[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

BatGlare написал:
Does faster casting and Frenzy charges work on relics? POB shows tons of damage adding.

Frenzy charges - work, but good luck trying to find a way to get Frenzy charges on them. Poacher Mark is the only reliable way.

Faster Casting doesn't work because Holy Nova its a triggered spell. It has set cooldown that PoB is not aware of.
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 26 сент. 2021 г., 22:53:53
Fire_Archer написал:
BatGlare написал:
Does faster casting and Frenzy charges work on relics? POB shows tons of damage adding.

Frenzy charges - work, but good luck trying to find a way to get Frenzy charges on them. Poacher Mark is the only reliable way.

Faster Casting doesn't work because Holy Nova its a triggered spell. It has set cooldown that PoB is not aware of.

Thanks for your answer. I mean the nova has set cooldown but it also has cast time. Faster casting and frenzy charges increase cast speed and improve DPS, besides more damage from frenzy charges. Correct me if im wrong.

Edit: Im totally wrong. Cast speed does nothing to triggered spell.
Последняя редакция: BatGlare#2424. Время: 27 сент. 2021 г., 0:41:30
Manifesto update time!

The Bad
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Huge nerf to cluster jewels. Bots medium clusters we were using deleted from the game.

That means no more Culling Strikre/Unnerve. That means no more Master of Command aura efficiency. And what is worse, that means NO MORE FREE JEWEL SLOTS.
As build stands there is no good medium cluster jewels to use and a lot of good small ones.
It is fairly possible that we will have to use 2x Large to compensate for it, but I have no idea where to get points.
Getting 2 stat Megalomaniac would be build changing but its locked by too much RNG.

Forbidden Taste self damage duration up to 6 seconds (previously 4).

Blind is now bad since we have no evasion.

Fortify does nothing since we don't do a lot of melee damage.

Tempest Shield is now gone. You can't use it to activate Bone Offering anymore.

Bone Offering is getting nerfed.

The Good
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Modifiers on Shields are more powerful. Can cap block even easier. Can get reduced damage from crits.

Pantheon powers are buffed and are more interesting, As a result:
Can have easy reflect/curse/ailment imunity.

New Keystone: Divine Shield. Divine Shield: Percentage of Total Physical Damage prevented from Hits Recently is Regenerated as Energy Shield per second. Cannot Recover Energy Shield to above Armour. We're still deciding on the specific value.
It is not clear what 'pervented' means, but if you block damage fully and then regenerate it as energy shield, that's pretty good.

Armor might not be poop. But I'm still not sold on that one. Even in a buffed state it will be bad against big hits and doesn't do anything agaisnt spells.

Steelskin and Molten Shell both buffed. Bleed immunity every other second is very strong. Molten Shell is questionable, depends if armor is a good mechanic with our mediocre investment.

Energy Shield recharge now regenerates 33% per second (previously 20%). Pretty good for our high block build + might use Vaal Discipline.

Consecrated Ground is more powerful. We get it from Zealotry aura and constantly attacking.

The Wicked Ward Keystone Passive Skill will ocst us 4 points to get. It might be very much worth it. But the tree might change. Gotta wait for patch notes.

Taste of Hate is giga buffed. 8 second in duration, + increased effect from flask orbs.

More ways to get +1 to max ress for armor build maybe?

It it possible for us to fit extra auras. There is lot of good that can be done here.

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Huge nerf to survivability, utility and damage. About 50% damage reduction lost. About +30% damage lost. In return we have some extra tools on the tree to try and fix that. And 0 points to do that. Means we gonna have to drop some life to make ourself even more vulnerable.

The clear will still be divine. Bossing gutted even further. Before last nerf I was able to do Feared deathless. Now, I do it using 2-3 portals. After the patch? Who knows. Its all "subject to change" after all. Build will be fine, right? RIGHT?

Aight boys. Patch notes analysis.

Okay maybe its not that tragic. Just a little bit tragic.

The Bad

Huge nerf to the passive skill tree. There is a lot to unpack.

1) Longer travel path due to passive tree inflation with new passives. We gonna have even LESS skill points to spend. This may in turn mean we not gonna be using cluster jewels at all.

