Changes to Path of Exile's Account System

Sirmooglekupo#1807 написал:
neocores написал:
Just like that playing on PlayStation or POE2 JUST WENT OUT THE FUKING DOOR HAHAHA. i can spent my support pack money now since i aint buying shit if they cant fix simple problems that even SMITE FIXED HAHAHAHAH. [Removed by Support]

it's not their fault, Sony fucking hate cross platform and has been dug in on this for a while.

Huh? He was wrong in the first place, cross-progression wont work for PS5-PC but cross-play will work, think people are getting confused.
IGN : Moogleinabox
Moogleinabox#0294 написал:
Sirmooglekupo#1807 написал:
neocores написал:
Just like that playing on PlayStation or POE2 JUST WENT OUT THE FUKING DOOR HAHAHA. i can spent my support pack money now since i aint buying shit if they cant fix simple problems that even SMITE FIXED HAHAHAHAH. [Removed by Support]

it's not their fault, Sony fucking hate cross platform and has been dug in on this for a while.

Huh? He was wrong in the first place, cross-progression wont work for PS5-PC but cross-play will work, think people are getting confused.

I think you might be the one confused.

Cross-progression and cross-play works across PC, Xbox Series S/X, and PS5.

MTX purchases made on PS5 will not be available on PC and Xbox, and also for the other way around, purchases on PC and Xbox will not be available on PS5.
Последняя редакция: madfox777#4392. Время: 26 нояб. 2024 г., 17:04:08
Question about merging accounts:

I had to make another account for Settlers of Kal, because steam was given me a hard time recovring my account, but now i have both my account; from 2013 and one made in 2024-

Can you also merge Two PC accounts? :}

Edit- Just seen reply from GGG- I will submit a support ticket
Последняя редакция: xmarksthegank#6679. Время: 26 нояб. 2024 г., 18:39:24
GGG very disappointed with how this discriminator system has been implemented.

OG accounts should have had the option to choose their numbers or had 0000 or 0001 applied.

What the hell sort of connection do I have with #3750!?
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - • Discord: deefa#3298
Just wanted to say:

Other games with cross save ( psn exclusive skins) are available on pc.

I rather spend 100€ on poe 2 then buying all over again.

I´ll probably move on. GGG u fuk around to much,we all know u always sht on psn users. it was and will be always like this.


is it indended that our mtx are no longer listed in our steam inventory?
Has anyone else encounter this error? If so, did you find a way to resolve it?

You cannot add this login method to this account.
You must complete the unlock process before continuing.

Thanks in advance for any help! I didn't want to add another support ticket to their queue if I don't need to.
I feel very disappointed unfortunately. I have an account on ps5 and pc. I have bought a lot of mtx on both, I intend to focus on playing on pc, completely abandoning ps5. I don't understand why GGG can't just copy mtx from ps5 to pc and with my consent close the account on ps5!? after all I already paid for it.. I don't see it as a problem, only a lack of will to help.
Последняя редакция: Saga1984#3824. Время: 30 нояб. 2024 г., 14:12:29
So I still need to grind Shaper to get Celestial Hideout on PC, while having it on my PS account?

I know Sony are to blame for not being able to transfer any of the MTX, but does it mean no data at all is transferable?

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