[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

Its me again.

Exploring what can you still do with the remains of the build.

End game progress
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Guardians + Invitation - done - Not an issue.
Hidden - done - not an issue.
Atziri - done - got reflect rings - not an issue.
Elder and Shaper - done - not an issue.
Maven - done - fuck memory game. The damage was enough to only make her do memory game once.
A8 Sirus - a joke.
Cortex - did it like day 4. Not an issue for the build.
Simulacrum - not done - pushed to wave 27, got clapped by bosses. It is really hard.

And I also brought you some videos. Just to bring back the old argument Static Strike vs Flicker Strike.

Thoughts about the build so far
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Not great not terrible. Bossing seems fine, mapping does not. I don't know whats the issue, but it really feels like block is not working properly. I died so many times to regular white mobs that kill me through 80% block in a second. And it was not scourge either. It almost feels like when block fails, you can't block anymore for 0.2-0.5 seconds. Maybe you had similar issues? Other than that, build feels okay. Can't wait to push it to Feared.
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 11 нояб. 2021 г., 0:24:12
Oh Firey this is so cool!! I have added Holy Relic and Geoffri's hat to my vanilla minion guy and the results are spectacular!! Much more explosions !!! I love it. I use shield charge as a trigger for movement and more explosions, just bash through mobs and the the minions mop up. Two relics is cool. I have noticed both clear speed and survivability is up. The relics' regen is helping me and my minions survive which is ace. I discovered i can add maim to shield charge which boosts physical damage greatly, so the minions melt faces. It's great!! Been swapping clayshaper for iron point dagger and they are both good, Iron Point dagger gives +3 to physical gems so it is great for the build. Golems, AG and a few support gems like melee physical damage and impale go through the roof. It's nice :) So while I am not following you build per se I wanted to say thanks for the inspiration which has improved my POE gameplay experience !!!
Few more videos to keep this thing alive.

Maven deathless

Shaper, full run, trying to facetank slams

Simulacrum wave 20. Was going to record past that but game started too lag too much from the recording.

Decided to go with BOTH Flicker Strike and Static Strike, because I love how silly Flicker is and I need Static for bossing.

Noticed that critical hits is what mostly kills me. Will try to fix that with new shield maybe.

Main post aslo has been updated with new videos that were previusly posted in coments.
Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 14 нояб. 2021 г., 1:23:50
And just like that, the story comes to an end.

Simulacrum wave 30 is done.
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Feared is done.

And it only costed me my soul.

Current gear.
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Currnet PoB
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Adjustments done.
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Basicaly it took an Animate Guardian set up to push this build into a new level of tanky.

Kingmaker + Ephemeral makes you take no extra damage from critical hits and have 10% Fortify.

Change GGG made to Bone Offering makes AG not die even in lvl 30 simulacrum on a 3 link. Minion Life+Meat Shield does it and keeps AG close so you almost always have a buff.

And you have just enough slots to fit him in, as Kingmaker also provides you with Culling Strike.

Another addition to the build was Aegis Aurora shield. Its a somewhat cheap and easy way to get a lot of block armor and ES on block. Nothing stands close to it even on the market. But I might look to craft a better shield myself. Will see how it ends up.

Current Stats
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Damage reduction:
10% Fortify
10% Plaguebringer
10% Malediction from cluster jewel
10% Punishment curse
10% Taunt totem/AG taunt

Extra Phys Damage Reduction:
3 Endurance charges + Chaos Golem

150 ES on block + 50 ES on spell block
34 Life on block


About 4.8 mill.

Future plans.
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I will try to record a feared fight, including an "All at once" feared fight.

Will try to push damage into oblivion using critical hit setup with triple curse, using
and Assasins Mark.

As well as try getting +1 all spells weaon.

With that set up damage on bosses should go up to 6.7 mills.

