, and your build seems pretty fun. I was just wondering if you could help me pick the most sweaty/meta/best boss killing chonker (minion) build. I am pretty bored of dying as assasin / miner because i suck at dodging and would actually like to get to end game stuff like cortex , awak 8, oshatree or even mawen o.O.
Thank you very much! |
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At L75 now. Got Large and medium cluster jewels as in the guide (though the large is to be replaced as it only has two notables), but not the smalls. Very fun and powerful build :-)
Now to ramp up on the starting equipment... |
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