2) Nerf to notable passive across entire tree. You can get the nerfed parts back via 'mastery' system. But getting a mastery requires you - you guessed it - spend a passive point! Even less passive points to work with.

3) Nerf to Thread of Hope due to passive tree shift. From what is seen on a new tree, you will be able AT BEST get 2 notables instead of 4. Sanctuary moved away. Sovereignty is moved out of ring reach too. And given that allocating passives via Thread of Hope doesn't give you access to mastery, it might not even be worth investing into it.

Previously thread of Hope would give you about 12~ish points saved to invest them into cluster jewels. Now it will be barely anything.

Nerf to strike skills. They have melee range removed, as a result - it will be even harder to hit enemies with Static Strike. I guess I be flicker striking now...

Huge nerf to Fortify as expected. It no longer exists. You can't have it in this build. Gotta look for a replacement.

Cluster jewel nerfs as mentioned in post above. But its not as big of a deal because of The Good section below.

The Good

Huge buff to awakened support gems. And I mean HUGE. This alone would be enough to make the build good, if not for the tree change.

1) Awakened Brutality now grants “Supported Skills have 10% chance to Crush Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit” at gem level 5. Its not huge, but its something. Usually you don't need this and it results in about 2-3 more damage on bosses. Helps with map mods tho.

2) Awakened Controlled Destruction now grants “Supported Skills have 10% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit” at gem level 5. Finally a source of Unnerve. Its just 10% per relic, but we hit real fast.

3) Awakened Minion Damage now grants “+1 to Level of Supported Minion Skill Gems” at gem level 5. +1 to level is about 15% MORE damage. Insane.

Big buff to Skin of the Lords.The Skin of the Lords Unique Body Armour now grants “+2 to level of Socketed Gems” (previously +1)

This is a 30% DPS boost straight up. But you already had it if you had corrupted your Skin of the Loyal. Its just gonna be much easier to obtain, you get a nice bonus of random keystone (that might be harmful, so it might take you several tries to get the right robes) AND you can upgrade it even further with Scourge mechanics.

What this means you will no longer need gamble with double corruption altar, instead you will need Chayula's blessing and +1 gems is yours.

Both blessing and the robe should be more common this league as breach got buffed, bot in terms of giving out rewards and in acceptability. A lot of people will be farming it, and colors we use might not be all the desired by other players.

Simulacrum buffed. This in turns means more Megalomaniac jewels. Finding the right one should be easier now. Again, passives we want are not that desirable by other people (We want at least Rote Reinforcements + Wish for Death that will give us free Endurance charges and Culling Strike. And extra notable with +HP or some other utility)

We may even farm Simulacrum ourselves for big profit.

Scourge league powercreeps items a lot. Sure there are downsides, but most of those are ignored by minions build. We don't even need our hits to do damage to proc relic nova.

With Tempest Shield and Fortify removed from the build, we have 2-3 extra slots to play with. Maybe more, depending on how much we would wanna change.

There are some interesting keystone combinations to play with that can make us even tankier.

CWDT setup is also possible.

TL;DR and future plans

The damage prolly gonna be higher than before. Means with medium-high investment this build could do deathless feared again.
Investment will be high though as you gonna need woke gems and some nicely scourged items.

This is a farm league, and once you get Asenath's Gentle Touch you be zooming. This is the main goal. Save money - get the gloves, profit big, finish the build with GG items.

The tree is scuffed and there is no real way to tell how its gonna be. Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe be... well you know how it is.

Gotta see how it plays out. But even with the scuffed tree, the core principle of the build remains intact.

Overall I feel positive about the build and think it will be at least decent.
A tiny update on Skin of the Lords
There are currently 9 good keystones you can get
19 that do nothing
And 11 that harm you.

The odds of getting a usable +2 gems chest first try is fairly high. The odds of getting it from trade because someone rolled keystone they can't use - is even higher.