Can i do this build as idiot and new player ? is that hard to understand ? sry for asking idiot questtion

and how to leveling with this build ?
Последняя редакция: motherp#3711. Время: 17 нояб. 2021 г., 16:07:34
Последняя редакция: Lunethzz#6302. Время: 19 нояб. 2021 г., 9:47:36
Hi i am following your build, can u tell me the animate guardian setup?
Последняя редакция: Lunethzz#6302. Время: 20 нояб. 2021 г., 3:27:57
Holy sh.. i mean Relic, this build is great.
After a few tries this league and also disapointings i finally found exactly what i was looking for. I kill them easily, they don´t kill me and it is fun. Far from finishing build, but actually in red maps and it is smooth and without problems.
Thank you Fire_Archer!
Последняя редакция: dafy144#7973. Время: 20 нояб. 2021 г., 7:28:28
Time for a little update, but first - questions time.

Denitos написал:
Hi i am following your build, can u tell me the animate guardian setup?

My animate guardian currently uses.
Garb of the Ephemeral
Some rare three resist boots with chaos resist.
And some random helm with enemies take increased phys damage mod.

motherp написал:
Can i do this build as idiot and new player ? is that hard to understand ? sry for asking idiot questtion

and how to leveling with this build ?

Its not a hard build, but it went through so many unlisted changes, it has an end point, but no clear inscturction how to get to it. You can try following the guide and start it up, but I can't say I can recomend it to new player in a current state of the guide. But you can ask questions here, and might even get an answer.

dafy144 написал:
Holy sh.. i mean Relic, this build is great.
After a few tries this league and also disapointings i finally found exactly what i was looking for. I kill them easily, they don´t kill me and it is fun. Far from finishing build, but actually in red maps and it is smooth and without problems.
Thank you Fire_Archer!

Glad you liked it, make sure to check the lastest comment, including this one for updates. Hope you will save some moeny and get Athenas, that's when the build starts to shine. You can also try Flicker Strike + Multistrike. Ever since I discovered it, I can't go back.

Okay, now for a little update.

I made some more changes to the build, obtained the ultimate weapon, got rid of Golem, and discovered new Flask, that is trully game changing to me.

Olroths Resolve is INSANE for this build. And its super cheap. I highly recomend everyone who plays the build in juicy maps, or even in regular maps, to use it along with "Use when charges are full" enchant.

Why is it good

Again and again I find myself in situations when block stops working for some reason. And Olroths Resolve saves you from those situations.

Using it made me feel like I went immortal. I haven't died once since I got the flask.

AND it scales with Skin of the Lords giving you more permanent ward while in effect.

The ultimate weapon.

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Its really unnesesery upgrade as you can do all content without it. It ads 10% more dps to the build, but the base costed me 19 exalts. And 2 more to craft it.

Once you get +1 to all spell skill gems and Alva mod, you need to lock in prefixes with 2 exalt "Prefixes can not be changed" craft. Then use Veiled Chaos Orb on the weapon. Then, and its a very important step, craft any charge related suffix BEFORE you unveil, to block it. Then pray that you unveil a trigger craft. Top it off with some attack speed.

The removal of Chaos golem.
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Currently in testing. I decided to get rid of him fully, as Animate Guarian can also proc Feeding Frenzy. It saves me an extra gem slot for a Taunt Totem/Reckoning. That being said, AG that is not staying next to me and not giving me fortify can be dangerous. Gotta see how it pays out.

Change of the lesser Pantheon.
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I decided to move away from Aberath. While great early game, its ignite reduction kills you late game. Because for some reason GGG decided that ignite is going to be special, and can not be reduced to 0 duration with Pantheon unlike other ailments.

So, all you need is boots with 'Unnafected by burning ground' mod and a ring with 'Reduced duration of ignite' and you good to pick something else. Don't even need to many stats on them.

I moved to Yugul.
1) I need one less reflect ring that way.
2) Reduced effect of curses is really strong.

And Feared as extra bonus

Последняя редакция: Fire_Archer#4037. Время: 21 нояб. 2021 г., 11:57:43

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