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Call to Arms v
Doomsday v
Eternal Youth v + 2 passive points
Mind Over Matter v +1 passive point
Resolute Technique v +1 point
Wicked Ward VV +4 passive points
Unwavering Stance v
Lethe Shade v
Divine Shield v +1 passive point

Acrobatics 0
Ancestral Bond 0
Arrow Dancing 0
Avatar of Fire 0
Conduit 0
Crimson Dance 0
Elemental Equilibrium 0
Elemental Overload 0
Iron Grip 0
Iron Reflexes 0
Pain Attunement 0
Perfect Agony 0
Phase Acrobatics 0
Point Blank 0
Imbalanced Guard x-0
The Impaler 0
Wind Dancer 0
Zealot's Oath x-0
Magebane - 0

Vaal Pact x
Blood Magic x
Eldritch Battery x
Ghost Reaver x
Glancing Blows x
Minion Instability x
Supreme Ego x
The Agnostic x
Sophism x
Ghoste Dance x
Versatil Combatant x

Any good news in updated POB?
BatGlare написал:
Any good news in updated POB?

Yes. Here is a new passive tree!

But for real, working on it.

From what I can see, the damage gonna be as high. The block will be too.
Life is okay. But we not gonna have ANY ele resistances anymore.

If you wanna see work in progress https://pastebin.com/SuU4Cq3T
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 18 окт. 2021 г., 23:04:32
The final update in regard of 3.16!

Here I start with a TL;DR + new PoB right away to save you some time

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New PoB+ Trees of leveling https://pastebin.com/GA83cUjh

Build survived the changes well, I think.

From Bad things we have:

Slightly less life.

Slightly less resists.

No more Fortify.

No more Blind.

No more Culling Strike.

From Good things:

Free Anoint slot to play with ( protentional +2 max res)

More damage.

Even more damage if we wanna go full glass cannon ( might be the best option)

Lots of recovery ways.

More reserved mana to play with.

Free gem slots to play with ( fix culling strike problem? Maybe add some utility)

Free jewel slots to play with.

Its real hard to say what the build end up with, especially taking into account the scourge mods from gear.

But even with gear from last league it kinda looks great. Its flexibility in survivability+damage can solve most of the issues the shift in the game caused.

I'm fairly positive its gonna feel STRONGER than before in end game.

In early game? From what I see it will be as strong as before. Maybe even stronger because of Scourge mods on some random leveling items.

And of course, I will be starting with it, and I will be pushing it to the limit, making adjustments on the fly. So if you are interested, I will be posting at least 'current gear' as I go.
Your build looks really interesting and I am thinking of starting out with it on Scourge League!

I just have a question about ailments, how do you deal with them/are any of them scary to the build? With new ailment mitigation everywhere I was expecting to see them easily cancelled out in some ways.

Personally I could even sacrifice some offence if ailments were a problem.. in which case, would replacing the Zealotry aura with Purity of Elements be acceptable? I am not sure how much Zealotry contributes to the build apart from the drop in PoB damage numbers by 15%, does it provide any other important benefits?
+With Purity in place I could then move the points from Anointed Flesh Cluster elsewhere.
TheEighthPanda написал:
Your build looks really interesting and I am thinking of starting out with it on Scourge League!

I just have a question about ailments, how do you deal with them/are any of them scary to the build? With new ailment mitigation everywhere I was expecting to see them easily cancelled out in some ways.

Personally I could even sacrifice some offence if ailments were a problem.. in which case, would replacing the Zealotry aura with Purity of Elements be acceptable? I am not sure how much Zealotry contributes to the build apart from the drop in PoB damage numbers by 15%, does it provide any other important benefits?
+With Purity in place I could then move the points from Anointed Flesh Cluster elsewhere.

Its a really hard question to answer as it factors multiple things.

1) A decent chunk (~50% to one ailment) of aliment mitigation comes from Harvest Jewel Enchants. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing useful there other than ailment mitigation.

2) Soul of Brine King is mandatory for stun immunity. But it also provides Freeze immunity and Chill mitigation.
So that alone makes Purity less effective as it will only help with Shock and Ignite effectively.

3) I tried to drop Zealotry before. It is very much noticeable. Without it I was unable to do Feared.
It not only gives ~18% dps boost, but also drops Consecrated Ground ( that was also recently buffed) when you attack with Static Strike.
It also potentially has a great Watchers Eye mod for 10% more damage.

It is very tempting to take Purity for the massive resist boost and save few points but 50% reservation is too much.

But if you don't plan on farming Feared, then sure! You don't need to max out dps to not get one-shotted by Atziri. As long as you are not doing uber bosses content, its fine. You can drop Zeal.

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